Hypocrisy Matters!

A salacious audio recording was recently released in which Donald Trump made unsavory and derogatory remarks about women.  Admittedly, his remarks were crude, and for which he has apologized, repeatedly.  Mainstream media has talked about little else, since the audio surfaced.  While it’s not surprising the 11-year old tape was released, it’s a sad testament that political campaigning in this country has been reduced to hideous smear tactics, and the all too frequent character assassination.  Discussing and debating real issues that will impact millions of Americans…meh! Not so much anymore.

It’s also interesting to note that the same media pundits and television talking heads decrying the audio and castigating Donald Trump ad nausea, purposefully and in a coordinated lock step assault directed by the Clinton campaign, have deliberately ignored Bill Clinton’s decades of sexual harassment, rape, sordid affairs and in general, his predatory behavior toward numerous women.  It’s understandable that most, if not all women between the ages of 18 and 35 have little knowledge or are simply too young to remember Bill Clinton’s disgraceful and disgusting behavior, not only as Governor of Arkansas, but as President of the United States.  There is no plausible excuse for women over the age of 40, who have chosen to ignore Bill Clinton’s predatory sexual exploits.

Absolutely no one in the MSM seems to recall that Bill Clinton was impeached by the US House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 for obstructing justice and lying to a grand jury.  In Orwellian groupthink, “down the memory hole” ideology applies to the former President.   While in office, more specifically the Oval Office of the White House, Bill Clinton seduced a young intern by the name of Monica Lewinsky.  Miss Lewinsky was 22 at the time, and while she was a willing participant in the affair with the President, the same can’t be said of many of the other women Bill Clinton preyed upon frequently and without impunity.  Do the names Broaddrick, Jones, Willey, Wellstone, Moffet, Zercher, or Dowdy ring a bell?   Probably not, for anyone under the age of 40.  The spineless media has done an excellent job of suppressing the truth. Between the years 1995 and 1997, then President Clinton and Miss Lewinsky had 9 sexual encounters in the White House.  They both claim that sexual intercourse between the two never occurred, but at least on one occasion, Ms. Lewinsky gave the President oral sex. The infamous blue dress, which was used to clean up the President after one such encounter, was the fodder of family dinnertime discussion in millions of American homes.  After months of denying any knowledge of the affair and blaming the “vast right wing conspiracy,” for spreading lies and falsehoods about her husband, Ms. Clinton was literally forced to acknowledge that her husband was guilty of infidelity.

Cue Mrs. Clinton’s feigned angry wife act for the sole purpose of invoking sympathy.  Suffice to say, Clinton loyalists played their part brilliantly -- shock, surprise, and empathy for a wronged woman.  Perhaps unbeknownst to many of her husband’s sexual assault victims, Hillary Clinton had plenty of experience, honing her skills as the wounded wife of a lecherous husband.  She learned very early in their marriage how to deny, deflect, and obstruct the truth regarding her husband’s voracious sexual appetite.  Bill Clinton’s dalliance with the intern was not a singular, one time occurrence; it is corroborated by Gennifer Flowers, Dolly Kyle Browning, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and Sally Perdue Miller, women who  freely admitted to having consensual, extra marital affairs with Bill Clinton.  Sally Miller recently published a tell-all memoir, providing tawdry details of her three-month affair with Bill Clinton, who at the time was Governor of Arkansas.  Prior to the publication of her book and using social media, she posted on her Facebook page that in the event she was found dead, she would not have committed suicide.  Furthermore, Ms. Miller announced that she has a loaded, semi-automatic weapon within arm’s reach at all times.

Hillary has had decades to practice a well-rehearsed “brave face” performance for media optics.  Built upon the undeniable truth that her husband is a serial sexual predator, Bill Clinton has provided his wife plenty of opportunity to practice the angry wife act.  The fact that Mrs. Clinton terrorized her husband’s victims is unconscionable, immoral, and reprehensible.  The recent testimony of three women, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick, at a hastily arranged press conference, prior to the last Presidential debate is further proof that some of Bill Clinton’s victims are  genuinely afraid and terrified of his wife.  Never forget that the self-anointed champion of women and children, who proclaimed that all women of sexual abuse and rape have the right to be heard, seems to have added a caveat: that right does not extend to any of her husband’s victims. They have no right to be heard; they are to be discredited and disgraced by whatever means possible. Once again, mainstream media has performed spectacularly, disavowing and refusing to acknowledge the scandalous history of Bill Clinton, while employing vicious smear tactics to impugn his victims. 

Finally, when does the mainstream media outrage begin and where are the legions of feminists decrying and denouncing Bill Clinton for his notorious actions?  So far, the rising noise of crickets is deafening.  One thing is now for certain: Bill Clinton has been given a pass.   In short, while the liberal feminists writhe in righteous indignation, in concert with an overly complicit media that salivates at every opportunity to vilify Donald Trump, please fill in the blank:  Hypocrisy, thy name is _______________. 

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