Obama's Passover Gift to Israel: Releasing Iran from Bondage

In light of the announced deal with Iran, more people are scratching their heads questioning the foreign policy decisions of the Obama Presidency. A few reminders might be in order.

President Obama’s first phone call to a foreign leader upon taking office in ’09 was to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority.

His first international speech was in Cairo, where he declared a “new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world."

In order to prove how serious he was about improving relations with the Muslims, he immediately set his sights on America’s strongest ally, Israel. He openly blackmailed Israel when he said his degree of toughness on Iran would depend on how flexible Israel is with the Palestinians. What does getting tough on Iran have to do with solving a local issue between Israel and the Palestinians? In other words we are supposed to believe if Israel knuckles under and turns over its heartland to people who are theologically committed to its destruction, with a charter that requires said goal, this means the US will be gentile with Iran? What’s Iran’s interest in the Palestinians? Iran is Shiite. The Palestinians are overwhelmingly Sunni. They hate each other. What am I missing here Mr. President?

He walked out on Netanyahu’s White House visit in March 2010 giving him a diplomatic slap in the face. When Mahmoud Abbas next came to the WH he received the full diplomatic protocol…and unlike Netanyahu, he entered and left through the front door of the White House.

Moreover, so bad was Obama’s treatment of Israel, he received letters from 50 retired US Generals, and both Houses of Congress, signed by 75% of US lawmakers, telling him to stop treating Israel so poorly. Such letters are unprecedented.

Most recently he supported an American-led effort in Israel to defeat Netanyahu. Plus, he was so furious with the Israeli leader for disagreeing with him on a deal with Iran, Obama reacted by declassifying US documents about Israel’s nuclear program.

Now, as Jews worldwide celebrate release from bondage under Pharaoh by observing Passover, Obama has released Iran from bondage with a deal that will allow them to continue their nuclear program, which at best only delays their ability to obtain nuclear weapons.

Before we all get lost in a celebratory daze, let’s take a quick Obama history course.

One might wonder why he has turned relations with Israel upside down. Keep in mind his most significant childhood influence was Frank Marshall Davis, an active member of the Communist Party and founder of the Chicago Star, a Communist newspaper. Marshall was also under FBI surveillance for 19 years and considered a security threat.

The President spent 20 years attending the church of Rev. Jerimiah Wright, an avowed anti-Semite, and promotor of Black Liberation Theology.

Obama is also close friends with Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian professor at Columbia University. Khaldidi was instrumental in bringing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, who stated Israel should be wiped off the map, to speak at the renowned university. Khalidi is also known for his strong anti-Semitic/pro-Palestinian views.

With influences such as these, is it any wonder President Obama has been the most anti-Israel President in US history?

However, he’s also turned US relations with longtime Arab allies around, and not for the better. For example, when the so-called “Arab Spring” demonstrations erupted in Cairo in 2011, he tossed Hosni Mubarak, a 30 year US ally under the bus, and publically announced support for the movement which resulted in bringing Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood to power. The MB is the grandfather of Islamic terrorist organizations. Founded in 1928 after the 1917 collapse of the Ottoman Empire, its primary goal is to establish an Islamic Caliphate, replacing the Ottomans.  Other terrorists organizations spawned from their umbrella include Hamas, Al Qaeda, and Islamic Jihad.

When the same “voice of the people” as Obama called them, chose to get rid of Morsi’s Islamist regime less than two years after coming to power, Obama expressed great concern that democracy was in jeopardy.  Morsi was ousted, and jailed, where he remains today. When Egypt elected Abdel Fattah el Sisi, the Egyptian government made it clear that because of Obama’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt could no longer trust the US. This resulted in Egypt inking a huge arms deal with Russia.

Another relationship which has changed is Saudi Arabia. Next to Israel, the Saudis have been America’s closest ally in the region. However, two events altered the status of US-Saudi relations.  First was Obama’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Then when Obama announced the US would enter into negotiations with Iran, which included relaxation of sanctions and unfreezing $800 million of their assets, the Saudis felt stabbed in the back. The Saudis have also been forced to lead a coalition against the Iranian backed rebels in Yemen, because the US has refused to get involved due to the negotiations with Iran. This has added to the frosty Saudi-US relations.

Now he’s carved out a deal with Iran, the main sponsor of state terrorism, run by Shiite ayatollahs. Not surprisingly, voices of concern have been raised by numerous countries, including several other Gulf allies.

If there is one country which represents the precise opposite of Judeo-Christian democratic values, it is Iran. Their theology is fundamental Islam, which at its foundation requires the liquidation of Jews and Christians, before their messiah known as the Mahdi returns. They have repeatedly stated Israel should be wiped off the map. Plus, so much hatred exists between Saudi Arabia and Iran, that Saudi recently said they would allow Israeli jets air space to attack Iran.

Let’s not forget that just recently while Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting with Iran’s foreign minister, they were blowing up mock versions of US ships in the Gulf, for the world to see.

Regarding Iran’s nuclear program, their goal has always been to obtain nuclear weapons. If this weren’t the case why would they have made it so difficult for IAEA inspectors to have full, consistent and complete access to every nook and cranny of all of their facilities? Time and again Iran has delayed, changed or refused inspections. Also, if anyone believes they have been completely forthcoming with the location of every one of their nuclear facilities, said person must believe the moon is made of cheese.

The combination of all of these should make it clear to anyone, they cannot be trusted! Yet President Obama seems to think he can accomplish what no other leader can by striking a deal with them.  Given his track record when it comes to the Middle East, he is the last person I would put my faith in when it comes to making a deal. Trust me when I say neither he nor the Iranians can be trusted.

Should the US Congress decide they need to approve the deal with Iran, they might be what saves the world from this apocalyptic regime having the last laugh.

Dan Calic's Facebook page is found here.

Dan Calic is a writer, history student and speaker. See additional articles on his Facebook page

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