ISIS Crisis? Kerry Blames the Jews!

“There wasn’t a leader I met with in the region [of the Middle East] who didn’t raise with me spontaneously the need to try to get peace between Israel and the Palestinians, because it was the cause of recruitment and of street anger and agitation that they felt -- and I see a lot of heads nodding -- they had to respond to.” That was Secretary of State John Kerry’s latest gaffe.

He runs all over the Middle East and talks to Arab “leaders.” In what sense are these leaders, leaders? Our Declaration says that government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. Is there any country that Kerry visited where the leaders are leaders by consent of the governed?

Oh yes. There is one such state -- Israel. We have watched as much of the gruesome beheadings by ISIS killers as we can bear. We have yet to hear one of those brutal murderers say: “You know, we wouldn’t be doing this if the Israelis would just make nice.”

Israeli Cabinet Member Naftali Bennett was quoted in The Times of Israel. Bennett was defiant. “Even when a British Muslim beheads a British Christian, someone will always blame the Jew.”

Those nodding heads Kerry spoke of were diplomats’ heads. They have the advantage of still being on their owners’ shoulders. But the usual way for governments to change in the Mideast is for some street rebels to rise up and overthrow the rulers. Saddam was hanged. Khaddafi was beaten, sodomized, and then shot. PLO Chief Mahmoud Abbas is actually in the uncomfortable position of having the Israelis alerting him to Hamas assassination plots against him.

John Kerry’s quest for a Nobel Peace Prize is involving the U.S. and our real friends in a dangerous gambit. Kerry has been wrong on virtually every foreign policy issue for forty years.

He began his public career by denouncing his fellow Vietnam vets in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He claimed they had behaved “like Genghis Khan.” He ran off to Paris to negotiate with Vietnamese Communists. This was in violation of America’s Logan Act. But since he was a media darling, even then, he got away with it.

Kerry sledded into the U.S. Senate in 1984 as a leading advocate of the Nuclear Freeze.

We now know that the Nuclear Freeze Movement -- which involved millions of credulous left-wingers in the West -- was largely directed and funded by the Soviet KGB.

There’s talk in Israel -- among those who actually have to win votes and who have to take their country’s security seriously -- that some Members of the Knesset should nominate Kerry for his Nobel Peace Prize. It’s a satirical gesture. As if to say: “Please, give this man a Peace Prize so he’ll leave us alone!”

We’re sorry to report to our friends in Israel: It won’t work. President Obama already won his Nobel Peace Prize and he’s still noodging Kerry to make a pro-Arab peace in the Mideast.

We have a suggestion for Mr. Secretary: Move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. That would show the Arab diplomats the United States is serious and no longer willing to be led around by the nose. Then, we might see some movement toward peace!

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