Spring Break Violence is a Black College Thing

Being a self-proclaimed "simple man," Bill O’Reilly has no reason to know about the long history of black mob violence associated with Spring Break.

So earlier this week when he wanted to know why seven black people were shot following a large fight at a large party in Panama City, Florida, O’Reilly was probably not aware that just few weeks before, a group of black people attacked Dak Prescott, a Heisman Trophy candidate from Mississippi State. They left the dazed quarterback on his back in a parking lot, his assailants doing the victory dance on social media. On video.

Nor was he aware that the vast majority of violence and gunplay getting so much attention at Panama Beach City is more than just a “young person” thing. It’s a black thing. So trying to understand a problem he misstated, he was flummoxed.

For answers, he turned to Fox News contributor Mary Kathryn Hamm. She begged off because her wildest spring break memories happened at the Reagan Library, she said.

That left just one guest to explain it all to the Big Man: Former Washington Post and NPR guru Juan Williams. He surprised a lot of people in two ways: 1) Knowing the truth. 2) Speaking the truth.

Williams reminded O’Reilly of Freaknik, the annual celebration of black violence and anarchy that got so bad that even the Chocolate City of Atlanta had to pull the welcome mat. Then he mentioned Urban Beach Week in Miami Beach -- only reporters call it anything but Black Beach Week -- and how that was a celebration of chaos and violence as well.

The annual mayhem continued until 2013, when city officials ran out of ways to describe the “living hell” that 400,000 black people created in Miami Beach. So they turned that small town into a large armed camp.

Today, lots of attendees complain how the cops, the towers, the dogs, the drones, the license plate scanners, the lights, the Homeland Security and the cameras are all killing their buzz. And attendance is down.

O’Reilly wrote off the Panama Beach City violence as some kind of new exhibitionism, all made possible by that new-fangled social media; ignoring the whole racial thing, i.e. they were not black rioters, they were just rioters who happened to be black.

But large-scale and persistent mob violence during Spring Break is a black thing. Or as the t-shirts say: A Black College Thing.

As I found out after writing about Black College Beach Week in Virginia Beach in the Spring of 2013. During that weekend, at a party for black people, organized by black people, advertised on black radio, at black colleges, where they sent buses to pick up black students, 40,000 black people rampaged through that beach town, destroying property, assaulting locals, punching restaurant owners, running out on tabs, stealing bikes, shooting guns, defying police, and generally stunning the locals into a shocked submission.

And that was the not first time. The previous episode of large-scale black mob violence during spring break was so bad that it was immortalized in Public Enemy’s “Welcome to the Terror Dome.” That was 1989. They even killed a police horse with a large brick.

Now the locals debate which was worse, the violence of 1989 or the chaos of 2013. And lecturers at nearby Virginia State University remind black students how black students then intentionally set out to provoke police and protect drug dealers. And how every encounter with the police was met with the song “F*ck The Police.”

Which still happens today. Every day. All over the country.

All are documented in the scintillating best seller, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: the hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. Along with the video links in it.

After I wrote about the hyper-violence in Virginia Beach in an article in 2013, emails started to pour in from all over the South and the East Coast: ‘Oh yeah, that happened here, that happened there.’

At the Texas Relays in Austin, culminating in 2009, city officials and police grappled with large-scale black mob violence and mayhem.

Tons of emails from Texas beach towns.

In Philadelphia, the folks at Wikipedia put it as well as anyone: “From the mid to late 1990s the Greek Picnic regressed into an event spoiled by frequent cases of assault, gun-related violence, car-jacking, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other crimes that seem to only happen at this specific event as opposed to other large gatherings within the city of Philadelphia.”

They were not serving gyros. The Greek in this picnic refers to members and alumni of black fraternities.

Then there was Orange Crush at Tybee Island.

This is a very long list of black parties that wore out their welcome after several years -- and angry city officials determined to never allow that to happen in their towns again.

Atlanta World Daily put it all in perspective following Black Beach Week 2013,  when it realized black people were running out of places to party -- and destroy. And that paper did not like it one bit because large gatherings of black people are “extensions of the civil rights movement.” 

And it is just not fair that so many places, like Miami Beach, “despise the ground we walk on,” said the paper’s Jineea Butler.

Remember Freaknik in Atlanta, the Greekfest in Philadelphia, Black Family Reunion in Daytona Beach, Jones Beach in New York and Virginia Beach Labor Day Weekend? Most of these events have been canceled because the local residents in each town voted against hosting our events.

Most of these large gatherings of black people were cancelled or discouraged after repeated and long-term violence, property damage, lawlessness, fights with police and trash. Always mountains of trash.

Many of which exist on video.

But anyone who attended these parties knows different: they were cancelled because black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism, all the time, everywhere and that explains everything.

That is why Jineea does not care for how she and her peeps are treated at these black events. She says “respect is a two-way street.” And lack of respect towards black people in Miami Beach is why the town is so chaotic on Memorial Day. Or was before police took over.

A black St. Louis talk show host has seen the same problem: Black mob violence at the Del Mar Loop, the upscale entertainment district, is a regular feature of life there. Why? The clubs have not reached out to black people to make them feel welcome.

So black people get angry and rampage, riot and attack cops. Jineea has a solution, but there is one small catch:

We need to sue the city of Miami for violating our civil rights this weekend, but the problem, my friends, is our behavior detracts from making our case. We view shootings and killings as a daily occurrence back home, but people from Miami frown on such occurrences.

She has a point there. And I swear I believe she was not trying to be funny or ironic in any way.

Maybe O’Reilly could ask her about it.

Colin Flaherty is an award-winning reporter and author of the scintillating best-seller: Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

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