EU Corruption Exposed. Again

The European Union, the would—be global rival of America, is a deeply corrupt institution. Its design insulates its bureaucrats, and even its ostensibly democratic representative body, the EU Parliament, from public accountability. Eurocrats make their rules in private, and determine winners and losers in the vast European marketplace. Few 'citizens' of the EU even know who their European parliamentary representatives are.

Cynical bureaucratic insiders in Brussels, and members of the Strasbourg—based EU parliament, in [both cities French—speaking gastronomic capitals], know that if they don't rock the boat, they will be very well taken—care—of, financially and otherwise. Their pay and perquisites are legendary in their munificence.

Scandals are discovered with disarming regularity, because checks—and—balances are alien to the traditional European sensibility. The very idea of such awkward conflict is an alien philosophy, embraced by those crude Yankees, well—known for the savagery of their devotion to similarly chaotic and conflict—filled markets.

The Continental European tradition has always presumed that Government Knows Best. Allowing the ignorant masses to poke their noses into the affairs of state would only hinder the smooth functioning of an enlightened ruling class.

The latest imbroglio involves allegations of massive fraud on the part of representatives to the Euro—Parliament. According to Britain's left—leaning Independent,

A senior member of the European parliament yesterday exposed what he claimed was widespread corruption at the Strasbourg assembly by revealing that nearly 200 of his fellow Euro MPs had faked attendance at parliamentary sessions in order to pick up generous daily allowances.

Hans—Peter Martin, an Austrian Social Democrat MEP, said he had seen scores of colleagues signing on for parliamentary sessions which they had missed, to claim a daily attendance allowance of £262 [$315 — Ed.].

"I have witnessed almost 200 MEPs hurrying to the central register to sign on for a session and then watched them drive to the nearest airport or station," Mr Martin told Germany's Bild Zeitung newspaper. "There are countless MEPs who go to Strasbourg and Brussels simply to pick up the £262. They have told me so themselves."

We are not holding our breath waiting for the wheels of justice at the European Court. In all likelihood, no one will be held accountable.

It is far past time for the American people and government to realize that Europeans are in the process of constructing a monster —— an unaccountable, pseudo—democratic, proto—totalitarian [the 'rights' enjoyed under its proposed Constitution are mostly entitlements, not limits on the power of government] super—state. Even worse, the only really unifying principle among its constituent former—sovereign states is opposition to 'American hegemony.'

The Twentieth Century saw Americans shed blood twice, solving problems which the Europeans created amongst themselves. It would be a catastrophe if Europe once again reaches its potential for mischief in the Twenty—First Century, but the signs are not promising.