Benghazi and Obama's Ambition to Be U.N. SecGen

Washington rumor has it that Obama wants to be U.N. Secretary General.

There are several reasons that make that likely, and if it's true, it throws new light on a lot of Obama's oddities -- including his Royalty Bows, his Apology Tours, his Muslim Sellout, and the Benghazi Cover-Up.

But first -- why would Obama be planning to become the chief of the U.N. before he has even finished his second term? 

1. Obama's unbounded ego.

In three and a half years, Obama will be out of a job.  He is 50 now and wants to soar to greater heights, because that's what matters more than anything else in his life.

What's better to Obama's Napoleonic self than being U.N. Sec Gen?  He is a man who wants to be worshiped by the world, and the path to that goal is clear.  It is also an opportunity to carry out his internationalist and pro-Muslim convictions.

Personalities like his need the excitement of taking big risks for big gains.  Obama's slogan "the audacity of hope" comes from Napoleon's general, who described his war strategy as  "Audacity, audacity, always audacity!"  Alinsky's Rules advise: "Always act outside of the experience of the enemy."  It now looks like Obama has never won a single clean election, because he has always violated the rules.  He always gambles, and as long as his opponents play by the rules, he wins.

Mitt Romney is a good and decent man, and IRS intimidation of political enemies is just not his way.  Knowing that, the Obama campaign violated the rules deliberately, cynically, and with malice aforethought.  It worked.

2. Obama's internationalist ideology.

The Communist anthem is The Internationale.  When Obama gave his big speech in Berlin even before the first inauguration, his first words were "Citizens of the world!"  That was meant as Marxist symbolism.  All the leftists in the world cheered themselves hoarse.

Berlin was Marx's city, the capital of the Prussian Empire that was the model for the Communist Worker's Paradise, to be guided by the new Prussian Junkers, the Communist Party.  "Citizens of the world!" was an echo of "Workers of the world, unite!  You have nothing to lose but your chains!" 

The American media didn't bother to tell us that, but they knew.  They knew.

Obama constantly pulls stunts with obvious Marxist overtones.  His inner circle laughs at his audacity, and he likes to clown it up for Valerie Jarrett, Michelle, Ayers, and Axelrod.

Obama is a trickster, power-hungry, insatiable, and sociopathic.  His enemy is us, or what Jeremiah Wright would call "middleclassness," the values that most of us try to live by.

As a European Socialist, Obama does not believe in the U.S. Constitution.  His appointees have no conscience about violating the Constitution, as is obvious from today's news about fundamental IRS violations, fundamental invasion of news reporters' privileges under the First Amendment, and fundamental violations of  the ethics of combat commanders -- leaving soldiers under fire to the tender mercies of a vicious enemy.

Obama is audacity man -- violating decent values is his specialty.  Bill and Hillary found that out when he played the race card against them at the 2008 Democratic Convention.  Democrats always play the race card, but never against each other.  In 2008, Obama violated that rule, and he got away with it.

3. Butt-kissing tyrants.

If Obama wants to run for U.N. SecGen after 2016, he needs two things: a U.S. nomination by a Democratic president and a majority vote in the U.N. General Assembly.

Let's say Hillary gets elected in 2016, as Democrats now are hoping.  She nominates Obama to be U.N. SecGen, to rousing cheers from the New York Times and Washington Post, the U.K. Guardian, and Workers' World.

Now Obama needs a majority of U.N. General Assembly votes.

By butt-kissing every throwback tyrant in sight, Obama is buying U.N. votes for himself.  Obama's public bows to throwbacks like Saudi's King Abdullah and the emperor of Japan are not just another weird thing about this guy.  They are strategic, with the purpose of lining up support for the future.

There are 57 Muslim states.  (Remember Obama's slip of the tongue when he talked about "all 57 states"?  He wasn't thinking about Heinz 57 flavors.  He was thinking about Muslim states.)

Europe is the home of imperialist socialism.  The European Union is the successor to the Soviet Union, run by an appointed political machine just like the USSR.  Obama is a EuroSoc, and he will get enthusiastic support from there.

