Patriots Must Organize to Keep Winning

Leftists always out-organizes conservatives.  They build new organizations, or they infiltrate them and take over.  But the last election shows at least that we are a majority in the country.

Conservatives have crucially important ideas about schools and education; about sane and sensible environmentalism; about the crucial role of small business in building jobs; about building prosperity in welfare-poisoned neighborhoods; and lastly, about changing the culture toward ordinary wholesome health again.  We need a new constitutional coalition, and most of all, we need new and forward-looking leadership.  As Rush Limbaugh points out, Donald Trump has come along at a near-miraculous moment, with a good chance to turn things around.  But he needs our help every day he is in the Office of the President. 

The GOP can be part of the new conservative coalition, but we know its weaknesses, and the same goes for every lobby and constituency that wants conservative government.  Our retired military tend to be conservative and provide a huge pool of talented and dedicated Americans.  There are many other talent pools to be tapped.  There's nuthin' to it but to do it.  

I don't see any choice but to organize and build a permanent membership-based party, with checks and balances at every level, federal, state and local, and constant activism

Because we know damned well what will happen if and when the left regains power.  They are totalitarians.

For the first time, we have the technology to build a conservative movement responsible to its members and only to its members.  All the usual conservative groups are vital, but they do not represents all American conservatives and patriots.  An organized movement, or coalition of movements, could make that happen. 

For the next four to eight years, this could be a coalition led by Donald Trump.  It could include a major public message element with big radio, television and web stars. It could have membership feedback and hold regular elections.  It could hold the left to the letter and spirit of the law. 

In 2017, we have a makings of an organized movement, but we know that the left is always out-organizing us, because – for one thing – leftists don't care how many rules they break. 

We just saw as much with the recent 9th Circus failure to even read or cite the 1952 immigration law it is trying to block.  This is judicial malfeasance, and it should be penalized.  It is unacceptable.

A new membership organization could put enormous pressure on the 9th Circuit and on its party-line pressure groups like the ACLU.

Conservatives in Europe are just beginning to peek out from under the same radical lead blanket of overregulation, intimidation, and deadening control of media.  In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders is doing a great job with his Freedom Party, which may win a plurality in the Parliament.  In the U.K., real conservatives no longer run the Conservative Party, which has been taken over by careerist Euro-politicians, but the voters are there, if some real leader should arise.  In France, Marine Le Pen (unlike her father) may become the Margaret Thatcher of the moment.

In Europe and America (including South America), we need to organize, organize, organize.  The web and computer technology makes it possible.

I believe that a Constitutional Movement could be the key, organized to reflect basic constitutional principles. 

We are living in a time when the federal judiciary, the bureaucracy, even the Departments of Defense and Justice have become dangerously corrupt.  Hillary's tenure at Justice was one third-world scandal after another.  That must never happen again. 

William F. Buckley tried to organize a Conservative Party in New York, with some success – but not enough.  Others have tried.  Today we have smart public opinion leaders, but they are individualistic, which is good, but we need more unity as well.  A movement with major media conservatives could be part of a winning formula.  But no single group should dominate permanently. 

I don't know the answer in detail.  But in the age of instant communication and public messaging, Donald Trump has shown the way.  Like it or not, Mr. Trump is our Abe Lincoln of the moment.  Like Ronald Reagan and Lincoln himself, he is a talented and effective leader – even if you don't agree with his every move. 

Having wonderful leaders with new ideas is one key ingredient.  But we also need continuity, to lead American and international conservatives on a permanent path to democratic power. 

In Europe and America, "populist conservatism" is emerging as a force to be reckoned with, because the left keeps pursuing extremely dangerous and even suicidal policies.  Leftists are a utopian cult, and we are a huge network of common sense and common purpose.  We don't need – and we can't promise – some globalist paradise to come.  What we want is sober, good government, without corruption, without waste and abuse of power.  We already see plenty of that on the left. 

With the Trump election, we know that the popular base is there for us.  With liberty-loving conservatives winning in Europe, we know that a worldwide coalition is now possible, and using your computer on the web, you can communicate personally with true conservatives in India, Australia, and Britain. 

The American left has rebuilt something close to the Stalin Popular Front years during the Stalin era, much more radical and fanatical than the mainstream liberals of a few decades ago.  We cannot afford to let this moment of opportunity slip away, as the Reagan and Lincoln years did.  We must build to last. 

With the new media, we've seen real leaders emerge, only to fade again.  There are all kinds of models for more lasting organizations that still stand for real principles and that hold individual accountable. 

We desperately need a powerful conservative movement that will allow many voices to speak but keep out totalitarians and corrupt money types like Soros. 

With your computer and mine, it has to be possible.

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