ICD-10: The U.N. Occupies Medicine

The mandatory imposition of the World Health Organization's classification of diseases (ICD-10th revision) upon the practice of medicine and all allied professions including psychology on October 1, 2015 is a major step in the radical transformation of the United States into a subjugated territory of a one-world regime under the auspices of the United Nations.

ICD-10 imposes the pre-scientific mentality and anti-American jealousy of backward peoples by undermining one hundred years of research and improved treatment methods in psychology and psychiatry.  And the American medical establishment – providers, insurers, researchers, corporations and business, courts, and social services agencies – are submitting to spurious taxonomies even as their hard-earned taxes fund the hostile occupation of their own professions.

In 1950, the American Psychiatric Association undertook the revision and expansion of a nosology of mental disorders, which was originally compiled in support of the WWII effort by the War Department under the auspices of the surgeon general.  Largely based on that work, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM I) was published in 1952.  The DSM I contained 106 mental disorders.

Psychiatry is an area of medicine particularly impacted by socio-cultural changes, and since the 1960s DSM teams have included the input of psychologists.  In an effort to maintain utility and relevance, the DSM has been modernized at least nine times since 1952.  These advances have included five major editions, two revisions, and several reprintings, all of which discarded or added diagnostic categories.  Since its initial publication, American mental health professionals have used the DSM to understand the elusive boundaries between normal and abnormal mental states and to alleviate mental suffering.

The most radical changes to the DSM happened in the 1970s, between the second and third edition, which was published in 1980.  DSM III included 265 categories and introduced a multi-axial diagnostic system that included information about the individual's health and life context.  Mental disorders were defined as “clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndromes,” and a category called personality disorders was to be encoded on a separate axis.

Personality disorders are pervasive and persistent patterns of maladaptive thinking and behavior “that significantly and adversely affect how an individual functions in many aspects of life.” From the DSM IV TR (2000) through the current DSM V (2013), the manual has identified ten personality disorders, plus a catch-all NOS, or “Not Otherwise Specified” category.  Since 2000, they have been grouped as Cluster A: a severe incapacity to connect and trust others: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal; Cluster B: a severe incapacity to respect, recognize, and form stable relationships: anti-social, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic; and Cluster C: a severe inability to engage with and master one's own life: avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive.

The personality disorders have always been controversial.  It's impossible to find a clear dividing line between normal individual differences and ascribed abnormality.  When does a flamboyant theater major become a histrionic personality?  When does a mean cuss become an antisocial personality?  It is a subjective decision.  Also, the personality disorders are culturally bound.  Narcissism in one cultural context can be healthy, adaptive self-advancement in another.  Still, it is not possible to develop useful therapies without some degree of theoretical coherence distinguishing the diagnoses to be treated.  That is why theoretically supportable diagnoses are necessary.  Psychology rather than psychiatry has taken the lead in developing therapies for people with personality disorders.  For example, Dialectical Behavior Therapy was developed specifically to treat Borderline Personality.  It is a widely used therapy closely allied with the mindfulness movement.  A diagnostic nomenclature that is not theoretically robust enough to lead to helpful treatments is nothing more than idle name-calling.

The ICD-10 has just pulverized the theoretical foundations of personality disorders into idle name-calling.

The voodoo that WHO does so well has just disassembled the ten well-researched personality disorders into 59 descriptors of four wholly subjective classes of personality disorders: personality disorders (F60), mixed and other personality disorders (F61), troublesome personality changes (F61.1), and enduring personality changes (F62).  The U.N.'s occupy medicine movement has done to personality diagnosis what Occupy Wall Street did to police cars.  Many diagnoses are scrounged from the wastebasket of moth-eaten and harmful psychiatry, such as hysterical personality (F60.4).

WHO has now declared that PTSD, which especially affects veterans, may precede the “enduring” type of personality change, “which may then be seen as a chronic, irreversible sequel of stress disorder.”  PTSD is an anxiety disorder.  Personality disorders were introduced to be distinguished from the more treatable depressive and anxiety disorders.  The ICD-10 now has anxiety disorders morphing into “chronic, irreversible” personality disorders.  This kind of mental death sentence is a setup to deny treatment.  It is inimical to the spirit that inspires clinical psychology, and it should be unacceptable to therapists.

Morally defective personality (F60.2) made WHO's list of personality disorders.  They must have been looking for research subjects in the lounges at the U.N.  The term “defective” has been considered unethical and abusive for years.  It is a disgrace to psychiatry and psychology to accept a document that has the term “defective” in it.  Who are moral defectives today?  Gun owners?  Christians?

About half of the new personality disorders comprise bits and pieces of the previous 10.  These are terms like aggressive (F60.3) and immature (F60.89).  There are ludicrous neologisms like psychoinfantile.

Some disorders appear to indicate that the “Death to America-Death to Israel” brain trust at the U.N. have been collecting Bill O'Reilly's word of the day.  “Don't be anacastic (F60.5).”  “Don't be querulant (F60.0).”  Here's a good one: haltlose personality (F60.89).  It comes from the German word “haltlos,” which means aimless, without a hold on life.  Several searches did not uncover one single report of research to substantiate “haltlose type personality.”  One rambling letter from a British psychiatrist called the type “lovable rogues” and explained, “He or she mixes well with sociopaths as he or she also has an inability to learn from experience.”  Apparently this psychiatrist has no firsthand knowledge of actual sociopaths.  They do not mix well with anybody, especially not each other.  Haltlos cannot be translated into English, which may be why it made the list.

Humanity is tragically familiar with how totalitarian regimes seize power.  They attack intellectuals and artists first.  Now that this obfuscating laxation has been installed in every computer in every medical clinic and hospital in America, it will become easier for transnational elites to control American medical research and practice.  But why have the medical and allied professions and the insurers accepted the U.N.'s travesty of their knowledge and values?  Why have the monopolistic mega-insurers agreed that the coding they use for payment be authorized by a division of the U.N.?

Here is an answer from the trenches of mental health: American medicine is controlled by the federal government through Medicare, Medicaid, and the new public-private syndicate called Obamacare.  The federal government-insurer cartel has made the biggest sweetheart deal in history.  The government protects pseudo-private big insurance from true free-market competition and antitrust scrutiny.  Concurrently, the federal government stealthily and relentlessly works to make Americans subjects of the U.N.  Doctors function as serfs for big insurance, which is a de facto bureaucratic arm of the federal government, which in turn collects billions of taxpayer dollars.  All of these players, caring more about money than ethics or nation, are consenting to UN control.

The author invites you to learn about the Judeo-Christian Union of America and support this effort to create a nationwide values and viewpoint community.  The salvation of America resides in individual Americans living according to principled freedom.  This can be accomplished without a shot fired or a law broken.

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