European Conservative Parties Are Not 'Far Right'

I keep reading in the European fakestream media that the new upsurge in conservative democratic parties in Europe all comes down to fascists and paleo-Nazis. They are not – any more than Republicans are fascists and Nazis.

Euro-conservatives sound just like you, me, and Donald Trump.  They talk about freedom and democracy.  They talk about tolerance for democratic parties but not for totalitarian killers.  They talk about taking control of their borders again.  Their college campuses have been subverted and turned upside-down, just as ours have.  Their police forces often turn against normal people on behalf of murderous barbarians, just as ours are being pushed to do.

But normal people in Europe have finally gathered the courage to call the enemy by name.

Europe's media constantly smear democratic conservatives as "extreme right" or "fascist."  That is a vicious lie, as you can hear for yourself by listening to video speeches on the web by European conservatives. 

If you don't happen to understand their languages, you can listen to Nigel Farage, who sounds just like Trump.

But notice that the Fakestream in Europe can never allow conservatives to speak, not without smearing them in the same sentence.  Trump is a madman according to the media elites in Europe.  But then their own democratic populists are also ready to go for a new Hitler, if you listen to the establishment media. 

I've just listened to one of the heroic figures of the resistance, Geert Wilders, who has twice been arrested and convicted of "hate speech" by the neo-fascist establishment in the Netherlands.  Over there, the "mainstream media" have lost all credibility, just like the Washington Post and the New York Times.  Over there, normal people are sick and tired – and scared – of the pile of lies they have to listen to every day.  They no longer believe a word of it.

Before Trump was elected, European conservatives were forbidden to speak out, accused of Nazism or racism.  Today, they are finding their true voices.

Democratic conservatism has gone international – not as a centralized ideology, but as a commonsense revolt by ordinary people for their ordinary freedoms.  Patriotism is coming back over there as well, and no, that doesn't mean a return to the Kaiser's militarism in Germany, or Napoleonic grandeur in France.  It means a return to normalcy.

When Euro-conservatives give speeches, Donald Trump gets tremendous applause.  Trump's victory in the U.S. has given courage to tens of millions of Europeans, who have been afraid to speak out.  Some have been jailed, and all have been smeared in the public media.  But they are not going to take it anymore. 

You'll never, ever read this in the New York Times.  Or in the WaPo.  Or in the highly concentrated "news" cartel that controls what most Americans hear. 

Marxo-jihadist globalism is always the same, here and there.  And just like here, ordinary people are outraged and ready to take to the streets.  They are not fascists, and they are certainly not Nazis.  They are not totalitarians of any kind at all.  They are true democrats with a small d.

Ordinary, healthy patriotism is in.  Sensible talk is in.  Crazy fascism can be heard coming only from the totalitarian left, just as in our country.

The treacherous establishments in Europe are closely allied to the corrupting forces of jihad and the Soros left.  Young, empty-headed kids are being indoctrinated there, just as they are here.  Trained ruckus-makers in black masks are taking the side of jihad over there, just as here. 

Everyday Europeans are very scared, because their governments no longer protect them from thugs and rapists.  Women are afraid to show their blond hair (or any other color hair, for that matter).

The same fascist smear tactics we see in Berkeley today are being used in Europe.  And no wonder: The sources of political poison are the same left-jihadist Axis of Evil we see in this country.  These are people who have been told by Alinsky types like Obama and Hillary that the American middle class is "the enemy."  And today, when they run the Organs of Propaganda, they are persuading airheads on colleges around the country that their parents and grandparents, normal Americans, are indeed their enemy. 

Obama is an expert Alinsky ruckus-maker.  The term "community organizer" used to be called "Communist agitator," when Communists were not afraid to be labeled accurately, and agitation-propaganda is exactly what they do.  The anti-Trump riots are organized by neo-Stalinists, who have never given up their quest for total power.  They are not subtle about it. 

The U.S. media are now completely corrupt, united in their goal of destroying Donald Trump.  The Euro-media are exactly the same.  But normal people don't speak in a single voice.  They speak in many voices.  Democracy is unpredictable, and power cults around the world are starting to finally see it.

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