Trolling for Racists in the Mississippi Delta

With less than a week to go in the election, look for the Democrats to pull out all the stops.

In 2000, just three days before election day, the story of the drunk driving conviction of George W. Bush hit the news and may have been a factor in creating the infamous Florida vote, where the presidency hung by hanging chads.  We have been expecting the "October surprise," never expecting one to come out of left field in the recent James Comey announcement.

October is over, but there is still time for a November surprise since this year's calendar has the second Tuesday in November being as late a date as is possible.  The Democrats are desperate in this final stretch, as Hillary's polls are dropping faster than she did at this year's 9/11 memorial service.  The Clinton campaign may have no more bombshells left to drop and thus far have been all flash and little damage to the Trump battle tank.  But we are now entering a dangerous time between now and next Tuesday.

To wit, recent poll data shows very little enthusiasm for Hillary from the black vote.  With this demographic in mind, if you don't have more ammo, you create it, and there is nothing better than a racial incident to motivate the black vote, they assume.

On November 2, the news reported that a historically black church in Greenville, Miss. was burned and spray-painted with the words "vote Trump."  Not even a racist idiot would think this would be doing Trump any favors.  It is an obvious false flag operation meant to increase black turnout, but it was a poorly chosen location because Mississippi is not in play for the presidential election map, nor is the congressional district, having a safe seat for the Democrat black incumbent in a 67% black district.

Perhaps this was done by a parochial lone wolf and, for now at least, seems to be an isolated incident.  However, Mississippi is ground zero for the race-baiting progressives in the media.  On a national scale, they are attracted like flies to honey to the Magnolia State.  They are nostalgic for all the civil rights-era  racial strife; injustice; and, of course, the riots.  So be on the lookout for more shameful acts of hate – but  as Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin have documented, nearly every one turns out to be a hoax conjured up by a Progressive loon. 

But a more orchestrated attack is quite possible, as was recently exposed by James O'Keefe where an Alinskyite paid homeless thugs to fight people at Trump rallies so the media could create the Trump-hate meme.  His name is Robert Creamer, and he visited the Obama White House 342 times, so it is not an exercise in paranoia to suspect more desperate measures from an increasingly more desperate camp.

In the election year of 1984, I was working is the same town of Greenville in the Mississippi Delta.  The town had maintained its small-town Mayberry-like downtown area while the larger, newer parts of the city grew up around it.  I worked in an office on the first floor of a building located on the main downtown street.  From my window I could look out on the sidewalk of the street.

The congressional race that year was between white Republican incumbent Webb Franklin and black Democratic challenger Robert G. Clark.  The demographics of the district heavily favored the Democrat, and Franklin had beaten Clark by only 2 percentage points two years prior in the '82 election.  So Democrats had high hopes for this rematch. 

Campaign forces from outside the state came in to assist both campaigns.  In the early fall, as election day approached, a young mixed-race couple began walking up and down the sidewalks of the sleepy town.  They looked to be in their early twenties.  He was black, and she was white.  Almost every weekday at about three in the afternoon, they would walk past my window, sometimes arm in arm.  They would walk down to the end of the street where it ended at the river levy, cross over, and walk back up the street on the opposite sidewalk past all the storefronts.

It is hard to believe now, but this was an unusual site at that time in the Mississippi Delta, and there was quite a bit of grumbling from the white old-timers at the barbershop next door.  From everything I observed, no one bothered the couple, and they were pretty much ignored.  There was no racial "incident."

That November, Franklin won re-election, again by only 2 percentage points.  After the election, the couple disappeared.  They were seen neither before nor since.  I strongly suspected at the time and have since become convinced that the these kids were put out by agents provocateurs trolling for racist reactions.  Had there been such an incident, undoubtedly it would have increased black voter turnout and turned the election.  It just so happened that Jesse Jackson was in town campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination at the time. 

This is part of the old playbook of the Democrats and their willing accomplices in the media.  Perhaps a news crew was at the ready nearby.  This was the same town where Progressive journalist Hodding Carter II began his newspaper to write editorials against racial injustice several years prior.

