Dare to Ignore Race

Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of a person's ability or character and that one race is inherently superior to another. The natural expression of racism is discrimination. Racism is unethical, abhorrent, and conflicts with America's foundational Judeo-Christian value system.

Do-gooders have been striving for decades to combat racism through legislation and other policies that outlaw discrimination based upon race. These policies have spawned an industry within and outside of government that has institutionalized the identification, study, and analysis of race. This industry feeds upon the existence of racism to justify even more discussion, funding, and study of racism. It's a self-empowering merry-go-round. Those involved in this race industry have lost their way and are no longer focused on eliminating racism. Liberals and conservatives alike are caught up in this fatuity. 

Politicians fling racial accusations at the slightest P.C. infraction by an opponent. The defender often capitulates out of fear and is compelled to apologize, ask forgiveness, and offer penance in the form of political capital to the accuser. This pattern of behavior has become a game where opportunists may score a few points, but sadly, it is at the expense of the allegedly offended minority. 

While perhaps initially well-intended, the race industry's tools are now counterproductive. Affirmative action is blatantly racist, as it requires the identification and preferential treatment of one race over another. The Orwellian hypocrisy of this is flabbergasting -- to combat discrimination, we must discriminate. The damage done by this misguided meddling is twofold. It sends a message to the favored races that they need the help of political programs to succeed, essentially telling them that they are inferior. Secondly, it stokes the embers of lingering racism, not letting them die out. Tragically the race industry itself has become a powerful force that promotes and perpetuates the very institution it purports to eliminate. 

Societal and family pressures have been inclined to let racism fade in recent generations, but the race industry keeps it front and center with never-ending enumerations, apportions, and other privileges based upon...race. These actions change the minds of very few, but they harden the hearts of many. It is foolhardy to believe that a person's thoughts can be changed by legislative fiat.

So where do we go from here? Here's a novel approach: Reject discrimination. Refuse to accept the inherent discrimination of the race industry and opportunistic politicians. As racism is manifest through discrimination based upon race, non-racism is manifest by the lack of such discrimination. Treat a person's race like you would his shoe size, as it simply has no relevance to his ability or character. When you see a racist act, ignore it. When a person repeatedly acts racist, ignore him.  

The politician can refrain from gratuitous references to race. If a politician makes a racist-sounding remark, ignore it. If he or she is racist, it will become evident, and voters will ultimately reject the candidate. To those wrongly accused of racism -- dare to ignore the accusation. If unwarranted, the attack will have no lasting effect. The media can stop sensationalizing race-based stories. If we were not bombarded with endless reports of the status of racism, it would naturally fade. If our society will dare to ignore race, then we can lead by example and make real progress toward its eradication.  

Nearly every article about race is a culprit. When reading the next article about racism or about this-or-that person who made a "racist" comment, consider the motive of the accuser. Or better yet, don't read the article at all. And never, ever give financial or verbal support to any race-based organization or program. The race industry must be dismantled.

This is not to suggest that ignoring racism deems it nonexistent. Of course racism exists, and will continue to exist. Racism is not genetic; it is learned. Current generations have been conditioned to sensationalize racism. Likewise, future generations can learn non-racism if all types of discrimination are no longer tolerated. 

Be bold and pursue the dream of an America where people are judged by the content of their character and their ability and their accomplishments. Dare to ignore race -- for that is the opposite of racism, after all. 
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