Obama's Shameless Supporters

It would be, indeed, meet to ask "Have you no shame?" of the fawners (sometimes secretly) assembled to listen and donate to the inappropriately-jocular Clown-of-the-United-States (COTUS).

Mr. Obama’s appalling joke-telling immediately after comments on deeply-serious events has disconcerted almost everyone on the right and growing numbers in the liberal media and the left. 

Yet the big donors and the committed leftists appear to be shamelessly unconcerned about this disjunction, and they should be called out.

To use on them that famous misquote of the most destructive question ever asked of anyone, anywhere would be particularly apt since that obsequious group makes possible the continuing lawlessness, domestic wrongheadedness, and foreign policy ineptitude of COTUS and his various and numerous coteries.

And that question should be employed whenever and wherever possible to destroy, or at least deter, the donors, the fundraisers, and the agenda of COTUS.

What Boston lawyer Joseph Welch actually asked of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy was: "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"  But the misquote stands, and that question destroyed the senator, the hearing, and the hunt for communists in government (notwithstanding the apparent merits of McCarthy’s thesis -- but that's a tale for another time.)

Were a Republican to do what Mr. Obama does, I would be ashamed to be seen with or donate to that person, as, I suspect, most readers of AT would also be.

Think about it:

What kind of person is it that shamelessly dons finery and hands over a big check to someone who cannot be or seem to be paying serious attention to a world that is in crisis from the western rim of the Pacific to the heartland of Europe to the crossroads of the Middle East to a crumbling Afghanistan to all of central Africa and its eastern coast to our border with Mexico to a resurgence of the Falklands issue?

I wrote elsewhere about Mr. Obama’s ignorant misuse of Petitio Principii.  It is noteworthy that he was reading from a script when he said what he said, and that implies that his staff who prepared and read the script also didn’t know what the phrase meant.  Well, that surely goes for those who prepare the scripts containing the jokes and for those doing the scheduling of the fundraisers and the speeches.

Mr. Obama just doesn’t get it, nor do the members of his staff! 

Our buddy, Tom McGuire, at Justoneminute sums it up perfectly in commenting on Mr. Obama’s absent carryings-on at diners and dinners: “The world is blowing up and Obama is out to lunch - the optics were spot on.”

What kind of person is it that shamelessly convenes with someone who regularly violates his Constitutionally-mandated directive to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”?

What kind of person is it that shamelessly follows someone who regularly, arbitrarily, and illegitimately rules, yes, rules, by fiat, regulation, and diktat?

The brilliant cartoonist and illustrator, John Cox, depicts it well:


To be sure, many if not most members of this shameless group are rent-seekers currying favor with or rewarding the dispenser of the bounty they enjoy from his actions and policies, and a significant majority of the balance are big government ideologues who cannot think outside of their narrow philosophical boxes.

The ideologues, almost by definition, cannot see that their support of Mr. Obama and his agenda is shameful, but an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that they cannot continue to blindly follow someone who takes his duties so insensitively.

Certainly, to twist an analogy, the rent-seekers must fail to note from whom and for what it is that they are buying rope.  Either that, or they must think or hope that by their actions and donations the “crocodile will eat them last.”

These big donors (the non-legacy ones) are smart people or they wouldn’t be rich, and large numbers of the legacy rich are smart, but they all seem to fail to recognize that, in Pastor Martin Niemöller’s sense, someone will come for them sometime.

Senator McCarthy and many others didn’t understand that his actions and methods were shameful.  Mr. Welch made clear to everyone that they were.  It’s long past time that it be made clear that the actions and methods of Obama’s supporters are shameful.

The author is retired, his profile may be found on LinkedIn, and he may be argued with at bilschan@hotmail.com.

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