Trump Must Prioritize National Defense

We've had two presidents, Obama and Bill Clinton, who failed to defend this nation against predictable jihadist attacks, including 9/11.  Obama and Clinton wouldn't even talk about it to the public, which is itself an enormous failure of leadership.  FDR's reaction to Pearl Harbor was to give the "day that will live in infamy" speech.  Our reaction to years of jihad assaults has been evasive and weak.

George W. Bush called it the Axis of Evil, which was a way to tell half of the truth.  Bush's overthrow of Saddam Hussein was meant to establish a U.S. strategic position in the Middle East, without directly attacking either Saudi Arabia (the Sunni source of jihad) or Iran (the Shi'ite source).  Bush did take the threat seriously in his own way, but he failed to name it, probably for fear of retaliation against the oil supply.  In Iraq, the U.S. won the first half of the war against Saddam and was then betrayed by Obama, in exactly the way the Democrats betrayed South Vietnam.

Obama has failed even to use the word "jihad," apparently because he is ideologically aligned with it.  If you think the Democrats don't know that, you think they are dumb as well as extremist.  But they are not that dumb.

Hillary now has Muslim Sister Huma Abedin at her side 24 hours a day.  That has to be deliberate, because Bill and Hillary have been getting big money from the Broederbund for years.  Hillary's highly illegal, insecure email server makes no sense at all – not unless it was intended to sell U.S. government favors for money to the Clintons.  As far as we know, Huma had access to all the emails, and who knows what else?

Big money means political power, and Hillary is now moneyed up for the election.  But he who pays the piper calls the tune, and we know who is paying this piper.

Maybe the Nazi-era Ikhwan is too bashful to ask for quid pro quos for all that dough, but I don't think so.  They are not shy.  The M.B.s assassinated President Anwar Sadat in 1981 for making peace with Israel.  According to Admiral Lyons, they have infiltrated the U.S. government and Arab regimes like Jordan, and they are staging a civil war in Egypt to overthrow President El-Sisi.  These people are extremely dangerous.  Obama's half-brother Malik Obama works for them, and our idiot media will never tell the truth.

When Obama tried to install Mohammed Morsi as president of Egypt, it wasn't meant to create an "Arab Spring" in the Middle East, complete with peace and love, contrary to the New York Times and its mendacious ilk.  The phony Arab Spring was supposed to turn Egypt, the most powerful Arab nation, into a jihadist power sworn to make war against the West.  The hyped up "Spring" failed only because the Egyptian army and political structure refused to go back to the Dark Ages.

Hillary and Sanders haven't said a word about the most dangerous threat to this country since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.  This historic failure must – repeat: must be corrected.  Trump has started to use words like "radical Islam" for the jihadist enemy – certainly a step in the right direction.  But Americans who care about our nation's security will be watching carefully, to see how we respond to deadly jihad.

A Trump presidency will stand or fall on its success in defending the country.  Trump's four years in military school give him a basic understanding, and he will get plenty of good advice from General James Mattis (USMC, ret.) and Admiral James Lyons (USN, ret.), among many others.

We have had dangerously delusional civilian leadership for years, but our military are still the finest in the world.  They deserve better leadership.

In the next eight years our jihad attackers may well get nuclear weapons.  The Iranians are  bound and determined to get there, with Obama's strong support. Pakistan already has nukes, and it has arranged with Saudi Arabia to send them weapons whenever the Saudis ask for them.  The Saudis paid for Pakistan's bombs in the first place, and when the moment comes, they will get them off the shelf.

Eight years ago, the Middle East wasn't nearly so dangerous.  Obama has brought us to this pass.

Will there be any warning before the Saudis decide to get nukes?  Maybe not.  As soon as Iran explodes its first bomb, the Saudis will feel forced to respond.

Obama's "good friend" Turkey has just turned into an Islamofascist dictatorship, according to this article.  Rebuilding the Ottoman Empire has been Erdoğan's goal for years, and now he is doing it.  For six centuries the Ottomans were a major world power, and they are determined to get there again.

Suicidally, Europe and NATO are actually helping Turkey's neo-Ottomans grow into a hostile caliphate.  Today, Turkey may be the most powerful "member" of NATO, and also the most treacherous one. 

Vladimir Putin now has a naval and air base next door to Turkey, in Syria, because the Russians have seen war threats from Turkey for centuries.  When Erdoğan's regime ordered the Turkish air force to shoot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 stealth fighter last year, and Turk fighters murdered the surviving pilot as he parachuted down, Erdoğan's goal was to warn Vladimir Putin that Turkey is ready to use its big NATO-supplied forces for war.  

The reason why Putin used his biggest, baddest weapons to hit scattered bands of rebels in Syria, including cruise missiles launched all the way from the Caspian Sea, was to pose a very real threat.  You don't waste billion-dollar weapons to destroy scattered rebels a thousand miles away.  Putin's muscular overreaction was very serious.

Meanwhile, Angela Merkel's shameful surrender to the rapefugee invasion had to be influenced by the fact that millions of Muslim Turks now live in Germany.  They are not loyal to Germany or any European country, and certainly not to the corrupt and easily bought off European Union.  Many German Turks are loyal to jihad because every Muslim child is taught that from early on.  Childhood indoctrination works.

We are under direct assault by jihad, a fact that Obama and Hillary have sought to erase from our national awareness.

Donald Trump and his team have a historic duty to make a difference – which makes voting for the national security candidate important to everyone who wants this nation to survive.

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