Progressive POTUS Desperate For Another Vacation

The really frightening thing about the President heading off to Martha's Vineyard while America burns is that Obama may believe he really deserves a rest.  After all, fundamentally transforming a country of 3.79 million square miles inhabited by 310 million people is hard work.

If the President is right on schedule with his plan to uproot America from its founding principles, why not pile the wife and kids into Air Force One and enjoy a little down time?  In two and a half short years he has proven his allegiance not to our flag and the prayerful "God Bless America" but to his pastor Reverend Wright's admonition, "G.d..n America."  Obama's been a regular workaholic advancing Wright's anti-American creed.

He encourages class warfare, lectures the public on everything from civility to racism to bullying, blames Bush, Congress, the Tea Party, Republicans and Sarah Palin, spends billions on Michelle's nanny state projects, promotes one failed policy after another, gives  more speeches and interviews that his 2 predecessors combined, and trashes the best economic system in the world. Whew! talk about a workload. Consider:

Less than a hundred days into his presidency Obama embarked on an overseas apology tour telling the French that America "has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" toward Europe.

After sending the bust of Winston Churchill back to Great Britain, one of our staunchest allies, Obama bowed to various communist and Muslim leaders around the world. He accepted a book from Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez and warmly greeted Libya's murderous tyrant Qadaffi in Italy.

On the home front he dismissed the will of the American people engaging in backroom deals to pass The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the greatest assault on our way of life since 9/11. His economic policies have added trillions to the national debt, and increased unemployment to double digits in major cities. No private sector industry has been left unscathed by the redistributor-in-chief.

Keeping in step with his assault on America, Obama's Justice Department sued the state of Arizona for upholding federal immigration laws.

Who can forget when President Obama called out the entire Cambridge Police Department for "acting stupidly." He stated that the justifiable arrest of his friend Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was the result of the "long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

For a narcissist like Obama, the intense need for another vacation doesn't stem from traditional American presidential duties.  No, Mr. Obama, with the aid of Michelle, Valerie and Marian, sees himself in the role as the one we've been waiting for, who must sweep away the notion of America as a sovereign nation and replace it with a one world order credo.  That's not easy.  He needs constant relief from the psychic stress of those "people of vastly different political stripes" who he is "bound to disappoint" and from whom he must take criticism [Audacity of Hope].

Obama's golf outings, basketball games, White House dance parties and vacations play a vital role in shoring up Obama's ego enough to carry on. What Americans see as arrogant disregard for the suffering masses is survival for the One.

Mr. Obama is in a race against time.  Contrary to myth, he is not "one cool customer."  Even with a state-controlled media he must proceed with extreme caution in a political minefield of betrayed union leaders, angry black caucus members, and irate middle-class whites who once believed in him; that's just a short list of the various factions not pleased with Barry.  

Obama constantly manipulates, maneuvers, switches loyalties and drives wedges through the issues of the day to accomplish his mission. When he tells White House reporters "The American people are sold [on raising the debt ceiling]...the problem is members of Congress are dug in ideologically"- that's not tone-deafness, that's doing what comes naturally. What appears to be delusional, pathological lying to the majority of Americans is purposeful double-speak Obama learned very early on.

It takes a lot of mental energy to be as destructive and duplicitous as our current President. So why would anyone deny him yet another romp on Martha's Vineyard?

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report.

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