The Apology Obama Should Have Given

President Obama's famous Apology Tour missed some of the critical aspects of American attitude and behavior throughout history for which we should express regret.

Here is the apology the President of the United States should have offered to the world:

America is the only country founded on the basis that basic human freedom and liberty are granted by God and not man. America is a shining light beckoning oppressed people of foreign lands to emigrate and live the ideals and dreams that are America. We only require that the immigrants assimilate into American culture. We are sorry that émigrés to the US are living and seeking the American dream whereas in  France, Muslim immigrants living in the slums of its cities see no hope and chance for opportunity and are reduced to rioting and setting cars on fire.

America lives in the world of nations to support its friends and allies and thwart those who would seek to harm us. We came to the aid of our European allies in two great wars. After the Second World War, we instituted the Marshall Plan to help rebuild Western Europe and Japan in the aftermath of a world war and global depression. We did so to enable a rebirth of the global economy and raise the hope and standards of the world. We are sorry that by rebuilding Western Europe, America, not only by the luck of geography but also through the strength of our institutions and the creativity of our people, became the dominant economic and military power in the world.  

America fought a bloody Civil War over slavery. America, through great loss to its people and its wealth, has shown that the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness extend to all Americans. We are sorry that America can show the true strength of our ideals to reject slavery while slavery was accepted in much of the world, and still exists in Africa and the Middle East.

America, through its military, has engaged in various wars during its history to protect our strategic interests. Unlike the military power houses of old, the US has never sought to permanently occupy other lands. Americas have been the only people in history who have sought to protect our interests, but not subjugate foreign people to our will. In the American occupation of Japan, that nation emerged from the occupation to rise to become a great ally of America and the world's second largest economy. America apologizes for drawing this contrast to our allies and enemies alike who were the dominant powers of their day.

Through American strength and resolve, we ended the Cold War, liberating hundreds of millions. Our Allies have benefited from the protection America provided. With the end of the Cold War, America needs to redeploy assets to serve her strategic objectives. With the changes in the world, our Allies will need to step up and become more engaged in support their own interests. America needs our allies to take more ownership for their own protection. America apologizes that we cannot be the policeman of the world. But, with help and resolve of our allies, we can make the world a safer place.

America is a country founded on the principle that man has inalienable rights. At certain times in our history, we have not exemplified those principles, but the best part of America and her people is that stand as a beacon to the world that man can live in peace, and people, through their own efforts can improve their lot in life. For that, America will never apologize.
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