Obama's Campaign Bus Parks on Top of Hillary

Americans are supposed to believe that it took one full month for the "smartest woman in the world," Hillary Clinton, to figure out that the "buck stops" with her?  What was she doing from September 11 to October 15?  Trying to figure out whether to go to Peru, trim her overgrown locks, or visit her daughter Chelsea for an extended fall weekend?

During the 2008 Democrat presidential primary, Hillary Clinton had quite a different opinion about where it was the "buck" stopped.  Referring to herself at a rally in Missouri, Clinton said, "I believe we need a president who believed what Harry Truman believed.  That buck stopped in the Oval Office."

As we all know, Hillary never made it to the Oval Office.  Instead, for four years, Mrs. Clinton has circumnavigated the globe on Barack Obama's behalf looking like a bedraggled grandmother in need of a nap.  Finally, when the red phone did ring at 3:00 am at the White House, Hillary was in a different time zone, and Obama was probably at a Hollywood fundraiser.  Now, weeks prior to an election in which Barack Obama appears to be quickly losing his grip, Hillary crawls out from under the bus where Obama tossed her and addresses the deadly assault in Benghazi:

I take responsibility [for the four deaths in Benghazi]. I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000-plus people all over the world, 275 posts. The president and the vice president wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. They're the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs and make a considered decision."

I take this very personally. So we're going to get to the bottom of it, and then we're going to do everything we can to work to prevent it from happening again, and then we're going to work to bring whoever did this to us to justice.

Why would Hillary shoulder the entire blame?  Didn't the Obama administration initially blame the September 11 murders on a band of armed rabble-rousers who spontaneously stormed the consulate and then tortured and killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens, computer expert Sean Smith, and security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods to avenge the Prophet Mohammed over a low-budget video mocking Islam made by an American?

That explanation made about as much sense as saying that 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001 as a result of the attackers being offended that they were denied peanuts on flights out of Boston, Newark, and Washington, D.C.

After swearing for a couple of weeks that a California videographer was to blame and after testimony by State Department employees that indicated that requests for more security had been rejected, the Obama administration finally conceded that the attack on the consulate was a coordinated terrorist attack.

All this apparently tickled the hell out of Joe Biden's funny bone during the vice-presidential debate.  The vice president said that the White House was unaware of the requests to enhance security at Benghazi.  From the looks of things, it appears that Vice President Joe Biden's loose lips were the catalyst that finally motivated the White House to find another fall guy (or gal) to cover for their glaring ineptitude.

The White House responded to Joe's latest gaffe by saying that the jocular vice president did not know of the requests because requests for security are traditionally handled by the State Department.

So nearly seven days after Biden revealed that those in charge haven't a clue, Hillary Clinton comes to the rescue by explaining that "[i]n the wake of an attack like this, in the fog of war, there's always going to be confusion."  Someone should tell Miss Hillary that there would be no fog of war if a powerful nation like the United States had strong leaders that fight a war to win.

Nevertheless, Hillary has decided to take the fall by saying, "And I think it is absolutely fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence.  Everyone who spoke tried to give the information that they had.  As time has gone on, that information has changed.  We've gotten more detail, but that's not surprising.  That always happens."

Umm, Mrs. Clinton, wouldn't you agree that in this situation, it depends on what the definition of "intelligence" is?  A humbled Clinton then said that "[w]hat I want to avoid is some kind of political gotcha or blame game."  So by taking the blame, Hillary shielded Barry.

At this late date, Hillary's mea culpa sounds more orchestrated than the attack in Benghazi. Did the secretary of state also speak with Christopher Stevens' father, who refused say who he would be voting for come November 6th, but who did say he doesn't want his son's death politicized?

"I know that we're very close to an election," Hillary explained, saying "I want to just take a step back here and say from my own experience, we are at our best as Americans when we pull together. I've done that with Democratic presidents and Republican presidents." The question is whether Hillary is "stepping back" or stepping forward over a cliff.

Let's face it: despite the controversy, Hillary and Bill Clinton still do have their sights set on a presidential run in 2016 and would never do anything to jeopardize that dream.  Hillary Clinton is not about to endanger 40 years of toiling for a position where she'd finally be the one answering the phone in the White House at 3:00 am, especially just to save Barack Obama's bungling neck before an election.

Therefore, it appears that Hillary and Bill Clinton have decided that it would be politically expedient to "pull together" with a pusillanimous Democratic president running for re-election whose "war on women" now includes running over his secretary of state with his campaign convoy.

The only explanation is that Hillary Clinton is hoping that by volunteering to be a buck-stopper, she'll be perceived by the American people as an honest, trustworthy, responsible leader.  In turn, Barack's butt may be covered for another couple of weeks and, with any luck, those tire marks from the bus that's rolling over her will fade before 2016.

More of the author's commentary can be found at www.jeannie-ology.com.

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