Obama Dances the Jizya

In the classic Mafia protection racket scheme, the owner of a business must pay the pizzo for the Mafia organization to protect the owner from violence by an alleged third party -- usually a branch the organization itself.  In the same way, the U.S. taxpayer is paying various "moderate" Muslim countries and organization to protect us from extremist Muslim organizations.  We pay not only in money, but by chipping away at our individual human rights in order to appease Muslim elements not to go over to the extremist elements.

In many ways, we are already paying the Islamic form of the pizzo -- namely, the jizya.  Formally, the jizya is a "tax" paid by kafirs already living under Muslim domination.  It is a tax that must be paid at risk of losing one's head.  Moreover, the jizya is not just a "head" tax; it is also intended to be a form of humiliation.

Qur'an (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Paying the jizya is just part of dhimmitude.  The full status of dhimmitude is a miserable, soulless existence.  The linguist and Arabic scholar Mark Durie has traveled extensively to record and observe the status of dhimmis in the ummah (Muslim world).  Think of the life of a cowering, abused dog.  As Durie says, "it involves embracing your own inferiority."  Indeed, Sura 9:29 of the Koran says that the purpose of the dhimmi system is to "kill the soul" of the non-Muslim, so he will render willingly everything demanded of him.

Every time you go through security at an airport, you are in effect paying the jizya.  You are also being humiliated.  This is the price we must pay in order not to be blown up.

We pay Pakistan to be "on our side' against al-Qaeda.  We pay the Karzai Mafia to hold fast against the Taliban.  We pay in blood and money.

Obama started his presidency by paying obeisance to the leaders of the ummah in the course of his apology tour and then made his shameless Cairo speech.  This humbling of the U.S. before the Islamic world is part of the "humiliation" that is central to accepting one's status as a dhimmi.  As Mark Durie says, "The two most characteristic psychological traits of the dhimmi are gratitude and humility.  We are seeing both these traits shaping public discourse around Islam.  President Obama, for example, has spoken of the 'debt' the West owes to Islam.  This sense of indebtedness is being imparted to our schoolchildren through Islamicized history textbooks."

The worst of the tribute we pay the Islamic world is the sacrifice of our values -- i.e., our souls.  The right to free speech is being chipped away.  Any criticism of Islam is labeled Islamophobia.  This is the first soul-losing step on the road to full dhimmitude -- part of which contains the principle that one must never say or do anything to offend Muslims.

Starting as early as 2008, there was a government memo that warned against "offending," "insulting," or being "confrontational" to Muslims.

By 2011, as reported by the Daily Caller, "the Obama administration was pulling back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive."

The deference to Muslim sensibilities reached the ludicrous extent of censoring photographs of the late Osama bin Laden lest they "offend" Muslims.

The statement by Dwight C. Holton, U.S. Attorney for Oregon, says it all. After discussing the matter with Attorney General Eric Holder, Dwight C. Holton said, "I want to be perfectly clear about this: training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for.  They will not be tolerated."

And now the Obama administration has announced its intention to "give" $3 billion to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

The payment is part of Obama's outreach program in Egypt.  The idea is that by paying the jizya to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Brotherhood will keep the "radical" Salafists at bay -- a classic Mafia squeeze-play protection racket.

This outreach program, the Obama administration alleges, will make us safer in the U.S., as accommodating Muslims at home and abroad will result in there being less fertile breeding grounds for terrorists.  Winston Churchill would call it "feeding the crocodile."

The U.S. is paying tribute to the House of Islam.  Obama is their agent and bagman, and the bag doesn't contain just our money; it also contains our values.

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