When Bill O’Reilly Misled His Viewers

On Aprll 13, 2011, a viewer sent the following to Bill O’Reilly. He addressed it during the email segment of his show:

John Knox: Arlington, VA: What about Obama having a Connecticut social security number.  He never lived there.

Bill O’Reilly: But his father lived in Connecticut for several years, John.  Babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents.

            (at 1:12 minutes)

Why did O’Reilly mislead, and what is the lie?

Two years before O’Reilly’s declaration, I uncovered the phony number.  At the request of a client, who turned to me as a licensed private investigator, I found that Barack Obama was using the Connecticut social security number 042-68-4425, which was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone born in the year 1890.

If it seems implausible that someone would acquire their SSN at the age of 87, I can explain why it is not.  As I researched Obama’s number, I found the file of a woman who was issued her number on the same day in March.  A letter revealed she had been using her husband’s SSN and needed one of her own, more than likely for government assistance.

My theory is that the person actually assigned the number that Obama uses was in a similar circumstance.  On March 28, 1977 Barack Obama was fifteen years old and living in Hawaii.

Although the Obama administration changed issuance of SSNs to randomly assigned in 2011, until then they were assigned by where a person lived when they filled out their application.

From the Social Security Administration: RM 10201.030 Structure of the Social Security Number (SSN) A.  Prior to June 25, 2011, the first three digits of the SSN represented the area number.  The area number reflected the State as derived from the ZIP Code in the mailing address the number holder provided on the application for an original SSN card.

Further investigation revealed that Obama began using the CT SSN in his mid-20s and continues to this day.  In a 2009 tax return he filed as president, that number was used. As more information was collected, the SSN showed up with a cell phone number that was attached to his addresses in IL, MA and D.C.  Repeatedly his actual birthday of August 4, 1961 appeared, but so did 1890.

The last four numbers (4425) appear on his “alleged” verification of a Selective Service Application.  That application, however, is suspect as invalid because it does not have the same date stamp as a half dozen other applications, which were filed within days of his in Hawaii in 1980.

When Hawaii social security numbers were still assigned by address of applicant, all numbers began with 575 or 576.  Obama’s half-sister, Maya, has one that begins with 576. His father, Barack Obama Sr. was assigned one that started with 575.  Yet Obama Jr.’s starts with 042.

Progressives have tried repeatedly to explain away the stolen number, mostly bordering on the ridiculous.  Like Bill O’Reilly, Carole Gilbert in a Yahoo-related “Associated Content” said that Obama Sr. lived in CT, which is preposterous on its face.  He went to Harvard, which is in Massachusetts.  Perhaps neither has ever looked at a map.

O’Reilly’s observation is even more foolish because the number was issued in 1977 and Obama Sr. was given the “bum’s rush” by Harvard in 1964, according to his immigration file and he returned to HI only once in 1971.

According to the Immigration file, Harvard did not allow him to write his thesis after he impregnated a young female from Kenya and a complaint was filed against him by the mother of a white woman, Ruth Beatrice Baker, who was under his thrall.  Harvard dumped him by cutting off his money and Immigration forced him to leave.

Another obtuse accusation is that his access to the CT number was because of a typo.  The Zip code for CT starts with 068 and HI starts with 968.  Obama lived at only three Zip codes in HI.  A quick call to the post office in CT revealed that there were no comparable numbers there for two of them and the third was a dedicated number to Union Carbide in the early ‘90s.

All of this information was contained in a lawsuit I filed in OH in 2012 against the Secretary of State in an effort to keep Obama off the ballot until he could prove his SSN was legitimate.

No one appeared in court for the opposing side but a hearing was held. Fortunately, supporters were there and can still attest to the unacceptable behavior of the Republican judge.  His court reporter even truncated the official transcript of the hearing.

Three days after the hearing, he dismissed my case base on a motion by the government.  (No judge in the history of Man has ever filed anything that quickly.)  The four page dismissal said, in part, “Plaintiff somehow equates use of an improper social security number as a disqualifying event in that the candidate has thereby violated ‘any other requirement established by law.’”

In other words, it’s perfectly fine to use a stolen social security number.  The only problem is that it is a felony.

People are under the misconception that presidential candidates are vetted by their party.  They are not.  Hawaii officials violated their own Constitution to put Obama’s name on their ballot.  He could not prove with a birth certificate that he qualified to run for office so they changed the Certificate of Nomination to accommodate him.  (All that is also in my lawsuit.)  The person who accomplished that in 2008 was the head of the Hawaiian Democrat Party.  His name is Brian Schatz.  He is now the senior senator from Hawaii.

Susan Daniels is an Ohio state-licensed private investigator and has been since 1995.

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