Hollywood's Propaganda Binge

The Golden Globe Awards, Hollywood's latest orgy of self—congratulation, demonstrated how utterly out of touch with mainstream America Hollywood has become. Far from the days when Hollywood celebrated traditional values, moral fiber and American heroes, modern films celebrate deviancy, moral relativism, and America's enemies.  This year's nominees and winners for the Golden Globes were a case in point.

Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives fame took on yet another brush with degeneracy by playing the part of a man about to undergo a sex change in the not—so—subtly titled, Transamerica.  It seems all an actor has to do these days is to gain or lose a considerable amount of weight, make themselves ugly, portray a pimp, prostitute or above all a transgender type (a la Hilary Swank in Boys Don't Cry) and accolades are sure to follow.  Predictably, Huffman won the Golden Globe award for Best Actress and is being talked about for an Oscar nomination.  Even if she had to play a man playing a woman to do so.

Similarly, Terrence Howard was nominated for his role as a rapping pimp with a heart of gold in Hustle & Flow.  The adultery thriller Match Point was a nominee in several categories, while The Constant Gardener, a tale of evil pharmaceutical corporations exploiting African natives was also nominated.  Crash, the film that purported to expose America's alleged racial divisions but was instead filled with caricatures and outlandish situations picked up a nomination for best film. 

Television offered more of the same.  Geena Davis won the Best Actress in a Television Show award for her thinly disguised Hillary Clinton presidential campaign booster, Commander In ChiefGrey's Anatomy, the show that seems to consist entirely of a hospital staff having sex with each other was a nominee.  Desperate Housewives, no doubt competing with Brokeback Mountain for the greatest number of scenes with men kissing, was a nominee in several categories.

Liberal crusader George Clooney had a double—hitter this year with two of his films lavished with praise by an enamored Hollywood.  Syriana, Clooney's version of the well—known antiwar slogan, 'No blood for oil!' was a nominee, while his ode to the glory days of McCarthyism, communist heroes and old media, Good Night, and Good Luck, seemed to be a sure bet for best film. 

But then along came Brokeback Mountain and stole the show, winning awards for Best Film and Best Director.  While director Ang Lee has an admirable body of work to his name, his latest endeavor is beyond the pale.  In addition to spawning a host of jokes with its unfortunate title, Brokeback Mountain puts forth a love story between two married men and expects mainstream America to embrace it.  And the film just happens to take aim at an American icon, the cowboy. 

Glowing reviews aside, filmmakers seem to have overlooked the ick factor.  That is, most Americans don't want to watch two men getting intimate on the big screen.  The miniscule gay population residing in liberal coastal enclaves may have thronged to theaters to see Brokeback Mountain, but I doubt many straight people, especially men, did the same. 

The hype surrounding the film was completely self—generated with a propaganda campaign of which Goebbels would have been proud.  Before it was even released, the buzz could be heard a mile away and now that it's in theaters, it has risen to a crescendo.  Meanwhile, one has to wonder if box office sales are being inflated by interested parties.  In any case, it's imperative for the cause that Brokeback Mountain be nominated and win every award possible. That way when children look to the entertainment industry for validation that homosexuality is the norm, they will be sure to find it.

Rounding out the list of winners was Paradise Now for Best Foreign Language Film.  This is the film that provides a 'human face' to Palestinian suicide bombers.  In the process, Israeli lives are dehumanized, but in the realm of the politically correct that's an acceptable trade—off.  Perhaps judges should also have viewed footage of the aftermath of one of Israel's many suicide bombings before making their decision.  But such uncomfortable truths would likely have been sidelined as inconvenient. 

This award comes as little surprise from a crowd that also lionized Steven Spielberg by nominating his exercise in moral relativism, Munich, for several awards.  No doubt Palestinian terrorists everywhere are thanking Spielberg for so generously adding to the cannon of anti—Israel propaganda they have fastidiously cultivated over the years.  Hollywood may be run be Jews, but they're certainly no threat to anti—Semitism.   

The Golden Globes were just a preview for the Academy Awards, which is sure to feature much the same lineup.  Where once Hollywood produced great films, today's offerings are little more than propaganda disguised as entertainment.  But don't expect the liberal glitterati to take notice.  They're too busy inhabiting a bubble world in which transgenderism, homosexuality, communism and terrorism have been deemed worthy of the highest praise. 

And they wonder why no one goes to the movies anymore? 

Cinnamon Stillwell is a columnist for SFGate.com and a staff writer for the New Media Alliance. cinnamon@cinnamonstillwell.com

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