The Best Political Ad for 2014

Barry promised a zillion times on camera that Americans under ObamaCare would be able to keep their health care insurance if they liked it, that they would be able to keep the same doctors, and so on.  Were these lies?

Obama and his flacks seem incapable to saying that the president lied to the American people.  There is a possibility that Orwell's future, in which members of the Inner Party (i.e., the cadres of leftism) actually believe their daily incarnation of party truth.  "Doublethink" was Orwell's term for this sort of communicative cognitive disease, which allowed Inner Party members to hold two utterly incompatible beliefs at the same time.

So would the best GOP campaign ads next year be videos of Obama or hapless Democrats like Mary Landrieu in the Louisiana Senate race stating the obviously broken promises mouthed to gain passage of ObamaCare?  Certainly the Republican Party should remind voters that Democrats cannot be trusted to tell the truth when they make solemn promises to the American people.

There is, however, another message that Republicans should play at the same time -- a more important message.  Democrats are in utterly over their heads in trying to handle health care, or any other important issue for our country.  In March 2010, Speaker Pelosi, who many commentators have noted is an embarrassment to the high office she held, made this statement about ObamaCare to a conference of local government officers:  "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what's in it[.]"

Democrat leftism in America has been propped up so long by the establishment media, by corrupt labor unions, and by that vast gray army of bureaucrats and academicians connected with a huge umbilical cord through which flow billions of dollars in salaries and benefits that whatever modest competence the left in American once possessed has long since vanished.   Those who mouth the politically correct rhetoric are always right, which accounts for the dull and repetitive responses of Obama and his friends to the grim news about broken promises, pathetic websites, and nonexistent cyber-security.

The leaders of the Democrat Party are profoundly dumb folks.  American Thinker contributors have noted in past articles that Obama, when the teleprompter is off, is a very ordinary mind, reflecting the most grotesque results of perpetual affirmative action nudging this nebbish from an average student, a very common state senator, and a United States senator of no accomplishments at all into the leader of the free world.

Anyone who listens for more than a few moments to Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi quickly learns just how very limited both of them are in handling anything more than a tough game of checkers.  Trying to nail mendacity on Democrats -- when American voters wisely surmise that almost every politician who makes it to Washington and stays there long lies -- will not move nearly as many voters as the prospect of leaving the republic in the hands of woefully incompetent politicians like Pelosi, who was doubtless being quite candid when she said that Congress ought to pass the bill first and then fish around in the entrails of this legislative monstrosity to try to discern what ObamaCare had in store for America.

Pelosi's notoriously honest statement fits in perfectly with the grand theme of the ObamaCare rollout.  The website did not work and is now considered to work when it approaches what the private sector would have produced every time the first time.  The private and confidential information of millions of Americans seems naked before the prying eyes of criminals and creeps.  Everything promised has failed, and part of this is the normal Washingtonian duplicity -- but most of it is from Democrat haplessness, which is all we can expect from a political party composed of lawyers, government officials, union bosses, toady journalists, and otherworldly academicians. 

Next November, Republican political ads from coast to coast should say something like this: "The leaders of the Democratic Party are doing the very best they can.  That is the problem our nation faces today: that Democrat leaders are doing the best that they can.  We cannot expect them to fix the problems they have created or the other problems our nation will face.  Only a Republican Congress can fix ObamaCare, and only the American people can vote in that Congress this November." 

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