The Incontestable Tenets of the Green Church

If discussing politics and religion should be avoided at all costs, then science must join the list. Much of today's "scientific consensus" is actually religion in its purest sense. The scientific faithful are proselytizing, pronouncing woe to anyone who questions their doctrine.

Too many scientists are High Priests in the First Assembled Reformation Church of Environmentalism, or FARCE for short. They and their followers defend their god -- the environment -- with the same zeal with which fanatical Muslims defend Mohammad.

Actually, to grant church status is a bit kind; FARCE is a cult. Nonbelievers can have rational discussions with religious persons. But sensible debate is impossible with cult followers. Fact, history, and common sense don't matter to the cultist. Thus they don't matter to the FARCE adherent.

The slightest questioning of a FARCE tenet labels one a heretic. Denounce man-made climate change -- FARCE's core belief -- and you're a global warming denier. Blind obedience, sans individual thought and reason, is required.

For example, if you watch a flat-screen
television, then you're destroying the planet. Your light bulb must have a FARCE priest's sacred blessing. And your automobile must appear on the FARCE's list of doctrinally acceptable vehicles.

Cults also demand absolute compliance. Within faiths and religions, there are divergent opinions known as denominations. Denominations hold to basic principles even while disagreeing about specific doctrines. Not so with cults.

Environmentalists allow no disagreement. Green activists ignore any evidence or argument that contradicts their beliefs. Dissent is sacrilege to be ignored or condemned. Let's look at the evidence.

At the 2008 U.N. global warming
conference in Poland, over 650 scientists questioned the authenticity of man-made global warming. The Petition Project has collected over 30,000 signatures from qualified professionals questioning man's impact on climate.

The FARCE will not tolerate such heretics. Apostate scientists are smeared, silenced, marginalized, and dismissed out of hand. In short, they're excommunicated from the FARCE, which is the climate change community.

Common sense is banned, too.

Regulators have proposed bans on wood-burning stoves and
fireplaces. Wood smoke, apparently, is an environmental contaminant. But wildfires burn California relentlessly, and man has burned wood for 1.5 million years. Furthermore, the Indians, whom the FARCE considers at one with the earth, burned wood.

Don't bother confronting a FARCE disciple with such an argument. You'd have a better chance getting a Jehovah's Witness to agree with the Baptist church. The "green" apostle will simply charge you with wanting to destroy the earth, never bothering to explain where you will live if you succeed. End of discussion. FARCE doctrine is unquestionable.

Other verboten topics include skewed and concealed
global warming data, flawed reports on the disappearing Himalayan glaciers, and manipulated temperature monitoring stations. These facts are lies within the FARCE.

Nothing is valid outside the environmental creed. Only the canon is real. Global warming exists, earth is doomed, and heretics will be sacrificed on the nearest FARCE altar.

Anthony W. Hager has authored since 2003. More than 200 of his commentaries have appeared in a variety of publications and web outlets.

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