Obama's World: Through a Glass Darkly

For anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, and who is not terminally obtuse, the present incumbent of the Oval Office has deliberately helped engineer Islam's latest and successful lust for world domination through sharia law and geopolitical contrivance.

The Muslim cry of "first the Saturday people and then the Sunday people" is a chilling reminder of the determination by an overwhelming majority of Islam's followers to rule over Jews and Christians, forcing them into servitude and second-class citizenship wherever they may be.

The Islamic institution of dhimmitude -- a direct consequence of jihad -- is the fate awaiting all non-Muslims who are unfortunate enough to fall under Muslim subjugation...assuming they are not slaughtered first.

The fate of the front line nation state, Israel, which remains an obstacle to the rise of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, is evident by the loathsome and hysterical insults spewed against it by so many in the Muslim and Arab world. And to their undying shame, far too many Europeans have appeased the Muslim and Arab world by colluding in a groveling exercise demonizing and delegitimizing the Jewish state.

The evil clown, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, vomited his latest obscenity last Friday when he called the embattled Jewish state "an insult to humanity."

How is it that a tiny state, smaller than New Jersey, which has so enriched all of humanity in technology, medicine, agriculture, religion, and the arts and sciences, stands condemned by a despot whose sole contribution to mankind is violence, oppression, terrorism, and a maniacal objective to destroy over six million human beings with nuclear weapons? 

But the Iranian regime is not alone in vying for top dog in the genocide stakes.  Egypt has fallen under the Muslim Brotherhood, which is scrapping its peace treaty with Israel as fast as it can and calling for genocide against all Jews and for Israel's extermination.  But look also at the hideous persecution in Egypt of the Christian Copts.

Egyptian tanks are rolling across the Sinai peninsula towards Israel's southern border, ostensibly to overcome al-Qaeda and other Islamist terror gangs, but with each kilometer driven eastward in the sandy wastes of Sinai, the specter of Arab aggression and the encirclement of Israel grows in ever more awful magnitude.

A recent report in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz indicated that "Egypt has moved thousands of troops into Sinai, beefing up forces to battle the Islamist groups that have more or less taken over the peninsula."

Israel gave away the entire Sinai to Egypt in exchange for a peace treaty, but under the Camp David Accords, the Egyptians are allowed only to send a limited number of troops or police into Sinai, which is supposed to remain a demilitarized zone.  This is predictably being violated by the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt -- a regime embraced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In an earlier published article, I argued for Israel to take back the so-called Philadelphi Corridor, which straddles the border between Egypt and the Hamas-infested Gaza Strip.  But no doubt President Obama and Hillary's State Department prevented Israel from better defending itself.  Remember, Hamas is the junior branch of the Brotherhood represented by those Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.  

I foresaw that the Mubarak regime, which had honored the Egypt-Israel peace treaty since 1978, would be overthrown as a result of the first major speech Obama gave in his presidency.  It was given at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, and it unleashed the so-called Arab Spring, which was no more than a green light to Islamists everywhere to wrest control by violent means.

Fools in the West likened it to the brave Prague Spring, in which civilians, enduring Soviet occupation, rose up in a vain attempt to bring democracy to their Eastern European nations.  The Arab Spring, however, ushered in even worse tyranny, not democracy.

Just as Obama remained deafeningly quiet when the Iranian masses rose up against Ahmadinejad and the hate-filled mullahs who rule Iran with an iron grip, refusing even to give the Iranian protesters verbal support, so has he deliberately helped create an Egypt with all the illiberalism and obscurantism of the 7th century.

Egypt is a poverty-stricken yet militarily powerful country, now led by a Muslim Brotherhood president, Mohamed Morsi, whose allegiance is not to the West, but to Islam and Allah.  Yet the U.S. continues to provide financial aid to the Morsi regime now controlling Egypt.

To the north of Israel lies Lebanon, a once-majority Christian nation from which Christians have fled in their thousands.  It now exists in large part under the baleful control of Iran's terrorist surrogate, Hezb'allah.  Iran and Syria have provided this Muslim terror organization with some 60,000 deadly missiles -- all aimed at the Jewish state.

And then we have Syria itself, whose minority Alawite president, Bashar al-Assad, is systematically massacring his own people with relative impunity.  He is able to continue this horror by the immoral assistance of two members of the U.N. Security Council -- China and Russia -- forever blocking every resolution effectively outlawing Assad's bloody regime.  Again, where is Obama, and is his relative silence deliberately allowing Islamists to wrest control of Syria?    

Meanwhile, the West should be increasingly concerned about the huge Syrian arsenal of biological and chemical-tipped missiles that could fall into the hands of Islamist terror groups and spread destruction throughout the world.

Well, again, those with eyes to see and ears to hear are well aware that this president has no interest in anything other than spending his waking hours fundraising for his re-election campaign, or devoting time to ruining America's economy and foreign policy in these most perilous of times.  There are those who claim he is merely naïve and amateurish.  Not so.

He fully knows what he is about.  It is to diminish America in the world, to dismantle its ability to safeguard world peace, to enable Islamic influence to grow exponentially in the world, to destroy America's ability of creating home-grown energy independence from OPEC and the Middle East, to belittle and erode the wondrous document known as the United States Constitution, and to betray America's few remaining allies in the world -- all while embracing humanity's worst of the worst.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and author of several books including Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

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