What Should A Smart Conservative Do?

This 2014 election may be one of the most important elections in recent memory. Of course every election cycle someone claims that the next election is the most important one and they make arguments to support their claim. But every election can have serious consequences and should be treated as important and significant. This one is no exception. So what should serious-minded conservatives do?

Some conservatives are still thinking about the primary season. Their ideal candidate did not win.  Maybe even the best candidate ideal or not did not win either. As a result, a few are considering not voting in the general at all. A few others are arguing for a protest vote. But are these smart choices?

If you’re thinking about sitting out this election, think again. You are probably thinking that there is no conservative choice so you’re not going to vote. In the heat of battle we tend to think in extremes. And the primary fight may have left you thinking this way. But this is a false dichotomy. You enter an election with the choices you have, not the choices you would like to have. You have a choice between making the country a little bit worse off or a little bit better. The marginal choice should be obvious. You’ve heard the famous saying “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”. If you choose not to vote you have chosen to do nothing. Life is not static. It will move whether you help it or not. Choose to move it the right direction.

If you’re thinking about making a “protest” vote you should reconsider that as well. It really isn’t a smart choice. No one will really know what you are saying. You don’t get to send an editorial with your vote. And no one reads each individual vote anyway. There are smarter ways to protest. Join a movement.  Increase your participation in one you already belong to. But if you think the choice is between bad and worse you have to choose bad in order to prevent worse. Make the best choice you can on Tuesday and continue the good fight to get better choices on Wednesday.

Some of you are thinking that I’m making these arguments because I’m just not conservative. Sorry, but I’m probably more conservative than you are. I always have to vote tactically because I live in California. There is almost never the opportunity for me to vote for the candidate that I agree with all the time.  But I still vote. Yes, sometimes I have to hold my nose but I vote. If only to keep things from getting worse I still vote. Be thankful you have a choice. Many conservatives in liberal districts have no opportunity to make even a small marginal difference because the liberals run unopposed.

Some of you in states like Kansas or Mississippi are still angry about the primary season. Conservatives in Kansas need to get out in droves to support Governor Brownback. You may not agree with everything he has done but he has set Kansas on a conservative path and to let up now would return the state to the duplicitous Sebelius/Parkinson era. And speaking of duplicity, how could conservatives let Orman become the next senator from Kansas? Don’t let your frustration over the primary cloud your perception. Orman is a lifelong Democrat who thinks you are stupid enough to get fooled by his shady rhetoric. Senator Roberts isn’t likely to run again given his age. And if for some reason he can’t finish this term, Governor Brownback would certainly appoint a conservative in his place. 

If you live in Mississippi I understand your frustration too. But this will likely be Senator Cochran’s last term as well. Vote for him but hold his feet to the fire. Letting the Democrat win won’t solve anything. And a principled conservative will be there to take his place whenever that time will arise. If the results of the primary season anger you more than the antics of Barack Obama and Harry Reid, you need to step back and see what is at stake in this election. All politics are not local and this election will have profound national consequences.

Right now many of the folks who voted for Obama are questioning his leadership. We need to seize the opportunity and push back hard. Winning the Senate is not enough. There are three Senate seats that will likely go from Republican to Democrat in 2016. We need a resounding victory while we have the chance. Many of these races are close. We need to win all of the close races whether they are Senate races in North Carolina or New Hampshire or House Races in Arizona or even here in California. It’s not too late to send money or help get out the vote. Conservatives should be the powerful engine that drives the victory. Let’s make this an election no one will forget.

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