She's Baaaaack

She's baaaack. Actually, she, Mrs. Clinton, never really went away. Consider the last five years as an extended around-the-world progressive tour and road show; a pre-campaign "fact finding tour." But, she is now front and center on the domestic stage. Might I add, bigger than ever! Consider the cover page of the New York Times Sunday Magazine, January 19, 2014: Mrs. Clinton is planetary!

The center of a galaxy of all too familiar names. Hillary might be coy in public about her future plans but this graphic display leaves no doubt in the viewer's mind that this woman not only has gravitas she seemingly generates gravity. (An aside: it is a truly creepy and unsettling representation that is oddly not at all complimentary. The former First Lady looks bloated with a strange jaundiced hue and craterous crowfeet; other worldly and not in a heavenly sense. It looks like a poorly done poster for some sci-fi movie: "Hillary Attacks!" or "The Invasion of the Body-Politic Snatchers.")

The Media begins to beat the drum of her inevitable rise. We might as well just hang it up, Republicans, it's all over but the shouting. Even while some Democratic operatives are nervous about an early flame-out and the compromising of mid-term fund raising (see:"Early Drive For Clinton Unsettles Democrats", "The Wall Street Journal", Monday, Feb 3, 2014), she-who-must-be elected, continues to work the Circuit.

And we stand amazed that such a creature of blind (blond) ambition, with soo few notable accomplishments, (didn't you just love that Reset Button, Vlad?) should continue to be in the starring role of this soap opera we call American Politics. The informed citizen asks, "Can't you see through this statist scammer?" What to do? Not again, please not again.

And the average Joe Conservative despairs of his/her inability to influence events. Wendell Wilkie said of FDR, "It's hard to defeat Santa Claus." Like that old Breton Fisherman's prayer, "Lord protect me yet. The Sea's so wide and my boat's so small." What to do?

I am a Christian, and follow a faith built solidly upon a narrative, grounded in a story. For words founded upon Truth and crafted in stories ending in a moral, still have the power to move and create (see the Prologue of John's Gospel).

We need to be story tellers these next few years. We need to weave a counter-narrative to the drivel that is bubbling up around us like a backed up drain. There is an overabundance of stories on the Clintons and they must be told and retold. Unlike our present chief executive, the Clintons are not blank sheets of paper. Let me share one with you. This was related to me in my capacity as an active duty Officer in the Army. It comes directly from the person who experienced it.

A young Army officer is rewarded by a plum assignment on a temporary White House Detail. Imagine his excitement as he reported for duty at the executive mansion! Uniform crisp and over-starched, his back ramrod straight, his face aglow with the joy of knowing that he is being honored with such duty; "Walkin' tall and lookin' good, shoulda been in Hollywood...". And then....

Ushered into a small briefing room, his supervisor passes out the inevitable charts and contact numbers and mission metrics. Clearing her throat the Major says, "Before we get into this material let me begin by telling you two orders that do not appear in the official Standard Operation Procedures, but are vital to the successful completion of our mission: 1) When in uniform try to keep out of the line-of-sight of the President and First Lady. If you see them coming in the halls, attempt to vacate the area, discreetly. 2) (And this is very important ), never ever make eye contact with the First Lady." No need to over explain this one. Let the hearer draw their own conclusions. We will be, after all, electing a Commander in Chief, will we not? If Mrs. Clinton, a C 'n C who apparently doesn't deign to interact with Uniform Service Personnel because they make her uneasy.

So, avail yourself of pertinent information in story form regarding the Clintons. Gather some material from books like Hell to Pay by our martyred sister, Barbara Olson. Do it and start the counter narrative. Speak up or lose out. It's your country and your story too.

Hugh MacKenzie, is a retired Chaplain Colonel, USAR

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