Twenty-one Tweets

Obama asks you to report your neighbors for any anti-Obamacare "disinformation." Seems the next thing he wants to take over is speech.

Nancy Pelosi finds comparisons of ObamaCare to the Nazi state beyond the pale. So she accuses critics of ObamaCare of being Nazis.

Read an objection to the Obama-as-Joker poster that the Joker wasn't a socialist. But the Joker was an evil, destructive force.

Destructive force Barack Hussein Obama, the ayatollahs' ally, has designated Ahmadinejad the "elected leader."

Obama mouthpiece Robert Gibb first called Ahmadinejad Iran's "elected leader," then said "it's not for me to pass judgment."

Ralph Peters says Obama "appears to have come to the Oval Office with an anti-Israel chip on his shoulder." Can you say "Jeremiah Wright"?

Honduras' new presidency is lawful but allies of the former thug Zelaya include Chavez, Ortega, Castro -- and Obama. Making America proud.

Obama's "beer summit" brings one thing into sharp focus: There is nothing the Narcissist-in-Chief does that is not ultimately about him.

Obama's charge that white America is irredeemably racist spotlights the artifice of his carefully constructed pose of post-racialism.

What does Obama's belief about ever-racist whites, and his intent to "teach" them, say about his motives for trashing American health care?

Ten reasons American health care is best:

Fewer Americans die from breast cancer or prostate cancer than Canadians or Brits.

Americans have more CT and MRI machines per million people than Canadians or Brits.

Americans spend less time waiting for health care than Canadians or Brits.

Americans have more mammograms, PSA prostate tests and colonoscopies than Canadians.

Lower income Americans are healthier than comparable Canadians.

People in countries with government health care are highly unsatisfied.

America produces the vast majority of health care innovations.

If you think insurance companies are imperious now, imagine them run like the DMV.

Which does Obama care less about: Truly improving health care, or really fixing the economy?

Could an Obama clone like Tom Hayden or Bill Ayers, posing as a centrist, dupe the public into electing him president? Could he do it twice?

Steven Zak tweets at
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