Congress and the Country Need Ken Timmerman

I met Ken Timmerman at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in 2010.  I was overwhelmed from the start by his passion for freedom and democracy and his deep belief in the very principles that make America the greatest nation on Earth.

Now Ken is running as a Republican in Maryland's newly redrawn District 8 outside Washington, D.C.  Ken, his wife Christina, and their five children are longtime residents of Kensington, Md.

Ken selflessly and bravely continues to represent truth and justice, and he has a burning desire to set things right in Washington.  But more importantly -- and this is what's close to my heart -- he has a deep passion for the Iranian people and a need to help free them from the evil that has taken Iran and the world hostage.

Ken has long understood the realities of the Islamic regime.  He continues to be involved in exposing the radicals who rule Iran and is an essential figure in helping Iranians with their desire for freedom.

In 1995, Timmerman founded the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (I serve on its advisory board), an activist organization dedicated to working with Iranians who want to free their nation.

An award-winning journalist, Ken has written the bestselling book Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran.  Because of his activities, Kenneth R. Timmerman was nominated in 2006 for the Nobel Peace Prize by Sweden's former deputy prime minister, Per Ahlmark, for playing a major role in exposing Iran's secret plans to develop nuclear weapons.

Today Iranian assets and agents have deeply infiltrated our society, from universities to the media to our political system.  America is facing one of most dire situations in its history, as our enemies truly believe that the demise of America and the destruction of Israel are at hand.  We must stand up and choose people who honor their oath to this great land, who honor the principles of America, and who honor humanity.

I urge everyone, including the large population of Iranian-Americans, to do all they can to elect Ken Timmerman to Congress.  Spread the word, inform your friends, and most of all contribute to his campaign.  It's time to oppose the corrupt politicians who continue to take this country toward the abyss.

Ken's opponent, Chris Van Hollen, is regarded in Congress as a top Democratic Party loyalist and right-hand man to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Ken has criticized Van Hollen for promoting an appeasement policy toward Iran that has brought the United States to the brink of "a war we do not need and can actually prevent."

"My opponent in this race has been the biggest friend of the pro-Tehran lobby in Washington," Timmerman says.  "He has opposed sanctions and undermined funding for the pro-freedom movement in Iran."

For the past seven years, Ken has been the lead investigator for families of 9/11 victims in a civil lawsuit against Iran.

Based on evidence developed by Timmerman, a federal district judge ruled last year that Iran "shared responsibility" for the 9/11 terrorist attacks with al-Qaeda and had provided "direct, material support" for the attacks.

For more information on how you can help, please visit:

(See also: "Encouraging Signs in Maryland")

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran's Revolutionary Guards and the author of the award-winning book A Time to Betray.  He is a senior fellow with EMPact America and a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security.  He teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense's Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA).

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