Black Judge heaps Scorn on Three-year old Racist

Louisville has a new hero: A black judge unafraid to stand up to the relentless white racism that is everywhere, all the time, and explains everything.

And the racist at the receiving end of Judge Olu Stevens’ courageous scorn? A three-year-old girl.

This profile in courage began two years ago when two black men burst into the home of Jordan and Tommy Gray, parents of the aforementioned offender. They held the family at gunpoint, making all the required threats about hurting them if they did not turn over all the valuable things that were probably hiding in their modest domicile.

The little girl was watching the Sponge Bob Square Pants cartoon show which, as any capable observer would know, is just another example of the embedded and unconscious racism that is buried so deeply is so many white people, to borrow a phrase from the President of the United States.

Not buried so deeply were the family’s valuables: The home invaders left with a cell phone and $1000 cash the family had been saving for vacation.

This of course was strike two: According to the Seattle public school district, saving is example of “future time orientation,” and that is a white thing.  Only racists would expect black people to “exhibit” that.

Just in case you are not up on the full definition of “racism,” here it is, courtesy of Seattle Public Schools:

“Those aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype, and label people of color as “other”, different, less than, or render them invisible. Examples of these norms include defining white skin tones as nude or flesh colored, having a future time orientation, emphasizing individualism as opposed to a more collective ideology, defining one form of English as standard.”

Soon after the robbery, the little girl told her mother that she was afraid of black people.  And the mother told the judge in her victim’s statement.

Judge Stevens did not care for that.

Like justice coming down like rain, Judge Stevens poured his righteous indignation down on them. The family, that is. Not the criminals. All on video.

“There’s a victim impact statement here that bothers me, to be honest with you,” said Judge Stevens. “I assume the victims in this case are white?” he asked the prosecutor, who was hoping for a 20-year sentence for the miscreant. (The gun-toting home invader, not the infantile racist.)

“It troubles me greatly,” said the judge, as he read the mother’s account of how this robbery has traumatized her child. Again, just for the sake of clarity, the judge was not troubled at the trauma the little girl experienced, he was troubled at the trauma he was experiencing that anyone would could be aware that black crime and violence in Louisville is wildly out of proportion.

The mother and child’s reaction was similar to what the Reverend Jesse Jackson said about black crime: “There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

“Really?” Judge Stevens asked after reading the mother’s account of her daughter’s fear of black men following the robbery.

“I want to make that part of the record, I am offended by that,” said the judge.

And just in case anyone did not get the message the first several times, the judge took it to a new level: “I am deeply offended by that.”

He blamed the child’s racism on the parents for “fostering” it. And all of sudden the victims of the racial violence were now the perpetrators.

And the perpetrators? They were the victims.

The judge then faced the one remaining home invader that was left to be sentenced and told him he believed he could be redeemed through the saving power of probation. Not prison.

This was the second recent case of toddler racism exposed in the public square in the last two months. The first came on the floor of the Indiana State legislature when Rep. Vanessa Summers presaged the happenings in the Louisville courtroom.

“As an African American female,” explained Rep. Vanessa Summers, “I get discriminated against, you don’t,” she told a white legislator.

“I have told Representative McMillin I love his little son, but he’s scared of me because of my color. And that’s horrible. And that’s something we’re going to work on. We’ve talked about it. And we’re going to work on it.”

“I asked him ‘please, introduce your child to some people of color so that he won’t live his life as a prejudiced person.’ ”

McMillin’s 18-month old racist son was not available to confirm or deny the allegations.

I am going to invoke a bit of author’s privilege here to list my own personal favorite of how another brave black judge stood up to the forces of white racism.

The judge was Wayne Bennett who, when he is not contributing to his popular Field Negro blog, plies his trade as a jurist in the Philadelphia family court. The occasion was a newspaper column from Dr. Thomas Sowell, saying that before he read White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it (that scintillating best seller from your humble correspondent) he did not really know how bad the problem of black mob violence really was.

Judge Bennett did not like that.

“I call bull s**t,” quoth the judge. “Here is the deal, no matter how violent some young black punks act and wild out towards groups of white people -- or a single white individual, it will never make up for all the violence that was practiced against people of color throughout this nation's history.”

Translation: White people deserve it.

Colin Flaherty is the author of the other and newer best selling book: Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

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