9-11: The Desecration

Add another Obama insult to injury on 9-11. First, he desecrated the memory of 9-11 with his planned proclamation of his mandatory civilian service on 9-11, which he has designated a "National Day of Service." And now 9-11 has yet another title: State Department personnel are supposed to pray with Muslims on the newly declared "Interfaith Day of Service," whatever that means on 9-11.

September 11, which should be a somber day of mourning and reflection (on how the hell we got here), will be a day when Obama -- in a celebratory mode -- makes his big announcement. The whole thing is depraved. And yes, it really is mandatory. The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act - the GIVE Act - calls for a commission to study "whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed."

Meanwhile, an unclassified State Department "action request" encourages State officials to "consider organizing an Interfaith Day of Service in their host countries as a way to commemorate the anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001."

It links this to Obama's statement during his Cairo speech to the Muslim world in June:

"Indeed, faith should bring us together. And that's why we're forging service projects in America to bring together Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Around the world, we can turn dialogue into interfaith service, so bridges between peoples lead to action  -- whether it is combating malaria in Africa, or promoting relief after a natural disaster."

The action request says that State Department "posts are encouraged to plan an Interfaith Day of Service to commemorate 9-11 that would send a message of goodwill, cooperation, and shared interest to their host countries and their religious communities." But some of these commemorations will not be on 9-11 itself:

"To accommodate posts in countries where Muslims may be observing Ramadan until/about September 19, posts are requested to plan an Interfaith Day of Service between September 11 and October 18, 2009."

Although it refers to other "faith communities," Islam is the focus of the entire initiative. The action request asks State personnel to support mosques: "Organize a food-drive for the end of Ramadan with religious leaders and citizens in Muslim communities to donate to a local mosque or community..." And it directs State personnel to a handy "list of Ramadan 2009 outreach materials for Muslim communities."

Not only is State indulging in more Muslim outreach garbage, but this also raises religion (Islam) and state issues. The State Department is organizing donation drives for mosques? 

For his part, Obama said at his White House Ramadan dinner: "Islam, as we know, is part of America. Together we have a responsibility to foster engagement grounded in mutual interest and mutual respect." He said that this was one of his "fundamental commitments as president both at home and abroad. That is central to the new beginning that I've sought between the United States and Muslims around the world and that is a commitment that we can renew once again during this holy season."

Why does the State Department have such a focus on "outreach" to Muslims at all - especially on 9-11?

Why does Obama have the same focus? Did the ummah (the worldwide Muslim community) ever apologize for 911? Did the ummah apologize for the Madrid train bombings, the London bombings, the Mumbai bombings, the Bali bombings, the many homicide bombings in Israel, the jihad in Thailand, the slow Hezbollah takeover of Lebanon, the Darfur genocide, the Beslan massacre, or for any other jihad activity?

How striking it is that at the same time, Obama would be seeking to prosecute CIA agents for keeping this country safe after the most heinous attack on American soil in the history of the United States. He will begin criminal proceedings to jail great patriotic Americans who worked to stop the next wave of 9-11 attacks on the world's greatest nation. Obama will appoint a special prosecutor; Attorney General Eric Holder, his hatchet man, is on it.

Obama means to erase the meaning of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American psyche and convert September 11 into a day of leftist self-congratulation, the advance of government power, and Muslim pandering.

We don't stop bending over backwards to reach out to and accommodate an ideology that is intent upon destroying us. It's insanity.

Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the
Atlas Shrugs Web site and former associate publisher of the New York Observer.
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