Herman Cain and Human Goodness

I don't know about this guy Cain.  He doesn't act like the militant black heroes all the liberals love.

I mean, he says he loves Jesus, he sings Gospel at the National Press Club, and he doesn't hate white folks.  What is he, some kind of weirdo?  This sounds un-American to me.

Whatever happened to Radical Chic?

Now Obama, he's a real black guy, like Malcolm X.  And Jeremiah Wright.  And probably Karl Marx.

Rad, man.

The press did not get what Cain was singing about.  It's too foreign to their usual babble.  And the ones that did get it quickly tried to accuse him of sexual harassment, because mud-slinging is their beat.

In Mozart's Requiem, the Latin text reads

Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?

Quem patronem rogaturus?

Cum vix justus sit securus?

It's that black hole in Lefticult -- namely, humility.  The key expression is "vix justus," the "just man."  It's key to the Judeo-Christian tradition, repeated over and over again.  "Justice, justice shalt thou pursue."  Not political revenge of the poor against the rich, the women against the men, the gays against the breeders.  Lefticult always turns human beings into categories that can be whipped up against each other.  Anglo-American conservatism has always tried to treat human beings as individuals, fallible but also full of promise.  It's Anglo-American conservatism that teaches Hope.

In Israel, the Yad Vashem memorial to the Holocaust has a special place for the Righteous Gentiles, people who risked their lives to save Jewish lives when the Nazis made total war on innocent men, women, and children. They are among the few moral heroes of that other Occupation, the Nazi Occupation of Continental Europe.  (Occupy that one, kids!)

The Mozart Requiem uses a Latin text from the Middle Ages, going back to the Hebrew prophets (Zephaniah, 1:15-15) and -- hang on, liberals! -- the Book of Revelation.

See, Mozart was a Christian fundamentalist, and nobody ever told you.

Hold tight, politically correct ones.  Hang on.  Everything is going to be all right.

Here it is in very loose translation:

How can I explain myself?"

How can a wretch like me expect forgiveness

when even the just and righteous tremble in fear?

This is known as "guilt" -- an emotion that has no place in the Democratic Party today.  Along with "modesty" and "decency."

Look at socialist countries all over the world, and they are filled with self-righteous, arrogant, cruel, self-destructive, spoiled babies.  In Greece, the fat and lazy unions are rioting because they are entitled to work only half the week.  Let the Germans, Brits, and even the French do the productive work.  The Greeks deserve their welfare.

As a direct result of a guilt-free upbringing, teenage kids all over Europe go  straight into self-destructive lifestyles.  Visit any of the big cities and you see it all over.  That's why radical Islam imported from the Arabian deserts is making huge cultural inroads all over cosmopolitan Europe.  It makes lost teenagers feel better.

"Sociopath" is the medical word for somebody who is incapable of feeling guilt.  Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler.  When Pol Pot was put on trial for genocide against the Khmer people, he said, "My conscience is clear."  Sociopath.

Guilt is the key to civilized life.  To the extent that Lefticult always tries to abolish guilt, it has become barbaric and anti-civilized.  And extremely dangerous for our national welfare.  And even more dangerous for the rest of the world.

The phony-baloney Arab Spring is the direct result of Obama's Bull in a China Shop behavior -- in overthrowing the pillar of whatever peace the Middle East has achieved, namely Hosni Mubarak and the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, which is now in tatters.  Thank you, Barack Hussein Obama.  And Jimmy Carter, who delivered the same blessing to the country of Iran, thirty years ago, resulting in millions of people fleeing, tortured, and killed.

But what about the great People's Rebellion against Tyranny, the Arab Spring?  The New York Times still believes in it.

According to strategypage.com, 25,000 Arabs have died in the Arab Spring.

Read that again if you still think there's an "Arab Spring."  The president of the United States earned a degree of personal responsibility for those 25,000 Arab "Spring" victims when he demanded that Hosni Mubarak must resign.  That was the signal for all the tottering regimes in the Middle East to keel over.  They are not through yet, so expect the body count to rise.  But don't expect the "peace" movement to take any notice.

Obama has never been wrong in his own mind, which is why he is so rigid and incapable of learning.  He has actually said out loud that he can't figure out that he might have made any mistakes at all. Watch out for people who are always right.  They are incapable of feeling guilt, shame, or remorse, because we all make mistakes.  They question is how you deal with that brute fact.

