A New Poster Child for Black on White Crime

Paige Stalker might be alive today had she learned about Routine Activity Theory.

But she is dead and two of her friends are critically wounded, the latest poster children for R.A.T.:  White people in black neighborhoods should expect to be the victims of racial violence.

Paige was one of five teenagers from an upscale neighborhood in nearby Grosse Point who were on their way to the movies three days before Christmas when they decided to pull over and smoke marijuana in Detroit.

While they were getting a high, a black man with a high-powered rifle approached their car and fired 30 rounds into it, killing Paige.

Paige and her friends learned the hard way what in 2012 became well known in a Chicago courtroom. The case revolved around a white woman who was released from jail into a black neighborhood. Hours later, she was thrown out of the seventh-story window of a local housing project.

Her parents sued the city of Chicago, saying the city should have known their white daughter would be a victim of violence in that black neighborhood.

That was the testimony of Harvard sociology professor Robert Sampson and what the judge said when he described R.A.T. The woman “was a white female in a predominantly black, poor neighborhood (and) she had a much higher risk of predatory victimization.”

The judge said the situation was so transparently dangerous (link corrected) that Chicago police “might as well have released her into the lions’ den at the Brookfield Zoo.”

The city’s lawyers claimed the professor was guilty of racial profiling and demanded the judge throw out his testimony. Judge Frank Easterbrook scorned that argument and approved a judgment against the city for $22.5 million.

While Paige and her friends were not aware of R.A.T., more and more teachers from around the country are required to teach its counterpart, Critical Race Theory: White racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent. White racism explains everything.

In San Francisco during one such training session, a teacher said she and her colleagues were required to close their eyes and feel shame because their ancestors owned slaves.

“We were told to put our heads down on the table, like little kids being punished,” the teacher said. “We were actually in a classroom, seated at kids' desks while they told us how we should be ashamed for the racism that created slavery and persists today.”

R.A.T. is not nearly as popular in high schools. But Assistant Police Chief Steve Dolunt of Detroit seems to know it pretty well, even if he does not call it that. Dolunt and his investigators are still trying to figure out how this crime happened. But this much he does know: Those upper-class rich kids did not have any business in that black neighborhood.

"The kids in Grosse Pointe -- they think it can't happen to them," Dolunt told the Detroit Free Press. ”People shouldn't blame the people in Detroit; your kids are buying drugs there.”

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of the best selling book, White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it. You can find many of the videos on racial violence mentioned in this article on his YouTube channel.

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