What We’ve Always Wanted: Courage

If you think the media is amplifying dissent now, just wait until deportations start. Whether that entails the removal of just a couple million truly bad apples or many more here illegally, you haven’t seen anything yet. Prepare yourselves for staged videos and cherry-picked articles depicting the most heart-tugging scenes imaginable to sway those of weak mind. The inaugural stage has barely been torn down and already rabid leftists are calling for assassination, impeachment, and all-out chaos in our streets. When the new American president begins removing the future Democratic voter base in large numbers, you will see the worst the media and cultural left have to offer.

Since leftist ideas are losing badly, the American victim class has no choice but to strive for as much cultural, racial, and ethnic division as possible. In order to either create a mid-term tidal wave (unlikely) or defeat President Trump in 2020, they will need to make racial, ethnic, and religious relations even worse than they are now. That is why Islam is suddenly a race, unrestricted entry to America is a fundamental human right, and men and women sent to represent Middle America gathering together for a photo represents the height of bigotry. In spite of the tantrums, at least 57% of Americans support last week’s restrictions (only 33% oppose, with 10% “undecided”), meaning that a vast majority of non-coastal America is thrilled with the progress so far and will feel the same way about actions on illegal immigration.

Recently, audio content from last week’s GOP retreat in Philadelphia surfaced and revealed that several Republican lawmakers are waffling about what to do over ObamaCare’s upcoming banishment to the dustbin of history. Tom McClintock expressed concern that the GOP would be judged harshly in the 2018 mid-term elections if the replacement turns out to be a failure. To translate for the congressman: “Never mind that installing a massively successful program would probably convert the mushy middle to GOP-leaning for many years to come -- we should be afraid that we will lose our house seats by taking a risk.” When a seat in Washington is so valuable that people like John McCain are still running for them at the age of 80, or lawmakers are afraid to step up to the plate and fulfill controversial promises, we have major issues. Truly, “draining the swamp” will require term limits.

The GOP has been campaigning against ObamaCare for nearly seven years, and it may or may not have a viable solution ready to go. This is why America elected Donald Trump, who has fulfilled many of his promises already. Even in the face of organized rioting and patchy support from his own party, he is standing firm and making waves on a daily basis. Given the political pendulum cycle, he could probably lie low, avoid the multiple mass migration-related crises America has on hand, and get re-elected in four years, but it appears that he is going to act in the best interest of the nation and drive his platform through, regardless of the cost.

That is the way it is supposed to be. Our nation’s leaders should act in the best interest of the country without worry over the next election. Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, and most of the GOP field from 2016 would not have had the audacity to publicly institute last week’s restrictions, and they absolutely wouldn’t have the courage to actually implement measures to permanently end illegal immigration.

The left used to arrogantly believe that the future was theirs only because of changing demographics, which is actually an extremely bigoted concept when you decipher that they are counting on people to vote for them only because of ethnicity, race, or skin color, and not because of ideology. Many Texas, Florida, and Arizona Republicans have done well with the Hispanic population because those voters, given time, tend to learn English, assimilate, make money, move to the suburbs, and identify more with their socially conservative cultural values than previous levels of economic dependence. The only source of future success for the left lies not necessarily in changing racial or ethnic demographics, but in increased or sustained levels of poverty in their support blocs. When millions of illegal aliens are deported, there will be media seething like you’ve never seen before. With the faucets turned off at the border, the current population of new immigrants will eventually assimilate, and when combined with a right-shifting white demographic, will help constitute a powerful conservative movement for the future.

It is possible that these controversial, but much needed, moves by President Trump will cause fierce anger to the uninformed and short-term pain to the GOP, such as legislative losses in 2018 or even the presidency in 2020; however, without measures at the border and to our refugee program, hope for the right is futile. This administration is behaving as if winning elections isn’t the only thing that matters, and that doing what is needed to ensure a future for America is.

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