Marx and Lenin were incapable of humility and guilt.  They were rigid, rage-driven ideologues, like Robert Reich and Paul Krugman.  And all the other O-nasties.  Lefticult is filled with hateful people, having their daily dose of what they would call "righteous anger."  They think they're idealistic, and their faces look like gargoyles with all the anger they keep feeling.

Righteous anger stops being righteous when it isn't regulated by guilt and shame.  The Lefticult is grossly irresponsible, and ready to destroy human beings who get in their way.

If you're not born a sociopath, the left will turn you into one.

The Jewish holiday of remorse and confession is Yom Kippur.  Traditional Catholics confess.  The Puritans were big confessors, and mainstream American fashion today believes that they overdid it.  But then the Puritans saw Imperial Europe at its most arrogant and rigid, and fled to create a better place.

Human beings are fallible, and the more arrogant we get, the more fallible we turn out to be.

Liberals can't imagine being wrong about global warming because they are terribly afraid to confess a big mistake. Albert Einstein, on the other hand, was more like a normal scientist, knowing from personal experience that sometimes the evidence just doesn't go your way.

That's how human beings learn and adapt.

Herman Cain is therefore a great man to see in this presidential year, because in his very way of being he contradicts all the incredibly dumb ideas the left takes for granted.  In therapeutic terms, Herman Cain "falsifies their pathological beliefs."

Human beings learn in life when somebody falsifies their beliefs that keep getting them into trouble.  That's how therapy works, when it does.  That's how good families and parents work. 

Cain is going to drive them bananas, just like Sarah Palin.  Herman Cain doesn't have to change his "image" to adjust to the polls.  He doesn't have to be anybody but himself.

The left is going to scream at him, and to the extent he can just stay solid and answer them kindly and rationally, he will be a great healer.

Herman Cain is Lincolnesque, because Lincoln was a humble man.  Lincoln was a famous joke-teller, and a lot of his jokes were about himself, being tall and gangly and not nearly as cute as John Edwards.

Americans roared at Lincoln's jokes, because they understood the same thing about themselves.  You can't be a farmer or a slogging pioneer without constant humiliation.  If you're arrogant, you'll never get across those mountains.  Too many obstacles, each one humbling.  The hundredth time you drag that wagon out of the mud, you begin to learn some degree of humility.

Being humble and modest served our ancestors very well.  In China, Japan, and India, modesty and humility were virtues, too.  The Jews survived persecution because they took the blame for misfortune on themselves.  It was God's punishment, and in a paradoxical way, confession and humility were their way to turn pain into courage.

The left believes that "Uncle Toms" are losers, when in fact black folks gain as much strength from confession as any other human being.  Amazing Grace means not just "a wretch like me" but "a wretch like all of us" -- including all the arrogant knuckleheads of the National Press Club.

Humility is how the Russian Orthodox survived seventy years of the most vicious persecution in history.  Today, Vladimir Putin's photo is constantly shown with the Patriarch of Moscow, the Pope of Moscow.  Just google it.  After 70 years of Soviet atheist persecution of the Orthodox Churches, they've survived and the Soviet Empire is gone.

So now who's been tossed on the dustbin of history?

Islam is also a religion of personal humility.  Islam means not "peace," but "surrender."  The root word "salaam" (peace) turns into "Muslim" (he who surrenders) and "Islam" (the nominal form "surrender").

The problem with Islam is not self-surrender, but murderous jihad turned against all the infidels.  The doctrine of surrender is turned into everlasting war.  Inside of Islam there is constant argument about whether "jihad" is the war for self-control or the war to tyrannize others.  Self-control is civilizing.  Making war on others is tyranny.

That difference is pretty clear in the Judeo-Christian tradition, as it is in Hinduism and Buddhism.  Even though every single human tradition is full of human folly and error.

In all the civilized traditions, error is understood as error.  It's not just the sin, but the repentance that matters.  If you don't learn from your mistakes you become a tyrant even if you feel sure that you're an "idealist."

You don't have to be a believer to understand all that.

So Herman Cain is going to be a great lesson to this country.  Some people will get it, and a lot of people won't.  Doesn't matter.  Sooner or later, when the United States runs into enough trouble, we'll all figure it out. 

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