De-Policing: the Scariest Word of the Year

The contest for the Scariest New Word of the Year is officially over. We have a winner.


This is what cops and their superiors are calling it as they systematically withdraw from stopping, checking, investigating, frisking, pulling over, interrogating, and arresting black people.

The cops don’t want the grief. Or the day-in, day-out physical confrontation. The police chiefs don’t want the complaints.

So now they have a word for it. De-policing.

“Ten years ago, when we stopped a suspect in a black neighborhood, that person had two choices: Run or comply,” said a Chicago cop. “But now more and more suspects are refusing to comply with lawful orders to take their hands out of their pockets, or produce a driver’s license, or answer simple questions about what they are doing in that neighborhood with a bulging backpack at 1:30 a.m. And they know we can’t or won’t do anything about it. Defiance is now the rule.”

Cops are targets today like never before. The black hostility towards police is open, mainstream, and unapologetic.

And increasing. Jailhouse legal scholars fill the internet, explaining why it is alright to disobey lawful commands. And how, if that does not work, “shoot, ‘em. Kill ‘em.”

How many examples do you want? That’s how many there are. Let’s start in a largely unrecognized center of racial crime and violence: Milwaukee.

In June, Najee Harmon shot a detective in Wauwatosa for hassling him about some probably bogus robbery and burglary and car theft beef that he alternately did not do or did because of relentless white racism.

Some details, courtesy of WISN:

“The officers observed one of the reported stolen vehicles… parked and unoccupied. As the officers observed the vehicle, a male identified as (Harmon) exited a nearby apartment building and entered the driver’s seat of the vehicle.” The complaint indicates the officers approached the vehicle “effectively blocking it from moving, drew their weapons and ordered the defendant to stop and surrender.”

Najee was not down with that. So he pulled a gun, shot the cop, and got away.

Najee of course had a long and violent rap sheet.

This is where it gets good: They found Najee soon after, hiding in the home of long-time friend Stephanie King. She knew Najee was wanted for trying to kill the cop because she saw his picture on television.

“He’s a good friend of ours,” King told WISN reporter Colleen Henry. “I’m not going to throw him to the wolves.”

“I will keep loving him,” King said, ‘because to me he ain’t do no wrong. He just shot a cop.

King has not been charged with harboring a fugitive.


Moving on to Rochester, a few weeks ago: Thomas Johnson was in front of a judge for killing a Rochester cop. At his sentencing, he said he was guilty of nothing but “being a young, black African-American male.”

“They shooting and killing unarmed African-Americans across the state,” he said.

Rochester talk show host Bob Lonsberry figured it out. But from other Rochester leaders in government and media? Not a peep.


In Wilmington, Delaware, the mayor tells reporters police no longer go through certain neighborhoods. Too dangerous.

Meanwhile, members of the Wilmington City Council proudly wear the t-shirts of -- and give awards to -- a group called Peacekeepers. Members walk through black neighborhoods, talking to the young men who caused Newsweek to name this city Murder Town USA.

They leave the young men with a flyer instructing them how to stay safe. Item one on the flyer: Do Not Talk To The Police.


In Baltimore, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake rejected a suggestion from former  Baltimore mayor (and current presidential candidate) Martin O’Malley that the city put more cops on the beat to fight a surge of black mob violence near the touristy Inner Harbor.

“We are not going to arrest our way out of this mess,” she said curtly. She then bragged the city was arresting 50,000 people a year -- down from the 100,000 during the O’Malley days.

And this was the year before the big riots of 2015 -- where the mayor gave the looters “space to destroy.”


On Sunday morning, the news readers announced another white cop was killed. In another black neighborhood. This time in Memphis.

That same morning, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Governor Chris Christie if he thought police were picking on black people for no reason what so ever. And he reeled off the standard list of people and places: Sandra Bland. Michael Brown. Sam Dubose.

The blustery Christie turned meek as a New Jersey lamb and mumbled something about improving relations between cops and the “community.” And he pointed to Camden -- one of the truly dangerous places on the planet if you are white and choose to walk through that Chocolate City -- and mumbled something about how meetings and foot patrols are the secret to making places like Camden safer.

Three days later, Gateway Pundit picked up the news: Tremaine Wilbourn was in custody for murder, and his neighbors did not much like it.

“People near the scene were chanting, “Free T,” frustrated by the arrest. They even directed some violence towards WMC Action News 5 crews, threatening them.”

Tremaine was on early release from a 121-month sentence for robbery.

Kill a cop, let him go: De-policing.

Which makes a lot of sense to room service reporters and editorial writers and clueless candidates.

But cops know better.

They do not fool themselves about the consequences of surrendering large swaths of dangerous places to black criminality. 

It sounds bad out there, your intrepid correspondent asked a cop. “Not really. Not yet. Bad is coming.”

Colin Flaherty is the author of the bestselling Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization. Subscribe to his channel on YouTube for more stories on black mob violence and black on white crime.

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