Pulitzer Committee to Reporters: Drop Dead

The Pulitzer Prize committee has two words of advice for the thousands of journalists who worked on the biggest story of 2014.

Drop dead.

That is because every major journalist in America botched it. Top to bottom. Beginning to end. Front to back.

On a scale unprecedented in the history of American journalism. And oh yeah, they are doing it again. This time in Baltimore.

Less than two weeks after the August 9 shooting of Michael Brown, most of what we know today was already evident. Or else I just got extremely lucky when I wrote stories for American Thinker and FrontPageMag.com about how the “Big Fat Ferguson Lie has come undone.”

Certainly the Gateway Pundit and Conservative Tree House were also leading the way in letting us know what really happened early on in Ferguson:

Michael Brown had his hands up? A lie.

Said “don’t shoot?” Fiction.

“Gentle giant?” Prevarication.

Ambitious young man heading to college? Fairy tale.

Did not steal cigars used to smoke marijuana? False.

Did not attack the clerk who tried to stop him? Untrue.

Largely peaceful protests? A joke.

Ferguson then of course, was about more than Michael Brown. As is Baltimore today. The real story of relentless black victimization and constant white racism is constantly reported, rarely challenged and stands as the biggest lie of our generation. And even though the Pulitzer judges work for the same media outlets that misreported so much for so long, even they finally figured out you don’t award Pulitzers for that.

Or maybe the competition was just too fierce this year. Maybe the Ferguson stories just lost out fair and square. Let’s look at a few of the categories.

In the Breaking News category, the Pulitzer people recognized the Buffalo News as a finalist for a “superbly reported and written account of a lake-effect snowstorm.”

The news hounds of Ferguson received nothing, beat out by a Buffalo weatherman. That had to hurt.

In Los Angeles, the Times was justly recognized for gripping coverage of how a black man went on a killing spree to avenge a racial injustice.

But the story of what they tried to sell us as the biggest racial injustice of the year? Oh hell, of all time? Nada.

Investigative reporters arrived in Ferguson by the planeload. They were also shut out. That happens when you toss aside the first and only rule of Journalism: If your mother says she loves you, check it out.

George Soros spent $33 million to spoon-feed them a bogus story of widespread racial violence. And all they could do was look up from their bowls of gruel and plead: “Please sir, I want some more.”

Reuters claimed one of the top spots for Explanatory Reporting for a story on the Supreme Court, which raised “doubts about the ideal of equal justice.”

And the 3.2 million miles of news print expended on the ideal of equal justice in Ferguson? The Pulitzer people consigned that to the bottom of the bird cage of history.

In the National Reporting category, the New York Times took a finalist plaque for its coverage of how football players at Florida State University received preferential police treatment after they were accused of sexual assault and other crimes.

Black people were on the receiving end of this favoritism. It may have kept them out of prison. Quite a slap to the thousands of reporters who even today are patiently explaining to us why black people have to riot because of relentless white racism.

I hear a few of them are organizing a “No Justice, No Prize” protest at Columbia.

Ferguson almost brought home the bacon with a finalist award for the editorial writers at the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Their stories repeated the conventional wisdom as well as any.

But the top prize went to those bulldogs at the Boston Globe who rocked the world with a series of stories that demanded our immediate national attention -- and  action: The national crisis surrounding our attitudes towards tipping. Yes, tipping: How To Insure Prompt service at your local coffee shop was more urgent than Ferguson.

Here’s a tip: try telling the truth next time.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch did win the Pulitzer for Photography. Which makes a lot of sense since we rarely, if ever, saw photographers waiting in line  for their cable news close up to tell us the fairy tale white cops were killing black people for no reason what so ever.

When just the opposite was — and is — true. Both in Ferguson then. And Baltimore now.

Colin Flaherty is the author of that scintillating #1 Amazon Best Seller: Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization. You can win a FREE autographed copy of his book by  subscribing to his newsletter here

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