Republican at a Texas Democrat Caucus

Hillary Clinton as president concerns me, greatly.  Barack Obama as president makes my charlatan antenna vibrate, wildly.  So I voted for Clinton and attended my assigned Texas Democrat caucus.

There were probably 250 people there.  Crowded, and chaotic.  My neighbor was there.  He said, "I'm surprised to see you here."  "Only as an obstructionist," I said, and he laughed because he's not an ideologue.  He's a former Republican who got disgusted with the fiscal irresponsibility of a party that touted principles that it didn't follow.  "I was one of Newt's followers," he said, "but he's gone.  So I'm looking for something different.  And if the Democrats can't do it, there'll be a third party."

He's a smart guy, with a responsible job inside a major IT company.  "All our circuit boards are made in China," he said.  McCain will need to win over a significant number of folks like my neighbor if he's to win.  

The Texas Democrat caucus process is odd.  After the polls close, those who wish, crowd into a too-small space, find the table that corresponds to their precinct number, and sign-in for the candidate for whom they voted.  That's it, except for those who want to stay and help elect a delegate to walk down that yellow brick road.  That's for the professional supporters.  Someone asked me if was going to stay for the delegate selection.  "I can't do that!" I said. "I'm a Republican."  Got a funny look.  Someone else from my subdivision asked if I was going to vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination.  "Heck no," I said, "I'm voting for McCain." Another funny look.  Hi ho.

I'm betting there were thousands of us obstructionists Republicans who crossed over and voted Democrat yesterday in Texas.  We were surrounded by fellow Texacans for whom we meant no disrespect.  None.  But we did most definitely mean a bit of harm to the Democrat we voted against. 

As a closet interloper (I outed myself a bit, but at least I didn't wear a McCain button), I was forced to ask myself why I was there.  I have no hesitation answering that: The answers to America's problems don't rest with the federal government, or any government for that matter.  The answers rest with we the people.

During the last 70 years, the only big projects successfully undertaken by the Federal Government were the destruction of most of the major cities of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, and the moon shot. Maybe the interstate highway system, too, except I-294 between Chicago and Indiana.  It's always a mess.

On the other side of the balance sheet are the War on Poverty, War on Drugs, AMTRAC, federal housing projects, Social Security, Medicare, and unless you're just sending a birthday card, the USPS...all the big federal programs have been train wrecks in slow motion.  And any politician, from any party, who tells me to hope that change will come through the Federal Government is singing the siren song of Pollyanna expectations that only seduces the sadly dependent.   
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