America's Bad Seed

Any parent who has ever raised a child with serious character and moral issues, perhaps as a consequence of what turns out to have been a persistent and reckless infusion of adulation and unconditional love, must soon come to the realization that as a by-product of their permissiveness, blindness, or fantastical "Hope for Change," something terribly wrong has grown up at their heels -- like toadstools in a field overwatered with an unending flood of tears.

America is beginning to understand this phenomenon all too vividly. The "child" so many had lavished unearned praise upon and loved with that cloying myopic affection that only the terminally bewitched can bestow, has turned out to be a delinquent who is as comfortable in telling a boldfaced lie as an infant is with suckling its pacifier. His ever-growing catalogue of prevarications -- calculated to deceive and misdirect, seem to flow so effortlessly from his being that one wonders if Barack Obama knows the difference between truth and the craven falsehood: without which it could be said that he bore the marks of a marked personality disorder. Verily, nestled behind this pragmatic ability to lie convincingly with a straight face and honeyed lips is the incredible mask of obfuscation he hides behind as he weaves America's tale of impending desolation and woe.

Now, while most people desire privacy concerning their past dealings, the president has made his resume an enigma: especially considering that political personalities are subject to scrutiny and are traditionally held to a standard far above the common mass of men. Having secured his school records and litany of associations behind a veritable Fort Knox of obstacles renders a certain air of validity to the innumerable accusations and lends credence to salacious rumors that are only now oozing forth. As we speak, the dam is inexorably giving way and the many less than wholesome and troubling aspects of the real Barack Obama are beginning to materialize -- even amongst the willing soldiers of a once compliant press corps. As one accumulates fleas by virtue of the pedigree of mongrels one happens to lie with, it should not be surprising that Obama (and the White House) have been summarily infested with: radical Islamicist apologists, treacherous politicos, Anti-American intellectual ideologues who plot the eclipse of our foreign influence, and the base and calculating corporate bagmen who have engorged themselves handsomely at the public trough.

Yes, America's Favorite Son has turned out to be quite the disappointment. Having blown through his parents' credit cards with the sense of entitlement reserved for those inflicted only with the most incurable symptoms of haughty privilege, he has brazenly and unapologetically partied for years with his Green Energy and union chums -- with nothing to show for it but an ocean of red ink. As a result, he has grown insolent and imperious, no longer believing that he has to justify his actions to anyone lower than himself. It is clear that in his eyes he has become a Postmodern Sun King and that his ruling philosophical meme is: "Après Moi, le deluge" -- After me, the flood.

Can it be any longer doubted that our young Barry has emerged a quick study to all the: ideological hucksters, racial panderers, liberation theology apostates, two-bit third world dictators, Keynesian frauds, and social justice vagabonds who have taught him well the tricks of their nefarious arts? And more than this, has not the charming occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. learned to shed the responsibility for his actions as a duck sheds water -- even the despicable Benghazi murders he appears to share complicity with by arming the same enemy Islamicist rabble that we are fighting as they scorch the Middle East? Who among us now doubts that Obama's naïve realpolitik has irreparably altered the political gravity of the region from Authoritarian Strongmen to Islamo-Totalitarian tyranny with a foreign policy that has put the world literally to the torch -- all as he admires his Nobel Peace Prize?

In a spellbinding performance, the young actress Patty McCormack played a sociopathic child in the 1956 melodrama The Bad Seed, that was centered on a precocious and pretty pigtailed schoolgirl who could lie and murder without conscience. While initially taking a class medal from a little boy and then drowning him to hide her guilt, she then proceeds to commit another heinous murder in order to cover her bloodstained tracks -- all while affecting a charming demeanor that hides a soul rife with self-absorption and calculating malevolence. The play from which the movie emerged from originally had the young sociopath escaping detection and judgment, having finally driven her own mother to attempt murder/suicide after finally recognizing Rhoda for who she really was. In test audiences, the movie proved so outrageous to the moral sensibilities of that generation's viewers that the ending was changed, and who can forget Rhoda donning her raincoat and walking into the stormy night to the pier where she had murdered little Claude -- only to be struck by lightning as a paean to divine justice?

It is by now a frightening reality that in returning Obama's sideshow of countercultural miscreants to power, America is stained collectively and vicariously with innocent blood on our collective hands through premeditated utopian schemes that have been designed to remake the world in the Progressive image: and no lightning bolt appears forthcoming. The distant memory of Watergate: the scandal that rocked and toppled a popular sitting President, is dwarfed in comparison with what Obama has wrought in running weapons to our blood-sworn enemies in a monstrously naïve scheme to alter the balance of power in the Middle East -- a policy that has made us laughingstocks with even less political traction at a time when American power is sorely needed to forestall an impending regional apocalypse.

How much more evidence do we need to consider before we realize that Obama is our Bad Seed, and will we allow him to continue to internally inflict upon America the disasters he has perpetrated abroad with impunity? Having come to our senses like Rhoda's mother, and finally perceived this alarming man-made calamity for what it truly is, shall we not now bear the vicarious responsibility for an irrational ideological sociopathy that Obama and his ilk have let loose into the world, like an adder introduced into a little child's blue blanket?

Glenn Farman writes from Highland, CA. He blogs as The Eloquent Professor at can be contacted at

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