'Apostate' Girl's Father: The Unreported Story

Rifqa Bary, the Ohio girl who converted from Islam to Christianity and fled from her family in fear for her life, prevailed. She will not be sent back to her father who threatened her life. But she got no help from the mainstream media. Either they didn't report her story or when they did, they printed half-truths and deceptions to whitewash Islam. The media demonized Christianity ("brainwashed by a cult") while inaccurately reporting the facts in order to avoid reporting about the violent ideology of Islam. They have become almost as depraved as the murderers they cover for. And in doing so, the mainstream media has missed quite a lot that is crucial to Rifqa's story.

Rifqa's parents, Mohamad and Aysha Bary, signed affidavits declaring themselvesindigent. That's why the Florida court appointed a lawyer for the father and a lawyer for the mother. Both their lawyers are being paid by the taxpayers of Florida. Worse still, Aysha and Mohamed Bary's lawyer asked the court for more money at Rifqa's custody hearing last Friday, so that they could wage a campaign to get Rifqa back home -- a campaign involving depositions, legal docs, filings etc.

Yet in a Dunn and Bradstreet report filed by Mohammad Bary himself for his business, Bary Gems, he states his business does $237,561 per annum. The wife, Aysha Bary, makes high-end bridal gowns (that income may be off the books, but she works every day). It would appear that she works for Custom Bridal Veil -- a company owned by a Risana Bary, who works with Mohamad Bary at Bary Gems.

Bary Gems offers some high ticket items. You can get a genuine blue sapphire for a mere $2,900. And if Mohamad Bary filed for dissolution of his businesson July 3rd and it became final on the 29th, where are the proceeds? Where is the inventory? They owned a gem import business. If they liquidated, they must have had some inventory or orders or cash on hand.

The Barys live in a very affluent neighborhood in Westerville, Ohio, in a house they rent. They rent because pious Muslims aren't supposed to take on mortgages -- that would be usury, and is forbidden in the Koran.

Things began to disintegrate at home fairly rapidly once the parents were aware that Rifqa had converted to Christianity (watch her here). Her parents threatened her, but she never left Christianity. In mid-July her mother went through Rifqa's private things and found her journal. It was then revealed to her mother that Rifqa was a practicing Christian. Aysha called Mohamad and alerted him that Rifqa was still practicing Christianity in secret. Mohamed cut his business trip short in order to return home immediately while Aysha packed the family's bags to go back to Sri Lanka. Whether Rifqa would have been honor murdered before or after they returned to Sri Lanka is known only to the Barys.

It was very clear that Rifqa Bary's father was planning on fleeing the country with his threatened daughter. According to very recent documentation, Muhammad Bary dissolved his business on July 29,2009 -- after Rifqa ran for her life (fearing an honor killing for her apostasy) and was discovered in Florida.

Remember, this was not an insignificant  business, with annual sales of $237,561. That's a lot to give up. So why did Mohamad Bary dissolve his business so suddenly? He obviously did not expect Rifqa to prevail in Florida court. Like all the pundits, he expected that Rifqa would have to go back to Ohio. Mohamad and Aysha signed papers in Ohio with Franklin County Children Services, saying they would be happy if she were brought back to the state and placed in a foster home for at least 30 days. They just wanted to get her back in Ohio and out of Florida and Floridian interference.

Thirty days in foster care in Ohio (and what good does that do?) and then they wing her to Sri Lanka. Rifka said it herself: "In 150 generations of my family no one has known Jesus. I am the first one. Imagine the honor in killing me. There is great honor in that. Because if they love Allah more than me, they have to do it. It's in the Koran...They have to do this. They just have to. Either they do that or they send me back to Sri Lanka. There's an asylum there where they put people like me, like, think I'm crazy."

Bary dissolved his business in early July when it became increasingly clear that Rifqa was a true convert to Christianity. It was at that time that he waved her laptop at her and said, "You are dead to me. You are not my daughter." He told her: "I will kill you."

His sudden dissolving of his business -- indicate that he was deadly serious. But you won't learn them from the mainstream media. For them, and for the almost-as-clueless courts, he is "indigent."

Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs Web site and former associate publisher of the New York Observer.
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