Six Thoughts on Obamamania

1.  It seems remarkable that Barack Obama is in striking distance of winning the Democratic presidential nomination despite the naked ambition he demonstrated in a Kindergarten essay, his defense of political eloquence by using another politician's words, the endorsement of his opponent by the first black president, and his obvious inexperience since he has not yet served eight years as First Lady.

2.  The issues the Clinton campaign has raised so far have had limited resonance with the voters.  They need to think of other issues.  The campaign has not yet raised the issue of Obama's middle name, but they obviously have to proceed with caution on the issue, lest that one backfire on them as well.  Maybe they should focus more on Obama's initials:  is America ready to elect a candidate who will be known as B.O.?  Will this smell right to Europeans?
3.  I've watched the "Yes We Can" video at least five times - it's mesmerizing - and it has perhaps tainted my normally acute political judgment.  I am this close to announcing my support for Scarlett Johannsen for president.

4.  Obama's supporters have had a little trouble coming up with any legislative accomplishments of Senator Obama.  Texas State Senator Kirk Watson, a "strong supporter" of Obama, was pressed three times by Chris Matthews to name one, and said he couldn't do it.  Matthews thought this might be a "problem," but I think not.  The Democrats may have found the perfect candidate:  a senator who can confidently promise he will never do anything inconsistent with his prior legislative record.

5.  In his 45-minute stem winder of a speech after the Wisconsin primary, Obama set forth a long list of proposals that he will accomplish over the next four years, notwithstanding his paucity of achievements over the last four.  One of them struck a cord with me:  "no more lines at the VA."  I think this could have tremendous nationwide appeal if its underlying premise is broadened.  No more lines period:  No more lines at the DMV.  No more lines to apply for citizenship.  No more lines at movie theaters.  No more lines at all:  they are totally inconsistent with "the fierce urgency of now."  This is the kind of change I can believe in.

6.  Hillary can’t try crying (done that), but she needs something to build some last-minute sympathy for her situation.  People have been fainting left and right at Obama rallies.  Maybe Hillary could faint at hers.  It would have to be carefully timed so it does not come at the end of a sentence where she talks about ready “ready on Day One,” but if she does it while talking about health care I think it could work big time.

Despite the unsuccessful Clinton effort to come up with effective issues against Obama, if the Republicans nominate a candidate with real experience, who raises real issues, who can appeal to both conservatives and independents, who is eloquent that the role of government is not to promise the kitchen sink, who eschews slogans, and who asks not what the country can do for you, Obama could be in big trouble.

Publius Valerius Publicola is a friend of the people who wishes to remain anonymous so he can continue to work within the system. 
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