South America will vote for him, because he is actively supporting leftist regimes below the border.  Obama's recent trip to Mexico was full of bowing and scraping to Mexico's tender feelings about losing Texas and California in the 19th century.  Blowing open the border is just another favor Obama is doing for Latin America.

If you combine his unbounded ego with his penchant for audacious trickery, it becomes clear why Obama would want to be U.N. Secretary General.  To U.N.-worshipers, the SecGen is the basis for a world presidency.  Even if it remains a weak position, it could be a wonderful bully pulpit for Obama's endless speech habit.  It would crown Obama's  life achievements and allow him to crow over the United States with its old-fashioned constitution designed to limit the powers of such as The Trickster.

President Obama could have used the Benghazi attack on 9/11 last year  to look like the commander in chief, a role he loves to play.  He could have allowed Air Force jets to strafe and bomb the gaggle of Ansar al Shari'a gunmen who overran the compound and killed what are now admitted to be six Americans, including Ambassador Stevens.

This might have been Obama's Heroic Capture of bin Laden, part 2.

When Obama skips a chance to boast and strut on the stage just before an election, we have to wonder why.  He is not usually shy about putting himself in the limelight.

Michael Barone and Charles Krauthammer believe that Benghazi was covered up because  Obama and Hillary were afraid to admit that al-Qaeda wasn't dead -- that AQ is very much alive, and dangerous as a snake. 

On 9/11 last year, there were not one, but two simultaneous assaults on American targets: the Cairo Embassy and the Benghazi compound.  The front pages that day showed the black AQ flag flying over a burned part of the U.S. Embassy.  Double-simultaneous assaults are an al-Qaeda signature, as we know from 9/11/01, when the Pentagon was assaulted simultaneously with the Twin Towers.  Double-bomb attacks spell AL-QAEDA.

Everybody in the Muslim world understood that on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11/01,  AQ was telling the world it could strike us at any place and time.  Bin Laden may be dead, but jihad keeps marchin' on.

Benghazi was a secret CIA operation to smuggle arms from Libya to the "Free Syrian Army," consisting of radical Islamists.  Stevens was at the arms compound in Benghazi to direct a large arms shipment.  He was the Libya expert who helped to overthrow Gaddafi in the first place.  Now he was shipping Gaddafi's armaments to overthrow  Bashir Assad in Syria.

The United States was apparently acting in collusion with radical Muslim factions, probably including al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (the Mediterranean coast of North Africa).  We know that  Stevens even hired another jihadist faction to guard the CIA compound.  Early Benghazi reports showed that they magically disappeared on the day of the attack, as did the Libyan police.  Our loyal Libyan allies.

Obama was therefore directly colluding with al-Qaeda, the enemy that destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11/01.  AQ is a big part of the "Free" Syrian Army that is trying to destroy Assad, because Assad is a Shi'ite who runs a secular Baathist regime.  One of our friendly radical Islamist groups, Ansar al Shari'a,  simply decided to send a bloody message to America that day by killing Stevens and burning the annex.

The strategic purpose of the "Free Syrian Army" is to cut the Shi'ite Crescent running  from Iran through Syria to Lebanon.  We are involved in a proxy war between Iran and the Sunni Arabs.  We are now supporting the Sunni maniacs against Iran's maniacs.  That is what Benghazi was about.

One can make a case for pitting Sunnis against Shi'ites.  But Obama knows perfectly well that after Assad, Syria will be run by another set of murderous fanatics.

Collusion with radical Muslims is standard in this administration.  That is completely, profoundly cynical, or it is simply aiding the enemy.

There are many reasons for that collusion, but protecting the United States is not one of them.  The policy of appeasement and treachery protects radical Islam and endangers the West.

However, if Obama wants to be SecGen of the United Nations in four years, there is an extra reason to buy votes in the Middle East.

None of this should ever become public knowledge, as far as Obama and Hillary are concerned.  Benghazi therefore had to be covered up at any price.

With Obama, personal ambition and political moves always go together.

Conservatives, beware.

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