Jerusalem and the Jewish Electorate

Despite the rockets from Gaza and the broader Middle East on the precipice, Jews and Muslims recently found a most intriguing way to set aside their differences. And, yes, Obama, whom both sides heavily supported at the U.S. polls, stands ready to take all the credit. "By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion" (Psalm 137:1). Okay! So it's not that bad, but I suppose many of us felt that way after the election. Reading further in Psalms we get a glimpse of why Jews may have voted for Obama. "If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill" (Psalm 137:5). Do most Jews use the right hand to vote?

Forward, as Mr. Obama would say, to a week after the election. Muslims and Jews in the Holy Land continue lobbing rockets back and forth. Exit polls show that 85% of Muslims voted for Obama while Jews voted slightly less at 69% for the administration. It's believed that the 31% of Jews, who voted for Romney or another candidate, either remember Jerusalem and (or) are left handed. Obama's pandering to American Jews never occurred during his meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu, but instead, the night of the final debate when he mentioned Israel 17 times. For the Jews, who granted Obama another four years, Israel must not matter. In fact, The Jewish Week reported an exit poll conducted for J Street showed the economy came in as the number one issue while "Israel was sixth at 10 percent, tied with abortion and terrorism". These stunning facts put the struggles of the Old Testament prophets into perspective.

72 percent of those polled said they favored a final-status agreement that called for a demilitarized Palestinian state; financial compensation for Palestinian refugees, with some Palestinians to return to Israel for family reunification; internationally recognized borders based on the 1967 border with mutually agreed land swaps and the resettlement of most West Bank Jews within Israel proper; Palestinian neighborhoods of Jerusalem would become part of a new Palestinian state; international forces would monitor the new Palestinian state and border crossings.

Obama, never one to let principle stand in the way of pandering, ought to be smiling. What has become of the hard-fought truth? Israel was founded, for among other reasons, to establish Jewish sovereignty (in the face of an international community could no longer be trusted). The last time the international community failed the Jews it cost the community dearly. The Holocaust gave rise to Lemkin's law, better known as, the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide". Since the UN's adoption of the law in 1948 genocides have occurred in Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Sudan but the only difference is now government bureaucrats can legally call it genocide. How comforting!

As noted, the economy stands as the most important issue to Jews while no clear polling exists on American Muslims. Prior to the election, however, Al Jazeera reported "In the 2004 election, the controversial Patriot Act and the war in Iraq caused Muslim voters to flock en masse to the Democrats: About nine in 10 voted for John Kerry, and a similar portion backed Barack Obama in 2008". Do Jewish Americans really believe that they're isolated from Israel's adversaries?

Don't forget the facts. The majority of participants in the 1993 bombing of the WTC attended the Al Farooq Mosque in Brooklyn, not Gaza. Other notable names from Al Farooq include El Sayyid Nosair accused of the murder of Meir David Kahane but later convicted on terror conspiracy charges with the Blind Sheik. The Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan and his mentor Anwar al-Aulaqi, neither born in the Islamabad or Ramallah but in the United States. Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch finds everything from Muslim school children in Virginia being taught to kill apostates to World Net Daily polls finding that 46% of American Muslims think criticism of Islam should be criminalized. The council on the Council on America-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a statement on the most recent conflict in Gaza stating,

We urge President Obama not to sit on the sidelines as American taxpayer-funded weapons are used to kill civilians -- including babies -- and to destroy the civilian infrastructure in Gaza. Our nation's blind support for Israel's brutal actions has done and continues to do immense harm to America's image and interests in the Middle East and worldwide.

A much touted poll by Gallup in 2011, claimed Muslims were less likely to justify violence, "In sharp contrast with Americans who identify themselves with other faith groups, Muslim Americans are more likely to say military attacks on civilians are never justified (78%) than sometimes justified (21%)." The problem with this poll and the media that reported the findings the cultural disconnect on who American Muslims view as civilians. The quote from CAIR suggests a very different story than Israeli self-defense to Hamas indiscriminately firing rockets. How the Democratic Party plans to satisfy both liberal Jewish abortion demands and Islamists agendas remains to be seen.

Unlike the Jews deported to Babylon, American Jews voted to reinstate a president who embraces the Muslim Brotherhood. The balkanization of the United States by the Democratic Party finds both Islamic Radicals and Liberal Jews under the same tent. Let the circus begin! Now is the time to drive a wedge between conservative Jews and their liberal counterparts. Christians time and again face accusations (sometimes meritorious) of persecuting Jews. In this case, though, it is the conservative Christians who thankfully have tuned into history, have not forgotten, and frankly revel in the strengths of true Jewish presence in Jerusalem.

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