Black Mob Violence: Easier to Find. Harder to Believe.

Black mob violence and denial are getting easier to find – and harder to believe.

Let's start in Baltimore, an epicenter for practitioners of black violence and the public personalities who ignore, deny, condone, excuse, encourage, and even lie about it.  Sometimes all at once.

In December, the BBC wanted to know why "so many young African-American men [were] being gunned down by the state."

So naturally, it asked the white conductor of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Marin Alsop.  Her former mentor, the radical chic conductor Leonard Bernstein, could not have put it any sillier:

"It's heartbreaking that we haven't dealt with these issues, that it requires violence, which I think it does require, to be honest, to change this equation," Alsop told Iqbal. "Inequality and injustice is unacceptable. Sadly, this has been the most violent year in Baltimore. We've had over 300 people murdered. It's a cry for help."

Alsop expounded on that statement in an interview with The Sun, and said she was trying to explain how the riots following Freddie Gray's police-custody death came to transpire. "I'm not condoning violence, of course not, but I'm trying to give some perspective to a journalist in London."

It's really just a listening problem, Alsop explained to the Sun.  Black people had to resort to violence because white people were just not paying attention.

Alsop's comments echoed Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who last year said black rioters needed "space to destroy."  The next day she said she had not said it.  Then she said she did not mean it.  Then she said she did not want to talk about it anymore with white racists who were just trying to make her look bad.

Marin also could have been taking a cue from the Baltimore state's attorney Marilyn Mosby, who famously told cheering rioters it was "our time" and she would  help them get justice – which meant they would not be arrested for rioting.

Even with all this explaining from Alsop, a recipient of a MacArthur "genius grant," there is still so much left to understand.  For example, why did a large group of black people beat Peter Marvit to death after he left a Baltimore symphony practice in 2012?  Was that required?

He was just a dancer.  Ironically enough, he was also a nationally recognized researcher on hearing.

And the night before the riots, a large group of black people in Baltimore beat almost to death some old white guy who did not want them fighting on his lawn and damaging his car.  Was that required?

A year before the riots, Maryland state legislator Pat McDonough asked the governor to put a travel ban on downtown Baltimore because black people were "terrorizing" the Inner Harbor.  City officials did not say it was required; they just denied it was happening.

Props to Alsop for honesty, if nothing else.

And what about the 100 police injured at the hands and bricks and rocks of black people during the Baltimore riots, many of whom protect patrons of the symphony when they venture out for a concert?

You remember, the police whom city officials abandoned while they were under attack from black people?

Black writers in Baltimore say expectations of safety in public places are nothing more than "white privilege."  That goes for patrons and police as well.  Even those who pull down a million dollars a year for waving a stick in the air, as Alsop does.  Now that is some white privilege.

So many white victims of black violence in Baltimore.  So many explanations.

Soon after the Baltimore conductor's tour de force on the necessity of black violence, a city councilman in Jackson, Mississippi joined in.

Black councilman Kenneth Stokes said he did not like it when police chase black criminals in his city for no reason whatsoever.  So he said he wanted to gather other black leaders and create a plan to fight back.

"Let's get rocks, let's get bricks, and let's get bottles and start throwing them, and then they [police] won't come in here anymore," Stokes said.

Like Marin, Stokes said violence is necessary because police are always picking on black people.  That's not strictly true in Jackson: Stokes said cops often chased black people for "stealing bubble gum."

In St. Matthews, Kentucky, a few days after 2,000 black people created a "riot" in a large local mall, the mayor told WDRB a few days after Christmas that he did not want to arrest any of the rioters:

Mayor Tonini says it's likely the teens didn't have anything better to do that night, and the mall became the hangout spot. He says he doesn't believe the kids meant any harm and supports police for not making any arrests. 

"When you were 14, 15, or 16 years of age and had nothing to do on a Saturday, you'd look for something to do," said Mayor Tonini. "I don't think anyone left their home with the idea that they were going to do any harm. The only real harm that was done was stores had to close early."

This is pretty much what reporters and public officials said last year, when hundreds of black people rampaged through neighboring Louisville, beating, threatening, destroying, defying police, and causing mayhem – as documented in that scintillating bestseller, Don't Make the Black Kids Angry.

Much like the reporters and public officials in St. Matthews, the mayor of Louisville denied that much had really happened.  Then blamed it on some teenagers.  That wasn't true, either.

That fiction lasted as long as it took for black people to hold a "community meeting" about the Louisville violence.  Thanks to NPR, everyone soon found out what really caused the black mob violence: white racism.

"We really need to address white people's bigotry," said Chris Hartman, director of Louisville's Fairness Campaign.  "That is white people's work.  It just has got to change."

Meanwhile, black crime and violence continue at unbelievable levels with unbelievable examples – and reactions – in the rest of the country.  A few examples from just the last few days:

In north Texas, a white college student was returning from a New Year's Eve party with her friends when an SUV with six black people pulled up next to them.  Soon,  Sara Wynette Mutschlechner was dead, with a bullet in her head.

In Ontario, California, a black man beat an old white woman during a home invasion robbery.  Then he raped her.  Maybe she was not listening.  Nevertheless, police took a suspect into custody.

In Palm Beach County, Florida, a black man is in jail, accused of sexually assaulting a white woman while she was blacked out and having a seizure.  The Baltimore conductor might have a point here: we know for sure this woman was not listening.  She was unconscious.

Ditto for a taxi driver in Philadelphia: after a traffic accident, he was sitting behind the wheel, dazed and barely conscious.  Dash cam video shows a black man storming into his cab and punching him repeatedly and robbing him – while lots of people stood around and watched.

There is some question about the cabbie's hearing impairment as well.

Also on video – also in the last few days – a large group of black people surrounded a pregnant white teenager and cheered as one of their number threatened her, beat her, and kicked her in the stomach.

No arrests so far.  Word has it the mob did not awake that morning intending to beat the hell out of a pregnant woman.  So that's all good.

On Fox News, black talk show host Lisa Durden was unhappy that the killers of Sandra Bland were getting away with murder after several local and national investigations found she had committed suicide after friends and relatives refused to bail her out.  "As we know in the Sandra Bland case, they altered the footage," said the "brilliant black intellectual" of video evidence in the case.

I'm not saying she is crazy.  But let's just say she is the only one who figured that out.      

In Baton Rouge, a group of black people surrounded the mailman, threatened him, and then attacked him and his truck.  No explanation as to why he did not deploy his dog repellant.

In Harrisburg, reporters and city officials are desperately seeking explanations about why groups of 15 black people are rampaging through a neighboring suburb, assaulting white people and destroying property.  And oh yeah, that has been happening in Harrisburg for a long time – most recently in September, when 30 black people looted a convenience store, vandalized cars, shot guns, then beat the hell out of a couple of white kids – breaking one of their jaws –  just for kicks.

No one said the violence was necessary.  At least in public.  The mayor and others just said it was not that big of a deal.

In San Francisco, black people beat and robbed an old white dude on the bus.  He fought back while the black bus driver watched.  No news yet if the old white dude was hearing-impaired.

While the Baltimore conductor and her white colleagues bravely defend her defense of black violence, two black media types appeared on a Washington, D.C. TV news show to amplify the consequences of all this black mayhem caused by so much white racism: "Being black is exhausting," they said.

Believe it. Or not.

Colin Flaherty is the bestselling author of Don't Make the Black Kids Angry.  He was recently named one of the "Top 10 Outstanding Cultural Warriors of 2015" – which he thinks is sweet.

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