The outside forces that I suspect put these kids up to this must have thought some racist would rise to the bait, which shows more about the prejudice and ignorance of the outsiders.  The race-trollers came up empty.  They thought this was 1955 Emmit Tillville.  Progressives love the past when it suits. 

A black cop serving under a black police chief in North Carolina shoots an armed black man, and 70 percent of the subsequent rioters arrested were from out of state.  A white cop shoots an unarmed black man in Oklahoma, and there's little reaction.  Reason: Oklahoma is a heavily red state, but North Carolina is a battleground state.  The problem for the Democrats is that people are tired of the racial divisiveness under Obama, and the North Carolina riots by the outside agitators will likely bring the law and order vote out to vote for Trump.  Their old trick is going to backfire.

A multimillionaire quarterback fool believes racist tripe, and so he takes a knee during the National Anthem, and the NFL ratings drop.  Real Americans have woken up to this shtick and to the fact that this election is our last chance to take back our country from the race-baiters and crooks who think of us as irredeemable deplorables.  

I still live in Mississippi, and as a conscious observer of race relations here, I can tell you that every time I see people in the grocery store or at a ballgame, everybody pretty much gets along, racially speaking.  If there is any racial component, it is subtle, and it most always takes the form of race-conscious whites, especially women, calling blacks "Sir" and "Ma'am" in the most incidental of interactions, so much so as to be almost comical.  

Keith Olbermann always does this overly repetitious "sir" homage in his interviews with blacks.  It is a type of "white guilt" groveling.  "Oh, dear great and noble black man of oppressed heritage, please excuse the whiteness of my personage and all the evil history that such whiteness carries, for I do truly love you and admire all you have endured, and I am truly and forever sorry."  Southern white men respect ourselves and blacks more than to engage in such psychobabble tripe, which is just another version of racism.  But Olbermann and his ilk are blind to it, because self-validation through racial perception must be preserved at the expense of true equality. 

I once was talking with a black garbage man (trash collector) here in Mississippi.  He told me of a time when he was up North and was down on his luck.  All the Northern whites slammed the door in his face, as it were.  He was in a bad way until he came upon a man with a Southern drawl who basically said, "What the hell do you want?"  The black man said to himself, "Thank you, Lord – I thought I was going to starve to death."

This reminded me of a very old-school Southern college professor who, many years ago, told me, "The Southern white man hates the black man as a race but likes the black man as a person.  The Northern white man likes the black man as a race but hates him as a person."  Things have changed since then, of course, but one way or another, Trump has come to realize a type of this attitude in his speeches when he forthrightly asks black people to vote for him and says the Democrat party sees the races only as groups to be gamed for votes, not as people.  This is the inverse of MLK's dream of people being judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.  The Democrats have returned to their racist roots – that is, if they ever left them at all. 

America today is so bereft of racism that the Black Lives Matter movement is a witch hunt in search of a witch.  These are mainly bored and empty young people subconsciously ashamed of their failures in the face of no more racial excuses or are fatuous fools of self-pity who buy in to the false narrative.  In a moral universe, the silent testimonies of self-sacrifice drown out the cries of spoiled children, where the lives of the young men that fell on the beaches of Normandy truly mattered.  The lives of these unaccomplished tiny dancers?  Not so much.  At best, they are easily manipulated and in search of meaning, but, to a person, these liberal arts dropouts would not be able to tell you what continent Normandy is on.

Not only are we on to these race-baiters now, but we're weary of bearing them.  When it comes to the race agitator's shenanigans at election time, in colloquial terms, that dog won't hunt anymore.  It would be best to stick to the tricks that work for Democrats: voter fraud and illegal immigration.

As the public schools and city government continued their downward spiral, I and other whites left Greenville.  Webb Franklin lost the '86 election to black Democrat Mike Espy, by 2 points. 

W.R. Wansley is a former press assistant to the Republican National Committee and for the last 30 years has been an investment adviser.  He writes occasionally from Laurel, Mississippi.

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