The True Deniers

Here are some questions for the man-made or Anthropogenic Global Warmers. Since I have taken up the cudgels on various Facebook pages I am screamed at by numerous sycophants who declare that I am a simpleton and totally ignorant. I confess! But here are some questions for the man-made Global Warmers:

Do you deny that the Sun’s radiation causes the surfaces of the Earth to warm?

Do you deny that we are travelling round the Sun at over 66,000 miles per hour in an ellipse?

Do you deny that the Sun is one million three hundred thousand times as big as Planet Earth by volume?

Do you deny that the Sun on it corona is approximately 6,500C?

Do you deny that the Sun is between 91 to 95 million miles away?

Do you deny that the whole Solar system is within an arm of the Milky Way?

Do you deny that Outer Space is a vacuum?


Do you deny the 1st Law of Thermodynamics? That all heat has to be generated by work done?

Do you deny the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, that all heat by itself flows from hot to cold and never versa?

Do you deny that evaporation causes cooling?

Do you deny that Conduction demonstrates heat flowing from hot to cold?

Do you deny that Convection carries heat upwards and away towards Outer Space?

Do you deny that only Radiation can pass heat into or through a vacuum?


Do you deny that the Atmosphere is warmed at the bottom by conduction from the Earth’s surfaces?

Do you deny that the atmosphere cools by 2 degrees centigrade for every 1,000 feet of altitude? 

Do you deny that 99% of the Atmosphere is composed of Nitrogen and Oxygen?

Do you deny that the Greenhouse Gases only occupy 1% and that Carbon Dioxide a mere 0.04%?

Do you deny that the gases of the Atmosphere do not generate heat?

Do you deny that at 10,000 feet the gases are cold, including CO2?


Do you deny that clouds reflect and scatter incoming radiation from the Sun?

Do you deny that this causes cooling?

Do you deny that clouds also scatter outgoing radiation?

Do you deny that hot air rises?

Do you deny that heated gases expand and the distance between the molecules increases?

Do you deny that you cannot heat ‘nothing’?

Do you deny that the air is thinner at altitude?


Do you deny that 71% of the Earth’s surfaces are water?

Do you deny that there are warm currents like the Gulf Stream?

Do you deny that there are all sorts of ‘smokers’ and hot vents spewing out hot water from the ocean floor?

Do you deny that underwater volcanoes also spew an unspecified amount of Carbon Dioxide?


Do you deny that Carbon Dioxide is a food for green plants, which in turn produce Oxygen as a by-product?

Do you deny photosynthesis?


Do you deny that we humans are 18% carbon?

Do you deny that we inhale Oxygen and exhale Carbon Dioxide at the rate of 4,000 parts per million with every exhalation?


Do you deny that it is completely impossible for either Carbon Dioxide or Methane to trap heat?

(Explanation of this question given in the addendum below.)


The Question is: Who are the real Deniers?

(Extract from The Hydro Flask)

Let’s now take a look at how much heat on a percent basis is contained within the constituents of our atmosphere.

Average water vapor content in the troposphere is somewhere between 1% and 2%.  If we assume 1% water vapor and we take the specific heat capacities, the latent heat in water vapor and the proportional makeup of the atmosphere, we wind up with the following distribution of heat storage in the troposphere, ranked first to last: Nitrogen: 72%; Oxygen: 17%; Water Vapor: 10.5% ; Argon: 0.5%; CO2: 0.04%; Methane: 0.000%.

So in air containing 1% water vapor, Nitrogen contains 72% of the heat, oxygen is second with 17%, water vapor is third with 10.5% and so on.  CO2 and Methane are insignificant.  Forget them.  They are of no consequence in influencing atmospheric temperatures within the troposphere where life resides.  This basic physical fact may be contrary to what you have been told.  You have likely been told that CO2, methane and other so called greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere.  This is not possible. Given that each CO2 molecule is surrounded by 1,950 nitrogen molecules and 522 oxygen molecules (based on air containing 78% nitrogen and 20.9% oxygen) which are in thermal contact with the CO2 molecule, CO2 has no ability to trap heat beyond the proportions previously listed.  Thermal contact requires that should they somehow be heated independent of their neighbours, they must instantly begin sharing that heat with the neighbours.  This in turn would induce convection which moves heat away from the Earth’s surface toward space.  It can be no other way.

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