God Laughs: Sharron Angle vs. Harry Reid

So she loves God and believes He has a plan for her life, that He is the rock upon which she stands. And she is sure that she will prevail, because when "God calls you[,] he also equips you..." OMB (Oh My Barack), screamed media and political insiders -- the woman is crazy!

With those words, the die was cast: proof positive that Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle is an unsophisticated kook who will never get anywhere near beating Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid in the Nevada Senate race. My Barack, can you believe this -- the woman seriously talks about her love of God? Loser, scoffed the Washington Post, the New York Times, and NBC. Loser, laughed the Washington elites, both Democrat and Republican.

But now -- it's God who's laughing. The Old Boy has quite the sense of humor, for the granny who loves God is giving the politico who loves power quite the run. Even leftist media icon The New Republic, although admitting it would happily throw the last shovelful of dirt on Angle's candidacy, called her debate last week "a disaster" for the Senate Majority Leader.

This "embarrassment" backed by Sarah Palin (who is "toxic," the Washington Post tells us, her endorsement "the kiss of death for a candidate") just "mopped the floor" with the president's anemic white doppelganger -- so said the Las Vegas Review-Journal. And as if that weren't enough, donors from across the United States helped her set a new record in fundraising for the last quarter: $14 million.

Won't raise a dime, the pros said, not with her "loathsome" views. Thanks for sharing, New York Times. But the incredibly shrinking newspaper of record for Manhattan's Upper West Side and Beltway Washington once again showed that its slide into market oblivion is well-deserved, as, as Thomas Lifson noted, "all across the United States people who share her worldview and politics" came through, with "new media fueling her war chest."

She said "the Lord shows me daily where He wants me to walk," tittered Politics Daily, its editorial staff a Who's Who of elite mainstream media alumni. Hey, did He come down and take your hand, maybe even show you the way to the ladies room during campaign stops? All fall down...laughing. And they gave her the full Palin treatment: talk show jokes, newspaper derision, and network nasties. To New York Times columnist Gail Collins and others, Angle was the "awfulest" candidate since the Pilgrims brought Christianity and strife to a Native American population that lived in harmony with the earth while watching multiple productions of The Vagina Monologues.

I mean, how can anyone think (a) there is a God and (b) that He cares about some nutty grandma from Nevada who leveraged the support of other crazies -- also known as Tea Partiers -- to capture the Republican nomination from serious politicians? She believes in God! laughed the New York Times, spurting coffee -- Starbucks half-caf-skim, of course -- out of its collective nose. Not only does she believe in limited government, hooted the Times staffers from their taxpayer-subsidized headquarters smack in the middle of Manhattan, but she's on "a mission for God." God and limited government -- can she get any crazier?  

Don't worry, replied the Washington Monthly, the magazine of record for the hordes of $100,000-plus-salaried Capitol Hill staffers who live the good life courtesy of tax dollars flowing from Ohio and Nebraska and points beyond -- what with all the God talk, "she could always be a televangelist" when she's crushed by the well-oiled Reid Democratic machine. But hey, if there really is a God, then Angle is "God's gift to political humor." 

But of course, there isn't a God, pronounced The Washington Post Company via their Slate digital arm. They let us know that Angle's belief in "divine purpose" combined with her pro-life position amounts to "God planned your rape, don't abort!" This means that God causes women to be raped and Angle to be ignorant, snarked the daily must-read for everyone-who-is-anyone inside the Beltway.

It is not hard to imagine God looking on, sadly chuckling. This is called "anthropomorphism" -- giving God human traits so that we can better understand Him. God is pure spirit, but our ability to understand Him is helped by picturing Him with human characteristics. Although a necessary approach to communicating with God, it can also lend itself to mockery. The self-proclaimed "educated class" frequently twists the words of committed Christians such as Sharron Angle, mocking the Judeo-Christian beliefs and faith of the other 80% of the nation (PEW U.S. Religious Landscape Survey).

AlterNet, the activist website funded in large part by major left foundations, flatly declared that Angle's positions rely for "inspiration" on a "God that's really into incest and rape." The website credited a George Soros-funded organization for its insights into Sharron Angle and God. But such mockery says more about the willful ignorance of Judeo-Christian belief and the Bible of those on the left than it does about the faith of Angle or the character of God. Rather, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other mainstream left media (including like-minded new media such as Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and AlterNet) comprise intelligent people who could -- if they wished -- understand Angle's belief in divine guidance. It is so simple that even a New York Times columnist can understand: God has a plan for everything, but within that plan He gives us room to breathe. Theologians tend to agree that there is a difference between what God wills and what God wishes, a distinction necessary to allow us to use the freedom He breathed into us.

These staffers could know better, but they choose not to know better. A believer, a Sharron Angle, would see this as a form of sin, living and thinking out of step with the loving life that God wishes us to lead. They choose to mock God and faith because laughing achieves their goal of denying citizens the God-given freedoms specifically recognized by our founders in the Declaration of Independence. It says that all of us (even those who don't live with Harry Reid at the Ritz Carlton in Washington) "are endowed by [our] Creator with certain inalienable rights." It is no accident that President Obama omitted this phrase when he recited the surrounding passage, or that elite media such as CBS and the Washington Post led the way in portraying Angle as just another attractive female Tea Party body in search of a brain...and "Holy War."

Laughing is what they do best when it comes to those rubes beyond the Beltway, the whack-jobs west of the Hudson and east of San Francisco who believe in that Old Man in the sky. Harry Reid's supporters released a mocking video titled "Sharon Angle's CRAZY JUICE!!!" to the delight of mainstream media. She believes in God -- what a joke!

But upstairs, God is smiling, perhaps laughing (more anthropomorphism). With November 2 just around the corner, he's preparing an October surprise of his own, one that begins with prophecy -- headlined "Latest Fox Poll Shows Angle Beating Reid by Two" -- and ends with revelation: Senator Sharron Angle (R-NV).

Angle and crazies across the nation -- God bless.

Stuart Schwartz, formerly a media and retail executive, is on the faculty at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
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