Are We at War or Spectators at a Sporting Event?

Osama bin Laden is dead, proclaimed to us by play by play announcers, color commentators, on the sidelines interviewers, and a never ending stream of expert analysts. 

Some very evil humans declared war on all freedom loving people around the World and, as has been the case for over 100 years, the United States has been called upon to take the lead in fighting this war.

Every kid on a winning Little League Baseball Team knows you do not win if you divulge the hitting and pitching signals to the other team.

So far we have proclaimed to the world that bin Laden was killed by a US military raid -- by Seal Team 6 -- using stealth helicopters based in Pakistan, relying on information obtained from detainees who were subjected to "harsh interrogation."  Further that we recovered computers, DVDs, and thumb drives loaded with information.  And that bin Laden's body was cleaned, given a Muslim funeral, and buried at sea.  Now we are viewing video's of bin Laden's home life.  What is next?

As spectators, we have held victory rallies in the streets, written thousands of congratulatory letters to the editor, and otherwise acted as though our team won the World Series.  In fact, we are not yet even in the playoffs.

What more can we do to aid our enemy in telling them how we fight, what resources we have, what we will not do to kill them, and what we know about them?  What more can we do to incite even more hatred against us?

What if there were no Sunday night announcement and the official White House response on Monday about a raid in Pakistan was simply "No Comment"?  Same from the Pentagon; same from the CIA -- absolutely no comment from anywhere in government?

What if, instead of our Commander in Chief acting as our Cheerleader in Chief parading around the country like the USC Trojan's Horse used to do around the LA Coliseum after a touchdown, the United States had admitted to nothing? 

By Monday night or perhaps Tuesday the word would be out that bin Laden was dead, believed by most, denied by some. 

The enemy would know far less about how he was killed, the resources we used, and what we have learned from his death.  The enemy would be left not knowing how to adjust their communications, who was next, who had betrayed them, how they would be treated if captured, and so much more.  There is fear in not knowing.

The lives of the Americans (and others) who participated over a long period of time in this operation would be at far less risk than they now are given the extent to which they have been identified.  The same goes for their families.

We did not ask for it, but we are at war.  Each and every American is not a spectator soaking up every tease of the latest discovery proclaimed by our media.  Rather we are participants, even if our participation is limited to not knowing who is on first, who is on deck, what pitchers are in the bullpen, and what tricks the manager has up his sleeve.  Because what we know the enemy will also know, it is imperative that we know very little.

The enemy should have no umpires to rule in their favor.  The rules should not be published in advance.  Rather the only rule should be "Enemy: declare war on us and you die."  A rule the enemy should learn from personal observations and experience.

Yes, nearly all Americans and freedom loving people around the world are pleased that bin Laden is dead.  We are so very grateful and thankful to those who have sacrificed so much to reach this accomplishment.  But the war is still on so we cannot hold the after the win press conference, bring the victorious combatants forward, and lavish them with trophies, praise, and fame.  As a nation we must see that our military and civilians involved in this war and their families are cared for in every possible way now and in the future.  As individuals there are so many ways we can say thank you through our actions to them as well.

Wars must be fought to win.  Winning means using every resource we have, capitalizing on every advantage we have, and conceding absolutely nothing to the enemy.

The lesson of the events of the last week is that our current head coach is so far consumed in his self glorification that he cannot lead.  He and his entire staff must be replaced with those who know how to win by focusing all their resources on the battle while claiming no glory for themselves. 

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