To the Debtor's Prison Born

It's unlikely today's student of history is even familiar with the debtor's prison of past centuries "home" even to innocent children, bearing the unfortunate sins of their parents.  Today's student may be even less likely to know debtor's prisons seem to be making a formidable comeback.  Worse, the debtor's prison of which today's youth and certainly their offspring are now born, is of their own government's making.

Obama continued his campaign for the youth vote in Annandale, Virginia this week, giving lip service to America "living within its means," and throwing out soft bribes of free-flowing Pell Grants.  After all, who needs a defense budget in the new, borderless world order?   

At least some of the students Obama arranged to lecture, along with their questions so warm and fuzzy even "soft" doesn't describe, will enter the real world in just a few years.  By Obama's account, the world of his re-making sounds downright utopian, if not for this week's pesky slap of reality courtesy of Standard and Poor's.  

It's no shock Obama failed to mention to students it is a reality of record joblessness, jittery markets, untold taxation, and backbreaking debt, largely of the left's making, they're destined to enter.  By the time their children graduate higher education, the interest alone on our debt will outpace the federal government's income, no matter the government's efforts at confiscation. 

But Obama's Annandale campaigning struck more than just the usual nerve -- it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  Call it the conservative mother's Stalin smell test.

It wasn't just that Obama's usual economic misnomers, his slandering of success, abject denial of who pays taxes, definition of "shared sacrifice and responsibility," and his calls for bipartisan cooperation, as he simultaneously mocked the efforts of Republicans and his predecessor, were directed at youth.  It isn't just that "fair" really is the scariest word to capitalists living on the Marxist precipice.  It isn't even that after Obama's 26 month experimentation with executive leadership he still can't bring himself to tell future taxpayers the means to make more pie is always better than a one-time slice, even if it means not having a slice today, or never having as large a slice as some others. 

The hair-raising alarm isn't even that Obama -- the largest and most reckless spender in all of history -- is now campaigning as the man to get America's "finances in order."  It's that he's lying -- and lying with great audacity.  Lying about what got us here and where we're going.  And a man, who postures to anyone, let alone students, as he dupes them into subjugation, isn't just irresponsible, he's a charlatan.

Like a church official proselytizing to the faithful with one hand in the collection plate, even his media can no longer summon economic cover.  Every time Obama opens his mouth, he reminds us of his shortcomings -- playing out in real time -- and long revealed even to those who couldn't be bothered to vet him.

--When Obama appointed unaccountable Czars with unchecked power, he revealed his disdain for the Rule of Law.

--When Obama bowed to Saudi Kings, appeased terrorists, and abandoned our allies, he revealed his contempt for American exceptionalism.

--When Obama nationalized banks, GM, awarded stimulus dollars to special interests and Democrat supporters, and awarded favored contracts to political allies, he revealed his addiction to power.

--When Obama appeared on Late Night talk shows, arranged glamorous travel and "date nights" at great taxpayer expense, gave self-aggrandizing speeches, and threw lavish White House parties, he revealed his narcissism.

--When he ridiculed FOX, the Tea Party, Republicans, and virtually any conservative, he revealed his utter disrespect for the 1st Amendment.

--When he organized for public unions from within the White House, he revealed his loyalties.

--When he grew entitlements, government, and government dependence, he revealed his faith in government, not the individual.

--When he expressed his support of the Ground Zero Mosque and turned 9/11 into a Day of Service, he revealed his inability to name our enemy.

--When he promised to close Guantanamo, afforded terrorists the rights of our Constitution, refused to call terror by name, replacing war actions with kinetics, he revealed his cowardice.

--When he perpetrated a State takeover of the medical system covertly disguised as "reform," he revealed his Statist tyranny.

--When Obama accused a white officer of "acting stupidly" for doing his job, arranging an adolescent Beer Summit, he revealed his own preoccupation with race.

--When he continually blamed George W. Bush for the economic Armageddon of his own creation, he revealed his utter lack of experience and leadership, even courtesy.

--When he shut down domestic drilling in the Gulf, even as he lectured of our dangerous foreign dependence, and loaned tax dollars to other nation's drilling operations, he revealed his lack of sovereign allegiance to his own citizenry.

--When he denied his alliances with Soros, Ayers, Wright, and other anti-Americans, despite the evidence to the contrary, he revealed his radicalism.

--When he sent NASA to appease the Muslim world, he revealed his allegiance.

--When he ridiculed the Supreme Court, an equal branch of government, on the floor of Congress with a national audience, he revealed his pettiness.

--When he accepted a Nobel Peace Prize, he revealed his lack of humility.

--When he insulted visiting dignitaries with gifts of DVDs and iPods, he revealed his immaturity.

--When he golfed, and golfed, and dribbled, and golfed, he revealed his disconnect.

--When he staged photo ops with the bodies of dead soldiers returning home, downplayed the Fort Hood massacre, and ignored his generals, he revealed his contempt for the military.

--When he said, "at some point you've made enough money," he revealed his disgust for private business, free markets, and Capitalism.

--When he burned more jet fuel in a day than a family can even dream in a year, in order to celebrate Earth Day, and lectured us on personal habits as he smoked, dined, and turned up his thermostat, he revealed his hypocrisy.

--When he said during Easter week, "there's something about that resurrection..." he revealed his insincerity for a Christian faith he knows only as a means of social justice and black liberation.

--When Obama directed his Department of Justice to sue a State for enforcing federal immigration laws, refused to secure our borders, or prosecute crimes along certain race lines, he revealed his racism and social justice.

--When Obama signed the START Treaty, and disclosed England's nuclear secrets, he revealed he is not to be trusted.

--When Obama was caught snipping at a reporter about how he was to be interviewed, and his sneering attitudes toward Republicans, he revealed he is dangerous.

--And when he refused to honestly divulge his past, the circumstances of his birth, and his intentions, he revealed his disdain for the American people, the Constitution, and the office of the President.

This all bears repeating -- and the list falls far short of being comprehensive, disturbing in and of itself -- not because Obama's anti-Americanism hasn't been laid out for all to see, but because it effectively discounts every word, every policy, each utterance of ridiculous nuance, such as "living within our means."  There isn't anything -- not deed, not speech, not action, not policy, not even his media -- that now hides his real end game; purposely ushering in the economic destruction of this great and benevolent nation in the name of retributive fairness.  

In Obama's words, our two goals are "cutting spending in a way that is fair and asks for shared responsibility, and making sure that government lives within its means...while we invest in the future."  This sums it all up with refreshing transparency, if not tyrannical gravitas -- spending us into fairness.  No leftist has ever said it better.

So when Barack Obama tells students he respects success -- the "American way" -- it isn't just disingenuous, it's deceitful.  He stands before our youth and espouses a success that won't be tolerated, let alone possible, in a nation weakened by debt, reckless spending, and tyranny.

Most students are familiar with the saying, "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."  It might just behoove students, now effectively born to debtor's prison, to know, in the land of the willfully blind, the man with even two good eyes is nothing more than a serf.

Students should be smart enough to know their path to prosperity need not be, cannot be, paved with enslavement to government debt.
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