A Brief Introduction to Britain's Unite Against Fascism

Around a couple of months ago, the British 'anti-fascist' group Unite Against Fascism (UAF) sent a letter to the British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) demanding that it implement what you could only call its Lesser Gulag Policy; or, as they put it, the 'no platform policy'. It demanded that the BBC -- and all other media outlets -- never interview anyone who is in any way critical of Islam or of the behavior of Muslims (as Muslims). That UAF did so was an incredible screech of hypocrisy. They simply didn't get the irony of demanding such a fascist measure to silence what they deemed to be 'fascists' (the UAF's Set of Fascists has very many members).

Unite Against Fascism

So who or what is Unite Against Fascism? Primarily UAF is a front group for the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), which is a Trotskyist revolutionary group that used to severely patronize the English working class until Muslims, in large numbers, came on the British scene. (America has its own Socialist Workers Party.) Now it feeds off potential Muslim 'radicalism'; at the same time wanting -- or expecting -- Muslims to turn into Marxist revolutionaries as some kind of payback for their condescension and political help. Can you believe that?

Unite Against Fascism was formed in late 2003 when the SWP invented -- or adopted -- the notion of 'Islamophobia' in order to politicise young Muslims -- as well as loads of gullible and privileged university students -- into their 'revolutionary struggle against capitalism'.

UAF claims that its primary purpose -- evidently (or perhaps not so evidently) -- is to 'fight against fascism'. In its own words, it's an 'anti-fascist organization in the United Kingdom that campaigns against right wing and fascist organizations in Britain'... Do you see now? UAF is against all examples of fascism... except brown fascism, black fascism, Islamo-fascism, Arab fascism, and its own red fascism. Let me explain further. UAF is against all the examples of fascism displayed by white people -- primarily when displayed by the British working class (or at least working-class 'fascism' takes up most of the time of UAF's predominately white, predominantly middle-class members).

So what's the best way for UAF to silence all critics of Islam and Muslims (as Muslims)? Simple. Call all of them -- and I mean all of them! -- 'fascist' and/or 'racist' (or try the new word-weapon: 'Islamophobe'). Accusing all your political enemies of being 'fascists', 'racists' or 'Islamophobes' works -- politically speaking. Thus UAF uses these words, and others, very often. And according to Jonah Goldberg, in his book Liberal Fascism, it's clearly the case that 'no one has to take a fascist seriously'. More to the point:

'You're under no obligation to listen to a fascist's arguments [surely he can't have arguments] or concern yourself with his feelings or rights [he has none].'

UAF's Leaders

The vice chairman of UAF is the well-known British politician Ken Livingstone. He is now a keen supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood's Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. 'Red Ken', as he was called by the British public in the 1980s, used to focus on various and many 'identity groups', such as lesbians and gays, until he realized that many of his new-found Muslim friends wanted to kill some of these people.

UAF's 'joint secretary', Weyman Bennett, once said that Jews 'should go back to where they came from ... New York or wherever' (a claim he's never denied). He's also a member of the Central Committee -- yes, Soviet Style! -- of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Despite all that, some still argue that UAF has no (direct?) connections to the SWP despite the fact that nearly every one of its leaders are members of the SWP and most of its activists are members too. It must also be noted that the SWP produces UAF's banners and arranges just about everything it does (including its many coffee mornings).

In 2112 Unite Against Freedom elected Azad Ali to be Vice Chair of the organization. Azad Ali opposes democracy and supports full sharia law; he supported the killing of British and American soldiers in Iraq; he attended talks by the spiritual leader of Al Qaeda in Europe, Abu Qatada (only just deported from the UK); he wants, or wanted, Ismail Haniyeh -- the leader of Hamas -- to be the Caliph of the next Caliphate; and in response to being exposed by Chanel 4's "Dispatches," he said: 'We've got a picture of you and a lot more than you thought we had. We've tracked you down to different places. And if people are gonna turn what I've just said into a threat, that's their fault, innit?'

But despite all that (all ye of little faith), UAF stresses that many of 'signatories' and 'members' are not SWP members or Islamists -- and that, bizarrely enough, is absolutely true! They include, or included, Sir Teddy Taylor MP (who apparently likes Bob Marley) and the British Prime Minister himself, David Cameron (who, I think, once smoked a joint but didn't inhale). Because they are -- or were -- only signatories, rather than activists, they don't do much, or anything, for UAF other than appear -- or at least their names do -- on its website.

Nonetheless, it was rumored that Sir Teddy Taylor MP originally thought that UAF was a reggae band. As for Cameron, some say that he supports -- or still supports -- UAF because, like everyone else in mainstream British politics, he's against 'Islamophobia' and thinks that a few extra Muslim votes will come in handy too.

A Little Bit of UAF History

On the 19th of August, 2009, the British police arrested 19 UAF protesters during a demonstration in Codnor, Derbyshire.

On the 22nd of October, 2009, a UAF demonstration outside the BBC resulted in injuries to three police officers. A UAF national officer and (then) SWP National Secretary at the time, a Martin Smith (later embroiled in rape and sexual assault charges within the SWP), was found guilty of assaulting one of the police officers at South Western Magistrates' Court, London, on the 7th of September, 2010.

On the 20th of March, 2010, 55 UAF supporters were arrested, including the UAF protest organizer, Weyman Bennett, on suspicion of conspiracy to commit violent disorder in the English town of Bolton. The police 'blamed people predominantly associated with UAF for provoking violence' and said that they 'acted with, at times, extreme violence'.

Finally, and more recently, on the 2nd of June, 2013, 58 UAF demonstrators were arrested by police in London under Section 14 of the Public Order Act.


UAF (SWP) defends literally everything Muslims do because it thinks that will help 'radicalize' or destabilize the 'capitalist system' and even help to bring about their very own very white, very middle-class, and very un-Islamic revolution.

The British working-class let these middle-class professionals down. It never gave them the revolution they fantasized about. The UAF-SWP therefore believes in latching onto any social movement (or even non-Western state) which is at odds with 'the capitalist state'. Thus they even support Iran, as well as various misogynists, killers, homophobes, rapists, terrorists, etc. As long as long as these nice people have brown skin and are against Western capitalism -- they will support them.

Basically, UAF is the mirror image of the 'fascists' or 'Nazis' they claim to be fighting against. Its fascism is displayed in the desire to suppress freedom of speech; the use of violence; its political totalitarianism, ('democratic') centralism and even its racism (i.e., its racism against whites and Jews, as well as positive -- or 'inverted' -- racism towards blacks, Muslims, etc.). That's why the members of UAF are obsessed by Nazis/ fascists -- they don't like the mirror's reflection of their own Nazism/ fascism. Their seeing fascism everywhere is a psychological projection of their own tendencies onto others. Just as many Puritans saw sex everywhere because they were often sex-obsessed; so the UAF sees racism and fascism everywhere because they are often racist and always fascist themselves.

Indeed these International Socialists of UAF-SWP are fighting the National Socialists (Nazis) over the same political bones: the promise of zero unemployment, selfless leaders, a perfect society, classlessness or class equality, the defeat of 'Zionists', the annihilation of the capitalist order (Das System) and the death and destruction of all their numerous enemies.

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