A Proposal for the New Class of Persecuted Jews

A 2013-2014 survey by the Louis D. Brandeis Center found that "more than half of Jewish American college students (have) personally experienced or witnessed anti-Semitism."

Ruth Wisse, in her essay, "Anti-Semitism Goes to School," writes: "In February, a Jewish college student was hospitalized after being punched in the face at a pro-Palestinian demonstration on a campus in upstate New York[.] … [O]ther such incidents, some caught on camera, include a male student punched in the face at Temple University, a female student at Ohio University harassed for defending Israel, and a male student at Cornell threatened physically for protesting anti-Israel propaganda. On three successive days last summer, the Boston police had to protect a student rally for Israel from pro-Palestinian mobs shouting 'Jews back to Birkenau!' ... Every year, some 200 campuses now host a multiday hate-the-Jews fest called 'Israel Apartheid Week.'"

Israeli researcher Dan Diker writes, "Hamas and its parent Muslim Brotherhood organization fuel and direct international boycott, divestment, sanction and anti-Israel political activities on hundreds of university campuses across the United states via the Muslim Students Association."

Leon Wieseltier writes, "Those colleges that have passed a BDS resolution have shown their selective animosity toward the Jewish state."

This will grow into more flagrant and dangerous attacks on these students.  I see more respect for Jewish students if they perform a mass exodus.

In the same way that Jews should have left Nazi Germany, because they were in danger, Jewish students should leave the colleges where they are insulted and their lives are compromised.  I urge them to transfer to those colleges that are more welcoming.  I would hope that the financial costs of such a move would be borne by the Jewish community.  Those alumni and other donors to an anti-Semitic college should stop such gifts and send them instead to those colleges who welcome Jews.  I presume that the guilty colleges would be financially strapped.

Rather than suffer "the slings and arrows" of blatant anti-Semitism, these Jewish students would be alive to fight again another day, leaving the anti-Semitic administrators free to ponder where they went wrong.

In the early 1940s, I attended a public girls' high school in New York City.  In my classes, there were many refugees from Germany.  Because their parents had left Germany, they lived, while those who stayed endured the Holocaust.  There apparently were few Jews who had the courage to uproot their lives and leave.

In Bret Stephens's speech on "our broken windows world," there is a passage from Joachim Fest's memoir:

Because his father … was trying to tell all his friends "You have to get out of Germany. You've got to leave, you've got to go." And they all refused not believing the Germans would harm them. They had, Fest says, "only one failing, which became their undoing – being overwhelmingly governed by their heads they lost their instinct for danger which had preserved them through the ages."

Many German Jews were oblivious to the dangers surrounding them.  They had fought for Germany in WWI.  The idea that the intelligent, productive population could turn on them and doom them to death was discarded.  It could not happen among a cultured and intelligent people.

A Holocaust survivor originally from Czechoslovakia wrote about the loss of most of his family and how he survived in Auschwitz.  I thought it would be the gut-wrenching story we have sadly become accustomed to.  Instead, he told an even more gut-wrenching story that has a direct significance to what Jews face today.

His life was like any other Czech child's.  He went to the local school and excelled at soccer.  Suddenly his life changed.  Although Jews had been accepted as part of the Czech community before the German invasion, the Czechs started to copy the German edicts toward Jews, and Jewish children were ousted from schools and Jewish businesses ostracized.

This happened all over Europe, and Jewish life became hazardous because of conquered nations copying the German restrictions.  President Franklin Roosevelt succeeded in preventing Jewish refugees from coming to the United States, until he was forced to form the War Refugee Board only after millions died.

In Holland today, Dutch textbooks on the middle East are filled with lies about Israel that cast her as a pariah among nations.  Why?  So adults friendly to Israel will be replaced with the next generation of anti-Semites.

These stories brought my latent fears of anti-Semitism to the surface.  If our friends turn on us because of Islamic prejudice, will the results be different from those acts visited by the Czechs, or Hungarians, or the French on Jews at that time or on Jews in Europe today?

European Jews should be emigrating to Israel or other welcoming countries and leave Europe Judenrein.

Let us go back to the Crusades, in which some of those on their way to Jerusalem killed the Jews of the villages through which they passed.  Why didn't those Jews leave?

During the Spanish Inquisition, those who left and survived the murderous instincts of the captains of the ships they escaped on made a new life in other less hostile countries.

Leo Tolstoy wrote, "A Jew is the emblem of eternity. He who neither slaughter nor torture of thousands of years could destroy, he who neither fire nor sword, nor inquisition was able to wipe off the face of the earth; he who was the first to produce the oracles of God; he who has been for so long the guardian of prophecy and has transmitted to the rest of the world –Such a nation cannot be destroyed. The Jew is as everlasting as eternity itself."

Let us make the Jews of today as everlasting .

There would be more admiration for Jews who stand up and demand decent and respectful behavior from the academic world.

Is this counter-attack by the Jews feasible?  Yes – after all, what do they have to lose?

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