Brexit: A Matter of Principle

Brexit has always been a matter of principle. That is where David Cameron and his former chancellor, George Osborne, came unstuck.  They thought it was a matter of economy, of economics.  When I asked a friend of mine, who was a Remainiac, for three good reasons for staying with the EU, he replied: The economy, the economy, and the economy.  And there were legions that took this view, which was later christened "Project Fear."

On the other side were those who abided by a principle.  Who governs Great Britain? Are we to be governed by Brussels and Strasbourg, or are we to be ruled by our Parliament at Westminster in England?  All the emotive arguments around immigration are also about this principle of control.  Do we control immigration, or does Brussels?

Again, do we control our seaways, or does Brussels?  Do we control our agriculture, or does Brussels? Even now there are many people who cannot distinguish between the principles of Brexit and the economy of Brexit.

What has proved highly entertaining is the fact that since we declared Brexit by referendum, the economy has not suffered at all.  Indeed the contrary.  The FTSE is riding high.  The pound has floated down against the U.S. dollar and the Euro.  Has that been a bad thing?  Our tourist trade is sky-high, our hotels are full, and our American cousins are spending billions in our country.

What a lesson this is for Greece and Italy!  While the pound has floated down, the economy has floated up.  In Greece and Italy, precisely the opposite has occurred.  Why?  Because they are in the straitjacket of the Euro.  Herr Juncker tells the Italians to be grateful for Euro millions.  I guess the same mindset goes for Greece.  They should be grateful to be so heavily in debt.  What madness!  The Greeks had the chance to break free and return to the drachma.  Indeed, that is still their only hope, even at this late hour.

Of course, not everybody in Greece is poor.  There are fat cats everywhere who have benefited from the Euro, who have benefited from EU regulations.  We have them here even in Great Britain, squealing as rats do when caught by a fox.  But the lessons of Brexit are clear.  Diverse economies need to float against each other.  The straitjacket of the Euro is a disaster for all.

The federalists everywhere dream of world domination.  It is a throwback to Napoleon-ism and Attila the Hun.  It is echoed in all the fantasies and the rhetoric of the global warmers.  As long as people are supine and lethargic, they will swallow any old thing.

In reading France Soir online, in order to keep up with modern colloquial French, I am entertained to see that M. Sarkozy has thrown his hat into the presidential ring once again and declared that man is not entirely responsible for climate change.  Entirely?  It is only idiots who can imagine that the heat of the globe is governed by a trace gas, CO2, which is but 0.04% of the atmosphere.  Yet there are many who foam at the mouth if anyone dares to question this nonsense.  I was never a Sarkozy fan when he was president, but I am warming to him now!

So even in the august Facebook pages of The Bruges Group, there are still some who have not grasped that we as a nation have already morally and emotionally shaken free from Brussels, though Martin Schultz still imagines that he has Great Britain by the scruff of her neck and that he and his 27 commissioners will block entry to the Single Market.  Here he is, playing on the fears of the Remainiacs once again.  The Single Market is governed by traders, not by governmental institutions.  If our goods are of the right price and quality and meet the needs of our continental friends, then surely our friends will buy.  Should a tariff be imposed, why, the pound will float down again and circumvent any chicanery.

Trouble is, most politicians have never been in business, have never had to sell anything or present anything.  They simply do not understand the mechanics of business.

Now, here is a question.  Did our Parliament create Article 50?  Of course it didn't!  It is not something by which we have to abide.  We simply need to write a letter, as, indeed, Boris Johnson has said, and we declare what everybody knows already: that we have left the EU.  We have left behind their directives and regulations, we have left behind their courts of justice in favor of our own, and in fact we are just confirming that we have left.

To make that declaration crystal-clear, we must stop forthwith paying some £20 billion a year into a club that attempts to bully us into submission, with threats from such as Martin Schulz, one of the commissioners.

A long time ago we joined a Common Market.  It worked just as all markets do, whether in Paris or Farnborough.  The market trader has to agree with the local authority on a small fee to erect his stall in the middle of town, and he has to obey strict rules about when to take the stall down.  We all agreed to some small rules, as any market trader does.  But along comes Jacques Delors with a totally different vision of a federal state, which starts with European domination to lead to world domination.  What magic!  No armies were needed – only economic domination.  No wonder such a cause was espoused by Frau Merkel, who could see a Fourth Reich arising before her eyes in the guise of a European Union dominated by an unholy alliance of France and Germany.

This alliance looked so very innocent, so in keeping with the idea of preventing further European Wars at all costs, that many were taken in.  Indeed, many countries were seduced by the idea of German bankers handing out goodies that they forgot that every loan, every mortgage, requires paying back with interest within a set time.  This is the simplest economics that every householder, who buys a house or even takes out a loan to buy a car, knows.  How many bankers were culpable of ensnaring weak governments with this simple ploy?  Greece and Italy swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker.

Great Britain kept free, being a net contributor.  Of course, even in Britain there were those who were dazzled by the handouts from the EU, not realizing that they were but a small payback of our own massive contribution, so called.  So these beneficiaries squeal, hopefully to no avail.  The Remainiacs cling on, hoping Article 50 will delay everything for ever and a day.  So we all need one last shove, one great heave-ho to ensure that Brexit is Brexit totally, irrevocably, and irretrievably.

Brexit is a matter of principle, not of economics.  Pace Theresa May!

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