In His Own Image: How to 'Flip' a Country

It was no mistake.  And now, we seem free to notice.

The President of the United States for eight years was, and still is, a hidden identity.  But what can be known of him, short of all that is still hidden, can be aligned with subtle and difficult to detect forces put in place by his administration.  It is easy to see how these “forces” are an extension of his persona, and signal his stated desire to reshape the United States of America.  Fundamental transformation was the key phrase.

Breitbart repors that the federal government, “our” federal government, promotes and funds programs that enable foreign students to enter our universities. 

The little-known “Optional Practical Training” program has grown from 91,140 new foreign job-seekers in 2009 to 329,158 new job-seekers in 2016, according to data provided by the Department of Homeland Security. That is almost a four-fold increase in seven years — and the program is growing even larger in 2017.

More disquieting, domestic corporations were paid through tax considerations to hire foreigners over the sons and daughters of citizens of the United States.  The money for this was extracted by those harmed by the program, the citizen.

In 2014, the OPT program provided work permits to 249,998 foreign graduates, according to the data provided to Breitbart News by the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the program. Two years later, the number of new foreign graduates entering the program had risen by 32 percent up to 329,158.


The program provides a one-year work permit to all graduates. It also provides an extra one-year permit to graduates who work in a so-called high-tech “STEM” job. In 2016, officials working for former President Barack Obama extended the STEM permits from one year to two years. If only 20,000 of the 51,672 STEM workers from 2015 used Obama’s one-year extension, they would have increased the 2016 total from 329,158 up to 350,000.

The annual inflow of new foreign OPT workers is now roughly three times larger than the annual inflow of 110,000 H-1B white-collar contract workers. However, the H-1B program offers longer visas to foreign workers, so it keeps a larger population of roughly 650,000 foreign white-collar workers in the United States, compared to roughly 350,000 OPT workers.

As the Federal Reserve presses interest rates down to push employment and wages up, the pressures from foreign workers operates counter to their efforts.

The promotion of foreign student / worker supply hobbles the efforts of the Fed.

That the left hand is working opposite the right might be an issue in the real world, but not in the world of government.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that in 2012, about 44% of grads were working in jobs that didn’t require a college degree — a rate that, while about what it was in early 1990s, increased after the 2001 and 2007-09 recessions. Only 36% of that group were in what the researchers called “good non-college jobs” — those paying around $45,000 a year — down from around half in the 1990s. The share of underemployed recent grads in low-wage (below $25,000) jobs rose from about 15% in 1990 to more than 20%. About one-in-five (23%) underemployed recent grads were working part-time in 2011, up from 15% in 2000.

Because the availability of slots at universities is finite, and because subsidized foreigners take some of those slots, the ability of the universities to raise tuition for the remaining spots increases.  And it does, much to delight of the administration and faculty, the vast majority of whom lean heavily left.  These programs thus take money from the citizenry, promote and elevate foreigners, and reward the leftist faculty and administrations.

It is suggested that our industries need these foreign workers for technology jobs.  But one might ask why our universities are not producing the type of graduates from domestic stock that would fill that need? With the higher tuition costs should not the final product be equally improved?

Barack Hussein Obama, a man of the world, the globalist multi-racial entity who moved through the university system with more than one last name, the son of a foreigner, who keeps his college records from the sunlight, orchestrated these programs.  The fact that he was grade-schooled in a foreign land and perhaps a recipient of foreign aid to attend universities in the United States seems to propel Obama’s special arrangement for those such as he.  The thumb in the eye to the citizenry is that those harmed, the American Citizen Taxpayer, funded the tilting of the field against themselves.

Coupling with this promotion of foreign students and their fast-tracking into employment with taxpayer funds, overstaying visa-holders roam fearlessly throughout the United States.  Try this in another country.

From the Daily Signal:

According to the Department of Homeland Security’s recently issued “Entry/Exit Overstay Report,” 628,799 legal immigrants overstayed their visas in fiscal year 2016. Of that number, 544,676 are still believed to be in the United States, meaning only 84,123 of those who initially overstayed ended up leaving the country.

From the same article referencing the same report:

The January overstay figure—544,676—is equal to an overstay rate of 1.07 percent for 2016. By comparison, in 2015 there were 416,500 overstays, amounting to a rate of 0.9 percent.

The failure to enforce immigration law, the promotion of foreign students and their employment funded by the American taxpayer, the non-enforcement of overstayed visas, all result in an eight year push to engorge the United States with foreigners in advance of and elevated over our very own.  This is the harvest from eight years of Barack Hussein Obama.  It is no mistake, but rather a calculated undercurrent set in motion by his sympathies and his persona, both of which are as foreign as you may wish to imagine.








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