The Brooklyn Slaughter and the End of Gotcha

We are way past playing games of gotcha. 

The Brooklyn police slaughter is just another example of how black racial hostility is now an everyday fact of life. Part of the national fabric.

So much so that no one even bothers to hide it. Not anymore. A few recent cases illuminate the bigger picture:

In Portland, Oregon, a sales clerk for Nordstrom tells his Facebook friends black people should kill one white cop for every white cop who kills a black person.

In Philadelphia, a paramedic said the same thing but took it one step further: He posted a picture of two black people holding a gun to the head of a white police officer.

Chris Rock tells NPR he instructed HBO to fill his audience only with black people.


Shrug. Shrug. Shrug.

In black churches across the country, Reverend Jeremiah Wright -- the black minister who made a career out of preaching racial resentment for 20 years to the future President of the United States at his Chicago church -- is received like a rock star. A messiah. A hero.

And he’s very, very busy -- saying the same thing that pretended to surprise our future president in 2008.

Wright’s former parishioner goes to the United Nations to confess (the rest of) our sins about race. At home he talks about “the justice gap” that results in black people going to prison at a rate that is astronomically out of proportion because of troubled “police-community relations.”

Which is defined as too many white cops catching too many black people breaking the law.

The attorney general chimed in with his own "We Shall Overcome" moment. He reminded us how police stopped him driving a car. It is hard to tell what he disliked more: Being pulled over, or not having the chauffeur to which was entitled since birth.

Shrug. Shrug. Shrug.

Congressman John Conyers tells his colleagues that white people and black people commit the same amount of crime, but the only reason black people are caught 6, 8, 10, 50 times more is because white police pick on black people.

Reporters bob their heads.

How many recent examples do you want? Pick a number between one and 10,000. That’s a start.

In Philadelphia, family court judge Wayne Bennett had a message for Thomas Sowell and me after Sowell wrote several articles about my book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America. Bennett said he would explain to us why white people are victims of black violence: After 400 years of slavery, white people deserve it, he said.

Judge Bennett is not an outlier like Farrakhan and here’s why: They are both mainstream.

On CNN, an entire panel on a news program raised their hands in surrender and chanted the new mantra of racial antipathy: 'Hands up. Don’t shoot.' When the blonde-haired descendent of a president of the United States joins in repeating a lie that encourages racial hostility, that is a sure-fire sign how deeply ingrained it is.

On NPR, a black graduate of Yale Law School tells the most popular podcast in America how she and another Yale law grad have fun cutting in line at movie theaters, then laughing at the white people too afraid to confront them.

A few minutes later, an African novelist details how she learned to become an American by becoming instantly and constantly angry at white people. Again in the Ivy League.

Every black newspaper and web site in America is full of one fairy tale after another of white privilege, white violence, white hatred. Open season on black people, anyone?

Meanwhile in the real world, in places like Baltimore, black mayors tell black police departments not to arrest black people. Then they say crime is down. And in the court room, black juries are loathe to convict black defendants. They call it a Bronx jury.

We can call it black privilege.

The mayor of New York brags about giving his son The Talk: White racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent. White racism explains everything. He counsels his son to care for his life when dealing with what an NAACP leader calls the police: Klan members without sheets.


None of this is news to a cop. Many experience racial hostility every day: In Chicago, black people point their fingers as if to shoot and taunt them with these letters: CCK. Chicago Cop Killer.

Around the rest of the country, cops know the words by heart to the anthem for the new racial hostility: F* the Police. They hear it all the time.

They do not act surprised. Or shocked.

After Brooklyn, neither should we.

Colin Flaherty is an award winning reporter and author of White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it. You can catch his latest videos on YouTube and his podcast on your favorite provider.

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