Brothers and Sisters in Freedom and Prosperity

Here's a video of a black man, Elbert Lee Guillory, from the deep south, who sounds like he has his political head screwed on tight -- for all his brothers and sisters, as he says, and a lot of mine, too.

Not because of Guillory's initial homily about Jim-Crow Democrats and civil-rights Republicans, but because Guillory puts his finger directly on one of the biggest American political frauds of the last half-century: the Democratic Party's political dogma about the welfare state lifting black men out of poverty and finally freeing them from slavery's repressive past.

The welfare state has, of course, done no such thing.

Instead, as Guillory himself rightly points out, the welfare state has effectively re-enslaved many black men on a government plantation, where now they toil in welfare dependencies and voting booths rather than in the fields of white men.  They trade their pride, manhood, and self-reliance for handouts from populist politicians interested only in buying the votes to maintain their (largely white) ruling-class privilege. 

The Democratic Party may have been the worst thing to happen to black men from Reconstruction to Lyndon Johnson, but the Democratic Party's perhaps also the worst thing to happen to black men since Lyndon Johnson.  Blacks aside, however, the Democratic Party's the worst thing to happen to millions of plebeian whites, too -- enslaving them on the same government plantation with the same loss of pride, manhood, and self-reliance.

And now the Democratic Party's gearing up to do the same thing, for the same reasons, with tens of millions of Latin-Americans -- the 10-20 million already illegally in this country and the perhaps twice as many more whom "comprehensive immigration reform" will eventually import from some of the failed states south of our border.

In this connection, I note that California's already reported to have a lower literacy rate than Mexico itself.  Not surprising (if true), since we've permitted Mexico to export the lowest-skilled and least educated tenth of its population to our welfare wonderland.

The effective fact seems to be that today's Democratic Party is still more or less in the same trade it was before the Civil War: slavery.  The welfare state may be (as Carl von Clausewitz said of war and diplomacy) just the continuation of slavery by other means.

Little wonder.  When's the last time any major socialist state anywhere didn't wind up enslaving those whom it had first made its dependents?

You'd think we'd have learned at least a little about the difference between socialist illusions and socialist realities, socialist promises and socialist outcomes, from the hundreds of millions in the lost Marxist generations across half the world whom the Communists first made into dependents early during the last century before then impoverishing and enslaving them for the rest of the century.  Except, that is, for the tens of millions of their brothers and sisters whom Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong had first to kill outright in order to impoverish and enslave the rest.

Ah, other times and other places, some say -- just old history.  Not really; it can happen here and now, too.  We've been steadily heading that way for at least the last half-century.

And all it may take to get us the rest of the way there during the rest of this century is making 30 or 40 million low-skilled and poorly educated Latin-Americans into voting U.S. dependents.

The Heritage Foundation estimates that doing so will eventually cost us about $6.5 trillion.  Actually, it may cost us much more than that.  It may cost us whatever freedom and prosperity we still have left.  It may cost us whatever's still left of the Republic.  It may make America a one-party state.  Watch S.744 as you would the fate of your children.

Back to Guillory: he sounds good, but he was a Republican before he was a Democrat before he became a Republican again.  Guillory first switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party just before he successfully ran (in a heavily Democratic parish) for a 2007 seat in the Louisiana House of Representatives.  It was only after having been elected (two years later) to a seat in the Louisiana Senate (with a less Democratic constituency?) that Guillory switched (last May) back into the Republican Party.  So perhaps Guillory's just another politician.  Let us hope, instead, he's a principled politician truly interested in freeing those of his brothers and sisters now enslaved on the government plantation.

Anyway, Ben Carson's the black man I'd really like to see involved in national politics.  Carson doesn't pretend to be either a Democrat or a Republican, but he sure seems to have the self-reliance credentials which might help all of America find its way back to becoming once again an upright nation of proud men producing at least as much as they consume -- brothers and sisters, all, in freedom and prosperity.

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