The Irony of Politics and Terrorism

Dreaming politically correct visions of world peace while denying the truth about terrorism only exacerbates the problem.  The irony is that the voters saw through the politically correct charade and spoke with their feet on election day, in the U.S. and the U.K.  It is clear: people have had enough terror.

The past few months brought the three heartbreaking attacks in London and Manchester and now yet another at a mosque in Finsbury Park.  It seems that the string of attacks will not be ending anytime soon.  While most believe that Brexit was the downfall of the conservatives, I contend that U.K. prime minister Theresa May, in large part, lost the parliamentary majority due to her inability to see the infiltration of radical Islamism in her country.  While the Brexit clock is ticking, so too is the terrorism clock.  The alarms went off loudly after the deadly terrorist attacks, but still today, it is uncertain if the politicians have awakened.  It may be too late in parts of Europe.

In the United States, President Donald Trump was elected in part because of his tough talk on curbing terrorism.  His leadership agenda created large divisions among American voters.  Trump's promise to build a wall on the southern border with Mexico, if kept, is a signal to the world that there is a new sheriff in town.

There is much to be done.  First, it is the height of irony that American schools are using textbooks written by Saudi Arabia and then complaining that the students are learning to hate America and the Constitution. Sharia law is Allah's law, and the U.S. Constitution was written by men; therefore, according to Islamists, the Constitution is not valid.

Second, isn't it ironic that Americans teach tolerance of all religions while the Islamists teach that killing anyone who does not follow the Qur'an and sharia law must be killed?

Third, how about the irony that terrorist organizations continue to exist in America with support, access to power, and taxpayer dollars, while at the same time, the political leaders are speaking to their constituencies about stamping out terror?  Laws must be passed declaring terrorist organizations as such, including the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, ISNA, and others.

Most people are not aware that jailed terrorists receive payment for their murders, and the funding comes from the U.S. taxpayers.  To discontinue this funding, the Taylor Force Act must be confirmed by Congress.  The U.S. should be ashamed of giving the Palestinians money to create more death.  The more the terrorists kill, the more money they make.

Forth, ironically, some members in the U.S. Congress are doing everything they can to stop President Trump from completing his pledge to keep America safe again, even though during their campaigns they also pledged security to their constituents.  Perhaps it is not about being safe, but about being powerful.  The Islamists concur, as they slowly take powerful positions inside the U.S. government, communities, mosques, and schools.

Extremist fundamentalists remind us that freedom and democracy are at risk. Terror, as an instrument for political change, strikes the very foundations of our democracies and Western values.  It is ironic that Islamic fundamentalists fight freedom while using it to serve their subversive Salafist ideology.  We are reminded that Western countries are in a battle to defend our civilization against barbarism.  American freedom of speech allows radical imams to preach hatred of America and Americans while freely trying to destroy it from within.  The very laws radical Islamists are criticizing allow them to have the freedom to criticize.

Fifth, it is the height of irony that radical imams claim that they respect women yet require them to be fully covered head to toe when leaving the house.  They are victims of female genital mutilation, can legally be beaten and killed by their husbands, and cannot hold a job without permission.  The power and control over Islamic women that sharia law allows are anything but respectful.

From Manchester to London, New York to Tel Aviv, to Paris and beyond, the web of terror is expanding worldwide.  There is irony in the fact that many countries are helping to spin the totalitarian web that will eventually consume them.  Britons are tired of the bloodshed; many are pleading for political correctness to end and safety and security to begin.

Still, governments continue to make the mistake of inviting the Islamist Trojan Horse inside their communities.  While politicians watch as the mammoth radical mosques are built in their states and children are brainwashed with anti-American propaganda, political correctness prevails.  Those who live in the home of the brave must be brave enough to protect their home.

Valerie Greenfeld is the author of Backyard Caliphate: Radicalization in our Neighborhood Visit her blog at

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